Sweet dreams are make of these

Do you have a long work day? Do you have a lot of stress in your life? If you answered yes to either of these questions, you probably have a hard time relaxing AND drink a lot of wine.. If you have a hard time relaxing, you probably have a hard time getting to sleep or may wake up with a wine hangover. I can relate and have spent months trying to find things to help me relax. Thankfully I have found a few products that have come to the rescue.

After a long stressful day, I find I need to set the mood to relax. I love to light candles, especially ones with warm, comforting scents. Lately I have been burning my vanilla cupcake candle from Bath and Body Works. The vanilla scent makes me feel warm and safe, allowing me to relax. During the summer months I would follow up with drinking a glass of wine and taking in the comforting smells. Now that it has become colder out, I opt for a hot cup of tea.

After enjoying my beverage of choice, I like to take a hot shower. The hot water relaxes my body and allows me to further de-stress. I apply a generous amount of my Aqua Spa body creme in Relax. It is a combination of lavender and chamomile. The scent lingers a long time and smells amazing.

After my shower I like to read a book and have a glass of Tart Cherry juice. Tart Cherry juice is a natural source of the hormone melatonin, which helps with sleeping and insomnia. I notice when I drink the juice, I am less restless and get a better nights rest. Anything that isn't a man made chemical and helps me sleep is A-OK in my book!

Now that I have relaxed with my yummy smelling candle, slathered myself in calming body creme, drank my juice, it's time to head to bed. I already feel much better and less stressed. I add one more final touch to the routine, which is spritzing my pillow with Febreze Sleep Serenity in Lavender. Its the perfect ending to my long, stressful days. I also use Lavender oil which is not pictured, which is also great. Sometimes grabbing the spritz bottle is easier, but the oil is 100% more effective.

So there you have it. My relax routine for those crazy days.

 How do you deal with stressful days? Have you ever used any of these methods? Tell me below!

Linking up with  Treasure Tromp for Treat Yo Self Thursday and The Grits Blog for Little Friday :)

Treasure Tromp
The Grits Blog - Little Friday Linkup

Love me some goals!

A new month and new goals to be met. I love goals. They help me stay focused and motivate me to continue on. Octobers goals were really all rolled into one thing. I worked on interacting more and setting a schedule for blogging. I think I did a pretty good job with that. I have made some new friends, my numbers are up, I am sponsoring more blogs, I was accepted to Blog Her, and I overall feel like this blog has done some growing in just a months time. What more could a little blogger ask for?

Now for November I am going to set some more goals. Not just blogging goals. Life goals too! Lets see if I can do it!
  • "Operation Healthy"- getting my booty to the gym at least 4 days a week!
  • Set up sponsorships right through the holidays. Such a great gift for me and the blog I sponsor :)
  • Keep my Facebook fan page updated regularly.
  • Grow my Twitter followers to 550 (Currently at 459)
  • Prepare ahead and have a stress-less holiday season.
  • Get all of my Christmas shopping DONE :)
There you have it. My November goals. I know I can do it!

Today I am thankful for lunch hours. It is so nice to be able to step away from the office for an hour to destress and get yourself back in the game for the afternoon!

Make it a great Tueday!

Dia de los Muertos

November came in with a vengeance. Windy, cold, and grey. What better way to celebrate Día de los Muertos? (Day of the Dead). This is a celebration of the dead, a joyous time to remember and celebrate the lives of our loved ones that have passed on. It is often associated with the sugar skulls we tend to see around Halloween. Recently I have had a handful of friends lose their parents. It reminds us that life is precious and we need to cherish the ones we love because we never know what tomorrow will bring.  Dia de los Muertos is just what I needed to find comfort in tragedy.

A friend had a small gathering to remember the loved ones we have lost. It was hosted in her beautiful library in her home. A fire was cracking as the focal point and we all sat and talked and laughed, making the hard times easier to pass. We drank chicha morada, which is a corn based drink with sweet spices mixed in. It is served warm to symbolize blood. It sounds odd, but is a very tasty. We feasted on apples, carrots, hummus, olives and cookies.

I really enjoyed having a few hours to just remember and be happy. I don't like thinking that we are all getting older and these things start to happen more frequently.

Have you ever celebrated Dia de los Muertos? How did you do it?

As I mentioned in Saturday's post, I want to use this month to talk about the things in life I am thankful for. Since I did not post yesterday I will post 2 things.

Sunday: I am thankful for patience. Sometimes this is needed and if people can't be patient with you, it makes for a worse outcome.

Today: I am thankful for my job. Even though it is hard on Monday's to get up and get going, I am thankful I am able to support myself thanks to my job.

What are you thankful for today?


Well hello there November 1st, AKA "buy all the leftover Halloween candy now that its 70% off" day! Now while we are out there ravishing all the Halloween bins, Christmas is being forced on us. That's right, as you're digging through a bin full of candy take a look around you. There's Santa mocking you. Or Frosty wiggling his ass in excitement. It's a little depressing to say the least. Some people even woke up today to a little winter snow. ICK! It's a sure sign that the magic of Fall is slowly diminishing and winter is creeping up on us.

If you're like me, winter is fun when we get up on Christmas morning and there is a nice coating of white on the ground. Then after that, it can go back to being in the 60's throughout winter. In a perfect world (or Florida?) this may happen. But sadly I live in Central NY, so that wish isn't coming true ANYTIME soon. Even as a child I was not a fan of snow. I blame this partially on being raised in the south and enjoying my mild winters. But as an adult there is no such thing as a "snow day". My job is open come hell or high water.

