Monday Inspiration

Do you ever have one of those weeks where nothings going right, and everything's a mess, and nobody like's to be alone. Woops quick Avril Lavigne break there. But seriously sometimes those weeks happen and there is really nothing we can do to make them better other than staying positive. For me, last week in my personal life was a complete hot mess. Blog wise I had an awesome week. I banged out some pretty great posts that I was really proud of. How does that seem to happen? Has that ever happened to you?

Because last week went so crappy I need to eliminate my negativity this week or else I will be back on the oreo and cheesecake diet. No kidding guys I had cheesecake and oreos everyday for breakfast and dinner last week. I was REALLY going for comfort food there. Because of it I feel absolutely horrible about my fitness and really need to step it up this week.

Here is some Monday Motivation to get us going for the week!


  1. Yay! I just opened a bunch of posts and closed them all because I don't feel like doing anything and this is the post I needed. Motivational Mondays, ftw!!!

    On a more serious note - this quote is perfect for a conversation I had with a friend this weekend. She was badmouthing her significant other and finally I asked, "Do you actually like him?" She was shocked that I asked, but she'd been "blowing off steam" for so long that I genuinely believed she had no positive feelings for him. As a believer that our thoughts and words can shape our general outlook, I can't help but feel that's not healthy for her or their relationship. Anyway, there's your TMI for the day. :P

    Good luck turning it around this week! I hope things are going better for you.

    1. I'm so glad it got you motivated! I wrote it in hopes I would motivate myself and I have to say, it really did help a lot.

      Now as far as that conversation about the badmouthing.. I have noticed a lot of that lately with people too and thinking the same thing. Why do you continue to stay with someone if all you do is talk bad about them? Oh modern world.. When will we ever learn? hehe

  2. I love the idea of Oreo and Cheesecake diets! I always go to bagels when I have a bad day

    1. It was definitely great but my face is paying for it this week.. MAJOR breakouts! :(

  3. Good thoughts for a Monday! (Or any day for that matter)

    1. It certainly helped! Now if only Tuesday followed suit.. lol