Okay I do not want to turn this post into all the reason I do not like Winter, but it kind of went that way for a minute.. Following the breadcrumbs I laid for myself, I will get back on subject. November. November is a month of many things.I was surprised at how many great little quirky days November hosted. On top of having a month full of men (and some women) not shaving we also have:

National Vegan Month
National Novel Writing Month
American Diabetes Month
Aviation History Month
Peanut Butter Lovers Month ( I could get on board for this..)
Chemistry Week (First week of November)
Game and Puzzle Week (3rd week of November)
Book Lover's Day (November 1st)
Daylight's Saving Time (Don't forget to turn those clocks back tonight!)
Day of the Dead (November 2nd)
Marooned without a Compass Day (November 6th- For all your pirates out there!)
Chaos Never Dies Day (November 9th)
Sadie Hawkins Day (November 13th- Ladies ask those men out!)
Electronic Greeting Card Day (November 17)
World Hello Day (November 21)
Thanksgiving! (November 27th- Eat, Drink and Be Thankful!)

There you have it. Some fun days that are celebrated throughout November. I didn't list them all because there are tons of them, but these were some of my favorites. Now take a moment to think about something you are thankful for. I am going to list something everyday I am thankful for this month.

Today I am thankful for this blog. It gives me an outlet and lets me interact with all of you beautiful people. Make it a great Saturday!

The "promotion" stage is over

I am super nervous right now. I have what I feel like is my first "big girl" assignment at work today. Remember back in August I told you guys I got promoted? If you are new here, check that out *here* and then check out my take on the "internal interview". Anyways since I haven't really given an update on how the new job is going, I figured I could give and update and tell you why I'm so darn nervous!

I officially took over my new position on August 21st. It has been a whirlwind of emotions and struggles. The position I was promoted to is a newly created position. I also mentioned somewhere along the way that my new counterpart was my supervisor. She is now my equal. If that isn't awkward, I don't know what is.

So I got an office, and a new desk (Like literally brand new guys! I got to order it and watch it be built...) and last but certainly not least I got a window. Office with a view. Yep.. Moving on up! So now that I'm all moved into my fancy new office and fancy new title, I started to wonder, what exactly was I supposed to be doing? Because the position is brand new, no one knew what I should actually be doing. Of course they all had ideas, dreams, wishes, and all that jazz, but no real structure.

I came from a pretty demanding position (Read my funny take on "What's my job again?") so sitting around twiddling my thumbs was not my idea of work. I spent a good portion of my time on Facebook because I honestly had nothing to do. I would get assignments that were meant to last a day, but seriously? Adding someone's name to a copy list for email was not my idea of an "all day project." That took me 2 seconds. Literally. I came home and questioned my choice of taking the new position.

So fast forward to today. My job has definitely picked up. I am constantly running and working for lots of different people. My priorities change daily, and I am still working on a schedule that works for me. I think I am doing a great job and have gotten numerous emails from my coworkers telling me the same. It feels good to know I am making a difference somewhere. People appreciate the work I am putting in. Things with the boss turned equal are going well too. We get along better then I had anticipated and we work together nicely to get stuff done.

All in all I am happy with there my position is headed.  It was really looking like a lost cause in the beginning but I am glad it has made a turn for the better. Now back to today. Yesterday the CEO of my company came into my office and gave me and my counterpart we were going on a walk through with him and a select few others. Our bosses didn't even know we were going to attend this walk through. I had to make sure I looked my best today so I can make a good impression. So here goes nothing!

Wish me luck and I'll fill you all in later on how it goes!

I am linking up with Treasure Tromp and the Grits Blog today!

Treasure Tromp

Wellness Wednesday: Public Service Announcement

This week I have really picked up the pace when making sure to get to the gym and eat better. On Monday I told you all that I had a REALLY bad week last week when it came to food. I managed to get myself to the gym 4 days last week which was great, however due to my carelessness to only eating bad stuff, I am paying now. The sugar alone has reaped havoc on my face. I have red blotches and under the skin breakouts that hurt a lot. I felt very sluggish and unmotivated on top of that. Not so much fun.

I am treating this as a public service announcement to all of you. Think next time you want to fall off the wagon with your fitness, remember this story. Now everyone is different on how they react to certain things, but I do remember a dietician telling me once that EVERYONE has a sugar intolerance to a point. It is not good for our systems in large quantities.

So here I am with all my new gained "Spots" thanks to the sugar high I was on last week. I am already starting to feel better with removing all of the bad food from my system. I learned a valuable lesson. Even if you are having a bad week, eating unhealthy will not make it better.

Thanks for listening and have a great Wednesday!

Monday Inspiration

Do you ever have one of those weeks where nothings going right, and everything's a mess, and nobody like's to be alone. Woops quick Avril Lavigne break there. But seriously sometimes those weeks happen and there is really nothing we can do to make them better other than staying positive. For me, last week in my personal life was a complete hot mess. Blog wise I had an awesome week. I banged out some pretty great posts that I was really proud of. How does that seem to happen? Has that ever happened to you?

Because last week went so crappy I need to eliminate my negativity this week or else I will be back on the oreo and cheesecake diet. No kidding guys I had cheesecake and oreos everyday for breakfast and dinner last week. I was REALLY going for comfort food there. Because of it I feel absolutely horrible about my fitness and really need to step it up this week.

Here is some Monday Motivation to get us going for the week!


Happy Saturday evening everyone! I wanted to let you all in on a little giveaway I am participating in.. I am gearing up with Trish over at Beyond The Khaki Pants and some other great ladies to bring you all a $50 Amazon giftcard! Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Field Trip! ~ Work Addition

More recently my company has been working on company morale and how to make us all feel appreciated. We have an activities committee in which I was appointed to. One of my fellow co-committee peeps suggested learning more about the company and pairing it with a wine tour. I can sign off on ANYTHING that has the word wine in it. So last weekend me and 23 of my coworkers and family members boarded a limo bus (heck yeah!) and headed off to a museum in which has a lot to do with the company I work for today. A work field trip if you may. So here ya have it.. Pictures from my adult work field trip (that included WINE)...

 Look! I fit in the small model where kids get to pose!

 Random Halloween miniature model home

 This baby went 130+ mph in sand.. Scary!

 This is the most cryptic exercise machine ever! It's called the "Health Jolting Chair". It helps you build strength and jolt internal organs back into place by using "rhythmic jolting techniques". I'm good, thanks though!

 I told you there was wine..

 Oh wait more WINE!

 Such beautiful scenery on this beautiful fall day!

Well there ya have it. My work field trip! We had a blast and I would certainly do it again if offered. What about you? Have you ever been on a work field trip?

Happy Friday!

Taking a "me" date

Do you have something you want to do, but no one wants to do it with you? We all have those moments and think, "Well I guess I won't do it then. Right?" Wrong. You should never be afraid to do something alone. Turn a negative into a positive by having a "me" date. Not sure how to do it? Here's my story and tips on having a date with yourself.

A few weeks ago I was out of town with the boyfriend and he had some meetings to attend without me. I found out the city had a super mega huge mall that had every single store I have been wanting to go to but I didn't have them local to me. So I could do 1 of 2 things. I could check out of the hotel and go with the boyfriend to his meetings and sit and be bored for hours OR I could check my sassy self out of the hotel and head on over the that fab mall. Which option did I choose? The mall obviously! What would you pick?

The mall was pretty quiet as it was the middle of the week. First plan of action: Find the map. As I went on looking for the map I passed a few of the stores I had been wanting to visit, so I stopped in. I had no schedule to follow. It was just me and the mall. Because the mall was slow, employees had more time to spend with me. I stopped into Teavana first to get some tea. I had a wonderful chat with the lady at the counter. She was able to explain everything I needed to know because I asked. I spent a good half hour with her and left a very happy customer. Tip: Go to stores/places you really have interest in. This makes it more comfortable to talk to people.

Next I sat down and enjoyed my tea. Once I finished my tea I browsed a few stores. I took my time which nice because there was no one to bug me about wanting to go somewhere else.  I then laid my eyes on Lush. One of my favorite places to venture into. Because I had time, and always wanted to sample more of their products, I was able to sit down and have a skin care demo. This was amazing. I got my hands all scrubbed and massaged. I tried lotions and powders galore. Had I been with someone else, I probably wouldn't have stopped for all of that. Tip: Sit in an open area and people watch. This makes for an interesting activity and can help make you feel more comfortable.

After Lush, I got hungry. It was lunch time at this point. This is where it gets nerve racking. Dining alone. There were so many great restaurant options in this mall that I couldn't pass one up for a quick McDonalds lunch or Taco Bell. I wanted to sit down and enjoy a nice adult lunch. And so I did. The waitress was very friendly and even made sure to check in on me often in case I was in need of anything. She thought it was so cool I was dining alone. She brought me a free dessert. It was really sweet of her. I never felt weird. It was a pleasant experience. Tip: Bring a book to read. When you are waiting for your food to come, this will come in handy to help pass the time.

After lunch I got word that the boyfriend would be along to pick me up within an hour. That was perfect because in front of my was Sephora. I could spend hours in there if someone let me. Today I really did have an hour I COULD spend in there because I wanted to. I went in like a kid in a candy store and I played. Seriously, I tested all kinds of products. No one was pestering me to move on to the next store. It was an interactive experience if you will. Tip: Go to places that you can interact somehow. It really makes the alone thing seem minor. If something is occupying you, who cares!

The boyfriend picked me up, but not before taking me to the Cheesecake Factory for some yummy cheesecake slices to take home. All in all I had a great experience on my "me date". I visited places I wanted to see and got things I wanted to buy. I never felt rushed or out of place. I have come to enjoy these days. You get so much done and get to do the things you want to do without someone slowing you down.

Have you ever taken a "me date"? How was it? Share below!

*Just a little FYI: I am taking over the Blog Baton today on Instagram. Follow along: TheBlogBaton. If you are not following me personally on Instagram follow me here--> trishfromthelist

Halloween Decor on the Cheap!

I just love a good Halloween party! But what I love more is decorating. Over the weekend I threw a little party to get in the Halloween mood. I put together my whole party for under $40 including food and decor. Let me show you what I did!

I have a great entry way in my apartment. I wanted a way to greet my guests to introduce them to the party. Since I really love wine, and drink it regularly I picked out some empty bottles with spooky art on them. I then went to the dollar store and found light up LED wands and stuck them in the bottles for a spooky look. I also picked up some LED tea lights and a black gauze curtain to tie it all together. Voila! A simple (and cheap) entry way for my guests!

Next I wanted to make sure I had a focal area for the party. For me that was the drink table. I decorated a table with spider webbing and plastic spiders (Again from the dollar store).

 On the table I needed to add more focal points. I had a beautiful wood bowl I got somewhere and never used so I went to the local pumpkin patch and picked up some small pumpkins and squash. It was a heck of a lot cheaper to purchase from the farm and I will still use the squash for food later on. It's a win/win. I also stopped in to Pier 1 Imports where they had all of the Halloween decor on clearance and I picked up those cute little mummy and bat ornaments along with those cute as heck cups. I closed the look with some dollar store lights to wrap around the bowl to give it a more festive look.

Next I needed a great drink for my guests. I really wanted to make an apple cider sangria, but did not have a big enough pitcher for it, so I used what I had. I had 3 carafes ranging in 3 different sizes. I decided to make it a "mix your own" drink. In the largest carafe I poured some cheap pinot grigio, honey crisp apple, a cinnamon stick, and 3 mini bottles of caramel vodka. In the second carafe I poured more pinot grigio, and in the third I made hot cider and let it chill. Now my guests could pour the wine mixture into the wine and add cider if desired.

So there you have it, some cheap ways to decorate! Shop the dollar stores, use what you have, and make it work! Some of the best ideas come out of what you already have. I hope you have a great Monday!

My life currently

 Happy Saturday you fine interweb folks! I have never done one of those "Currently" posts so I figured since my life has been running rampant the last few weeks I'd do a little update on my life :)

I took what I'd like to call an unexpected technology vacation for the better half of this week. I wasn't planning this but let me tell you what, I got SO much done this week even with having a busy calendar. I know for a lot of people it is hard to disappear from the blogging world and such for a few days, but I realized I was starting to get frustrated with balancing and my writing wasn't the greatest. I needed to step away and recharge and live my life. Living life is what makes the great posts flow. #amiright?

Currently: Work flow
Anyways a few months ago I told you all I got promoted at work. I also had a few moments where I complained about not being busy enough. We all know we should be careful what we wish for because currently my work life is INSANE! Everyday this past week I spent hours looking at numbers on a computer screen for a "special" project and by the time I got home I was so bleary eyed I wanted nothing to do with more screens. I also think I need to get my eyes checked. My vision has not been the greatest lately. (Damn you getting old and computer screens!) On a happy note I finally got my office set up and I LOVE it. I have never had an office before and being able to tell people "let's go into my office" excited me WAY more than it should! I will do an office tour soon :)

Currently: Home projects
Another reason my week was nuts is I was planning for a Halloween party that happened last night. If you have read previous post, you will know I am a fall-oholic and I love Halloween. I went out shopping last weekend to prepare for what at the time was a small get together with my girlfriends. As I fell in love with more and more Halloween decorations, that small get together turned into a full on Halloween party. This was one of my bucket list items because of all the years I  have lived on my own it never happened. Now my house is decorated and ready for the holiday. I will be posting how to make your house look cute and festive on a budget. Look for that on Monday!

Currently: Loving
Sometime last year I won one of those Bluetooth HMDX Jam Party rechargeable stereo speaker things. I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it and considered giving it away. Last night at the party I wanted music to be played and my laptop wasn't jamming like I wanted it to. I decided to break out the speaker and synched it with my phone. It is the BEST THING EVER! I love that I can set it anywhere in the house and control it with my phone. I downloaded the I Heart Radio App and I can scan through thousands of radio stations form my phone. Once its charged you can take it everywhere with you and it lasts up to 12 hours. Its pretty darn convenient.

Currently: Avoiding
Can we say laundry? Ugh the only thing I hate about my apartment is there is no laundry hook ups. We do have a quite lovely laundry center in my development but I still need to lug it all up there. It is a rainy day, so perfect to get some laundry done, but I am being lazy. Anyone else avoid laundry like the plague?

So there you have it. Life unravelled. I hope you all have a great Saturday!

How to define YOU

Today is the day.. the day I officially end the series: "Defining Lifestyle". As promised I want to share with you how all of the participants answered the question: How do you define YOU?

Christine @ The So-Called Homemaker: Christine (n): A fun-loving young momma who loves to read, write, and dance to Asian pop.  See also: crazy, silly, eccentric.

Helene @ Helene In Between: It's really hard to define yourself. You look in the mirror and think about your physical features but you don't often look at your inner self: your mind and your heart. I think I define myself by not necessarily what's inside but those things I hold dear around me. So my husband, my two dogs, my family and my friends. Someone asked me the other day about how I would describe my blog, which, can be difficult when you don't have a niche. But I've decided on "I Create Buzz" and I think that this also could describe my personality. I am outgoing, determined, stubborn, and somewhat creative. And clearly, I'm also all over the place, since this kind of took more direction than one!

Jenn @ Jenn Wells Design:
We have to define ourselves all the time.  Every time you join a social media site, they want you to sum up your entire personality into a short, catchy "About" paragraph.  With online dating you get to write more, but you still have to think about how to get across the most important things concisely enough to not scare people away.

And I'm not brief.  If you've ever read my blog, you'll know.  I cling to my paragraphs.  I keep them short, but short for me is 4 sentences, and the occasional single sentence for important points.  So when Trish asked me to define myself for her lifestyle series, I thought, "Oh crap."
Because I can't do it in a tidy, little sentence.  Or even a paragraph!

If you want to know about my personal philosophies, you can read my post about mistress shaming or my thoughts on marriage.  If you want to know about my day-to-day life, you can read the broken ankle diaries, or the post about my recent engagement.  If you want to know my style, you can see my (as-of-now) only fashion post ever, or my Design-Day Friday posts.
But I can't take all those things and summarize.  I even made an infographic for my About page but it's just not the same.  So I guess if you really want to know you'll have to read more.

Becca @ Becoming Adorrable: I'm a wife, a furmom, and a fighter.

Trish @ Beyond the Khaki Pants:  Lifestyle is blogging about life. Which is anything and everything. Mothering, relationships, career, embarrassing moments, the highs and the lows. These blogs are marked by perspective of the unique view of the blogger, not necessary by topic. Which is why I could read 10 posts about the same topic and they could be completely different.

ME: I define my lifestyle as a project in process. I am always learning and creating new ideas both personally and professionally. This blog will always be a view of me and how I am changing.

Now it's your turn! Link up with either your 5 questions and answers or your definition of lifestyle. Or combine them together! Do it however you please! I can't wait to read your responses!

All good things must come to an end..

Well its been 7 fast weeks and I am finally wrapping up the "Defining Lifestyle" series. I had great bloggers share fun questions here on the blog. They all give different perspectives of what a lifestyle blogger does. We have no boundaries. We post all kinds of random stuff and people still read it. That is the best part. If I come home at 1am and have nothing prepared for tomorrows blog, I can seriously wing it and no one would ever know.

So now that I am wrapping this baby up, I wanted to share with you my 5 question. I hope you enjoy the questions and this series!

1. Is it true that you haven't bought shampoo in almost 2 years?
Trish: Totally true. Guilty. I have not physically paid for shampoo and many other products in nearly 2 years thanks to my little freebie addiction. Although I have slowed down, it it weren't for them this blog wouldn't exist. I don't feel like anyone should pay full price for anything. Don't believe me? Check out some of my favorite sites to score all kinds of goodies ---->  Freebie stuff!

2. How did freebies start your blog?
Trish: I had SO many free items sitting around, I decided to do what every company wants, and that's talk about the products. This blog started as a 1 post a week review page. Now I've moved into Lifestyle with a few reviews thrown in.

3. It's not real clear what you do for a living- What are your professional skills?
Trish: What? Freebie Addict isn't a profession? Ok, Ok.. Where do I begin? I went to college undeclared  and got bored while taking classes for my undergrad so I decided to also take classes in Interior Design. I earned a certificate in that (It's no wonder I like to decorate!). Still in school for my undergrad I took a job in the eyecare business to make some extra cash and ended up getting my ABO certification. For those of you who aren't familiar with that term, I can make eyeglasses and make people look fashionable in their eye wear :).

I finally graduated college with my Bachelor Degree in Marketing with a minor in Business. I decided to fly across the country (I'm originally from PA) to Los Angeles to follow my dream (Or so I thought) and interned at an entertainment marketing company called Fanscape. I got to do all kinds of fun rock star types of things; like work a tour or handle a famous person's MYSPACE page. Yes I said MYSPACE. That's how long ago this was folks. Myspace was still the shit! So I had all kinds of great Los Angeles experiences and then stuff got expensive and I had to go home. Booo. So fast forward to now. I am working in a technical job where I am handling operations for a materials testing lab. So to sum it all up, my professional skills makes me a Mutt? BA, CE, ABO, Crazy?! I have a lot of skill and still want to learn more!

4. Whew that was a long answer! Next question: If your blog had a theme song, what would it be?
Trish: After that long answer I'd have to say Extraordinary by Liz Phair because who wouldn't want to described as an "average everyday sane psycho, super goddess?!". I think this blog jumps around so much it can seriously be average or over the top depending on the day. Plus its so much fun to sing!

5. Do you find your life interesting, and why?
Trish: I have been really fortunate in my life so far. I have done some pretty crazy things that people can only dream of doing. I set my mind to something and I get it. (Hello I went to the Grammy's!) So yeah I would say my life is pretty interesting most of the time. But I keep it that way. Why live any other way?

Alright peeps there you have it. My 5 questions and answers. It was a lot of fun! Now I really would love to see what kind of questions you guys would ask yourselves! Tomorrow I am going to share how everyone who participated in this series answered the question "How do you define YOU?" So with that,  I am also going to have a link up so everyone can share your questions and answers! I hope to see you then!

Need some examples? Here's a recap of all the lovely ladies who came up with questions for the series!

Make it a great MONDAY!


Defining Lifestyle with Julie!

We all have that question we are just DYING to answer, but it doesn't ever seem to come. Defining Lifestyle is a series that allows bloggers to submit their own set of questions AND answers in effort to get some stuff out there that they normally aren't asked. If this doesn't define the lifestyle blogger, I don't know what does. So sit back, relax, and expect some fun over the next few weeks!

Today I am welcoming Julie from Girl on the Move. Julie has such an inspiring blog. She has some great fitness posts as well as cupcakes! Those 2 subjects alone are enough to make me love Julie for life. Julie is also a fellow co-founder of Blogstaycation 2014. For those of you who aren't familiar, stay tuned cause rumor has it we may be putting together a Winter Blogstaycation...

Q: What do you love most about blogging? 
Julie: Hands down, the thing I love most about blogging is the connections I've made with other people.  I've met people at blog conferences, during Twitter chats, and through my blogging tribe and some of them have become really good friends.  I love that I can travel to different parts of the country and have lunch with someone I met because of my blog!

Q: What is your big dream for your blog?
Julie: Oh my goodness, I have several big dreams for my blog!  One is that I would absolutely love to host a cupcake show on Food Network...but that's like a very big pipe dream!  Probably a little bit more realistically, I hope that my blog opens up the opportunity for speaking engagements.  I am a former teacher and even though I'm no longer in a middle school classroom I still love teaching and would love the opportunity to speak about blogging, social media or organization.

Q: What do you hope your blog means to your readers?
Julie: Ultimately, I want my blog to be a source of inspiration.  An encouragement to live life to the fullest.  Right now I blog mostly about fitness, travel, cupcakes, and blogging so I hope that my readers are inspired in those areas.  However, in the future I might introduce new topics...but always with the intent of inspiring readers to try new things and really live a full life!

Q: What is one thing you wish your readers knew about you?
Julie: I am an outgoing introvert.  Seems strange I know, but it's true!  Basically, I love meeting new people, connecting with others, and being socially...but I ultimately recharge my energy by being at home...cooking, reading, watching a movie and basically just relaxing without lots of people around.

Q: What is your best piece of advice for a new college graduate?
Julie: Task risks and dream big.  You don't have to find a job in your chosen career right this minute and then stick to it for the next 40 years.  It's okay to try something out and explore other opportunities.  And then take risks and try new opportunities.
Thank you Julie! Great questions. I love getting to know fellow bloggers and this just gave me a bigger picture of what you are working on! 
Stay tuned for the finale of this series happening Monday and Tuesday! Be prepared so you can share 5 questions and answers of your own!
Have a great rest of your day!

Fun Friday

I am so happy to see Friday. It's been a long week and I just need to let loose and have some fun today. I decided a fun way was to answer a fun questionnaire like I used to when I was in high school and you would send them to your friends via e-mail. Remember that?! Now all I use email for is to receive junk  mail or something for work. So here we go...

If you had a pig, what would you name it? Piggles

Lamps or Ceiling Lights? Lamps I think..
What do you do when it snows? HIDE! Ugh I really need to move away from the north. It's coming!

Name a Random Vegetable: Acorn Squash

Elf ears or a witch nose? Elf Ears, who wants a crooked nose?

Love at first sight: Possible? I think to a point its possible.

Are you a graduate? Bachelors baby!

What type of device are you using right now? (Laptop, Macbook, PC, etc): Laptop

Is Google your homepage? Nope

Would you perform on Broadway? If I was good enough to be there then absolutely!

What's your meaning in life? Being the best person I can be while living out all the adventures I can experience!

What is the difference in a fruit and a vegetable? Who cares?! They are both yummy :)\

Favorite Movie? The Craft or Where the Heart Is

How do you exert the most energy? Being active and eating healthy

On a scale of one to penguin, how random are YOU? Haha Well then I'd say VERY :)

Ok that was pretty silly but it was fun to just have a bit of fun! What do you do for fun?

:Reminder: I'm hosting a link up next week for everyone to answer 5 questions of their own making!I hope you join in the fun!

Happy Friday!

Wellness Wednesday: Gadgets!

I don't know about you, but I love to research products before I buy. I want to know everything there is to know about that one item I've been pining over. But then a get a wrench thrown into my decision when a new comparable item comes out on the market right when I have FINALLY decided to buy said item. Now what?

Now I have to re-research my original item AND do new research on the new item. I often take to social media and ask for a little help from my friends. Has anyone used said item? How do they like it? Is it worth my hard earned cash? Most of the time I get divided answers and it really doesn't ever help me out completely. This is why I wish we as consumers had more opportunity to try things out before we buy. If we are willing to make an investment into a high priced item, shouldn't we be able to test drive it for a few days?

Now I know this is only a dream in my head, because no company could ever trust every single person who walks into their door to take care of the item while trying it out. This is why we have product testers. Honest (Or so we hope) men and women try products out and give their opinions so folks like you and I can "live" through them if you may. These reviews are supposed to help us decide if said item is for us.


So here I am. I just got off a research binge. I've read review after review, and I still can't make up my mind. Fitbit or Polar Loop? I am so torn. They both have features I really like and some that I'm not sure of.. I really want to use one in my daily life to see how well (or bad) I'm doing with my steps. Does anyone have any experience with either of them? Was the one you tried accurate? Any feedback is mucho appreciated! Anyone wanna send me one to try, I will love you forever! (Yeah I'm shameless, If you don't ask you never know right?)

Thanks in advance if you help me decide on a gadget that could ultimately get me where I need to be to finally lose the 20 pounds I gained in 3 months.

It's an October Giveaway!

Its already been an off week and it's only TUESDAY. I couldn't think of a better way to perk up the week then to let you know about a GIVEAWAY I am participating in with Becca over at Becoming Adorrable and a bunch of other lovely blogger ladies!

PicMonkey Collage a Rafflecopter giveaway

I hope you all enjoy your Tuesday and enter to win some make-up goodness!

Defining Lifestyle with Trish

We all have that question we are just DYING to answer, but it doesn't ever seem to come. Defining Lifestyle is a series that allows bloggers to submit their own set of questions AND answers in effort to get some stuff out there that they normally aren't asked. If this doesn't define the lifestyle blogger, I don't know what does. So sit back, relax, and expect some fun over the next few weeks!

Today I am welcoming Trish from Beyond the Khaki Pants. Trish gives some great advice for the young professional being one herself. She is not only informative, but a really great person all around. If you are looking for some great content with a great person, Trish is your gal! Plus we share the same name, so she's obviously amazing :)

“Beyond the Khaki Pants” is a funny name for a blog. Why is it called that?
Trish: Because I really do wear khaki pants. And you guessed it, Beyond the Khaki Pants is not a fashion blog. I wear khakis at work, as a physical therapist. Khaki pants are definitely part of a PT stereotype (just google image “physical therapist” or see what every PT character on TV usually wears). So it’s kinda funny that I actually do wear khakis too. But never polo shirts. Never.  Having such an active job, I really try not to wear the nicest clothes to work (they get ruined easily). So I typically throw on a pair of khakis and call it a day. My blog is about life outside of work for me (or when I’m not wearing my khaki pants) so I decided to call my blog “Beyond the Khaki Pants”.

What inspires the blog?
Trish: I am passionate about success! Success means different things to different people, but for me, it includes happiness with my relationships, financial security, and career expertise.  I am a girl that knows what she wants and finds ways to make it happen. I love discussing being a young professional and all the topics that go with it. I truly believe, if you want it…go get it!

Since you’re a physical therapist, why don’t you talk about health tips?
Trish: Because the crutch of PT is exercise. I am an exercise and human movement specialist. And the problem is, I truly don’t think anyone should be getting exercise advise from a blog.  Sometimes getting exercise inspiration or workout ideas from a blog is good, but that’s really not my passion.  Plus their are plenty of great sites for that anyway. I am passionate about health though, so maybe some non-medical health posts may grace the blog, you never know!

I see you husband joins the blog. How on earth did you curtail your husband into the blogging world?
Trish: My husband is a CPA. He has really diverse experience as an accountant and a love of finance. He routinely has helped our friends (and friends of friends) with taxes and budgeting for years. When I was in PT school, my program started a financial series to help us PT students with our money (topics like budgeting, student loan information, etc). I went to all the seminars (knowing most of the information already thanks to my husband) but it was SHOCKING how clueless my fellow PTs were with money. He ended up working with some of my classmates to help organize their budgets and make a plan for student loan payments. These experiences are what inspired him to join my blogging effort. He enjoys talking about the basics, not the financial advisor stuff, (which he is not) but the things that can get other young professionals in the right direction.

So is sounds like you blog a lot about ‘serious’ topics? Is that it?
Trish: For the most part, I love blogging about being a strong, career-oriented woman. But I am also ridiculous and write blog posts from the perspective of my cat. I throw in things that I constantly am made fun of for…like being Canadian.  I like discussing common frustrations that I go through being a 20-something woman.  But at the core of my blog, I love connecting with other young professionals and 20/30 somethings are are driven and want to the most out of their life.

Thank you so much for your great questions and answers Trish! Next week I want to host a link up where everyone writes a blog with their own questions. I will also feature the answers from all of the lovely ladies I hosted over the past 7 weeks with their answers to "How do YOU define lifestyle?".
I hope you all have enjoyed this series and will join in next week with your own fun and unique questions!

Blogtober: Things I can't live without

Sometimes you just can't live without something. These particular items are things I can't live without in October. As I mentioned in yesterday's blog, I love this month. I love fall. I have compiled a few items I just can't get enough of for this month and every year around this time. I am linking up with Helene for #Blogtober14.

Helene in Between Blogtober 

The best way for me to really get my feelings out about what I can't live without is by creating a board with things I need this month. Do you do this too?

Things I can't live without in October

The #1 thing I can't live without this month is Bath & Body Works candle "Leaves". I burn through one of these babies every year. It has that perfect scent of cinnamon and sweet. If this ever gets discontinued I'm gonna cry and buy every one I can get my hands on :)

#2: I love Halloween. This throw pillow from Pier 1 Imports would look great in my living room. I just cant get enough of anything Halloween which is why #3 is also Halloween Decor related.

#3: Yes it is a skull. I have a thing for skulls. No not in a creepy kind of way, but I like ones that can be festive for this time of year. I do have quite a few items that hang out all year in my place and have even been insulted in my own home for it. Rude.

#4: Back to Fall again. This picture for the wall is perfect. Although I want to take my own photos and mount them for my walls, I love the scrabble pieces! This may become a DIY somewhere down the line.

So there ya have it. Things I CAN'T live with out... In October.

Have a great Friday and an even better weekend all!

October Thoughts

Hello October! Reasons why you are AWESOME:

I missed your sexy style. October is the best month for Fall. Fall is THE best season for fashion in my opinion because Hello? Sweaters, leggings, and boots..Oh my! It is my favorite time to shop because the longer the shirt the better and that covers that annoying little belly pouch I'm sporting. Shopping makes me happy and I tend to overspend. #sorrynotsorry. For this reason, you will be seeing A LOT more #ootd posts. Hooray!

I missed your picture perfect pictures. Here in the Northeast we get an amazing show every year. The changing leaves painting the crisp blue sky warms my heart. It changes everyday and makes me want to pitch a tend in the mountains with my camera and take pictures everyday. These lovely backdrops are perfect for family portraits and weddings. Get re-aquainted with your camera and get out there!

Football is in full swing by now and we are starting to get a glimpse at how our teams are going to do. Teams that sucked last year can be kicking ass this year and vice versa. It gives us a good reason to get together with friends, drink beer, and eat really unhealthy snacks. All the while having a good time! If football is not for you, get together with your lady friends while the men do all of those things I mentioned and drink wine instead!

PUMPKIN IS BACK! Everywhere you turn there is a new combination containing pumpkin. From coffee, to beer, to cakes, to smoothies. There is something out there for everyone. Pumpkin and pumpkin seeds are also very good for you. Play around with it and come up with something you like. Glob a little orange in everything you can (within reason) and join the obsession!

I love Halloween! Something about this day brings back the magical feeling of being a kid. I have dressed up and had a great time every year I have been on this earth. As an adult the magic may include alcohol and a sexy costume, but nostalgia sets in and I'm hooked!

I've missed using my oven! I really love to bake and make soups. I cannot turn them on for hours at a time during the summer or I will die of heat stroke. Now that it is getting cooler it's appropriate to turn on the oven on that dreary afternoon and bake your heart out. I went apple picking last weekend and now I can finally make something yummy with them!

Oh what a great month ahead! I hope it is just as magical for you! Follow along all month for fun Fall posts!

Happy October! I'm linking up with Treasure Tromp today for Treat Yo Self Thursday!

Treasure Tromp

What do you enjoy about October? Share your stories below!

Wellness Wednesday: Mental Wellness

I was always a shy person. I never had a lot of opinions because I never wanted to hurt anyone's feelings or say the wrong thing to embarrass myself. I come from a military family so it was easy to get talked over or pushed aside when I was at home. This is not to say that my parents weren't loving, this is not what I am getting at.

As I got older I would never question people, or get upset if someone talked over me when I was trying to speak. It felt like it was okay for these things to happen, because they must know more than me. They must be smarter than me. They probably are better liked than me. I always had a good reason in my head why it was okay for these things to happen.

Today, I know this is not okay. It is never right for someone to make you feel like you are less than you are. Bad circumstances unleash the person in you who needs to fight. Sometimes these circumstances make you realize you deserve to have respect and a voice. This is one of the reasons I got into blogging. I wanted a voice. I wanted to be able to talk to the world and hope someone, somewhere understood me. They learned something from me. Anything. As long as it reached someone. I was content.

I only have one issue with the progress I have made over the past 2 years. I am more confident in speaking up, but I have also noticed I am always ready to point out my flaws to people. I haven't decided if this is a defense mechanism or a way to feel protected. Am I trying to tackle the "bad" before someone else points it out? Or do I want to be able to have an opinion without looking like a complete jerk. If I say first, "I need to lose weight, I feel huge", is it okay for me to tell someone they should start working out?

Now I have not come out and told a complete stranger something negative about themselves after I pointed out negative things about myself, but I tend to wonder if I could do that. I don't want to be that person who makes someone else feel bad about themselves because I feel bad about me. Now that I have the speaking up thing down, I suppose it is time for me to start being more positive about myself. Then I can use this "mechanism" that I am latched onto at the moment to make people feel good about themselves too.

The human mind is such a crazy adventure sometimes. It really can make you stop and think about your behavior and how your portray yourself. (Kind of an oxymoron). It just makes me wonder why I chose to be outspoken but in a more negative direction. This is where I need to tell myself: Be positive. Keep working towards the wellness goals! This is both physical and mental wellness. A healthy mind and a healthy body can really bring you to peace. I've been working on getting a sound mind, and I think people forget that part when working on total wellness. Don't forget your mind.

Remember. To. Breath.

Just a little ramble today. I hope this somehow inspired someone or got you to think. I just wanted to sit and write, and this is what came out. A writing exercise became a blog post. My mind sound a little less loud now that some of it got written down. Have a great day everyone.

Defining Lifestyle with Becca!

We all have that question we are just DYING to answer, but it doesn't ever seem to come. Defining Lifestyle is a series that allows bloggers to submit their own set of questions AND answers in effort to get some stuff out there that they normally aren't asked. If this doesn't define the lifestyle blogger, I don't know what does. So sit back, relax, and expect some fun over the next few weeks!

Today I am welcoming Becca who blogs over at Becoming Adorrable. Becca shares my love for makeup and always has some fun stories about her cats. You should run over to her blog right meow! (I think I'm funny.. lol)

1. What's your favorite youtube channel?  
Becca: Batalash, easily. The skill level of those ladies is superior.

2. Do you miss your job in daycare?
Becca: Some days. I miss the kids. But for the most part, I don't miss standing outside in the summer for several hours. Nor do I miss parents yelling at me for random things that weren't my fault.
3. What was one big turning point in your life?
Becca: When it almost ended. Being stuck in the hospital for weeks and having a long recovery gave me time to realize who was really important in my life and what direction I wanted my life to head in. Also, I'd say my relationship with Tim became much more serious during my recovery.
4. Crunchy Cheetos or Cheeto Puffs?
Becca: PUFFS. All the way.
5. What cheers you up?
Becca: Good music. Like James Morrison. All it takes is a few minutes of his voice and lyrics and I feel comforted and positive.
Thanks for the great Q & A Becca! I really loved them! So what do ya say folks? Head on over and visit Becca today!
Make it a great Monday!

Ithaca is Gorges: A Gem in the Finger Lakes

Planning a trip to New York? No I don't mean New York City. I mean the rest of the state. New York is a very large state that is packed with more cities than just NYC. Take for instance, Ithaca. Ithaca is located in central New York. It is tucked away in some of the most beautiful scenery I have ever experienced. During the time when glaciers graced the land, the Finger Lakes were created, along with many beautiful gorges. Ithaca is located on the southern tip of Cayuga Lake.

Because of the lake, Ithaca offers tons of activity options. Boating, kayaking, sailing, and swimming are just a few of them. There are trails and paths that hug the lake for hikers, walkers, and runners.  These trails also offer great photo opportunities if you are into photography. For me, I love waiting until the sun is setting over the lake for the perfect photo op.

A beautiful view of a wind surfer on Cayuga Lake
Now onto my favorite part about this area. Ithaca is home to dozens of waterfalls. One in fact is right in town, and its is quite massive! Ithaca Falls is a must see if you are in the area. Moving outside of Ithaca you can take in another breathtaking waterfall at Taughannock Falls State Park. It is a gorgeous waterfall and requires only a small walk to view them.

A Fall view of Taughannock Falls
Ithaca Falls right in downtown! Beautiful! (Source)

Moving away from the lake, the Finger Lake region is also home to dozens of wineries. You can pick any direction and you will most likely fall upon one. Each winery is unique in itself and often host events unique to them. One of my new favorites is Americana Vineyards which also has a cafe. They have excellent brunch!


Not into wine? Ithaca is also home to a few breweries for the beer lovers. One of my favorite places to sample local beers is at the Ithaca Ale House in downtown on Aurora street in downtown Ithaca. They have great beers on tap and a menu to pair your beers with! And they have blueberry beer! With real blueberries in it! Sweet!

Ithaca Ale House and Blueberry Beer!

Speaking of drinks, visit the Ithaca Commons to find cute little shops as well as bars and restaurants. Although under construction at the moment, it is a great place to come to people watch, shop, and eat. During the school year you can find that area very busy with all of the college students in town. Ithaca is home to 2 colleges you may have heard of: Cornell University and Ithaca College. The college kids really bring the city to life with all of the diversity.

Ithaca Commons at night (Source)
This really is a great little area to visit. There is so much to do and see, so make sure you have a car! And why pay lots of money to rent a car when you can save up to 40% on a rental car by using a carsharing service like RelayRides.  This service is kind of like renting a room from someone, but add in a car instead. It includes everything a rental company would. The car is insured and has road side assistance. You can rent a car for days or just a few hours. Its pretty sweet for both the renter and the rentee!

 *This post was written in collaboration with Relay Rides. I was not compensated for this post and I enjoyed sharing a beautiful town with you in the process! All information is of my own knowledge and opinion.

So what do you say? Come visit New York! And see more than just the city! Visit the Finger lakes. You won't be disappointed!