I am so freaking excited to write this post. If you only learn one thing about me (But I sure hope you stay to learn more than just that) it's that I am a freebie addict. I love entering contests, signing up for things, taking surveys, and anything else that will get me something at no cost. I have started a page on this blog dedicated to the sites I use to score free stuff or pretty darn close to free. Check out my Thrifty page and get earning free things now!
Okay Now back to the point of this post. August is upon us. Ask any freebie nut and they will tell you August is the month you score big time. This is mostly because Allure magazine hosts a HUGE month long giveaway. Not familiar with Allure or their amazing giveaways? No worries. I am about to explain it all to you. If you follow these tips you are sure to score some great prizes.
First a little summary of what Allure is and what the giveaways are about. Allure is a fashion/beauty magazine. They also have a website where they host giveaways and such every month. On August 1st starting at 12pm eastern time they give away something every hour until 8pm. This goes on for the WHOLE entire month. This year they are giving away 40,057 items. There are 154 different items total and they give away multiples of each. These items range anywhere from fashion to beauty. Last year I won a lot of stuff. I won a curling iron, nail polish, face cleansers, lip balm, and makeup. It really was amazing. The best part is, most of these prizes are really surprises. Most of the stuff you won't be notified of if you win, so it just starts showing up at your door sometime in October. It really is like Christmas came early! If that doesn't make you want to join than I don't know what will!
Step 1: Head on over to Allure.com and sign up.
Step 2: Click on Free Stuff <---- Or click this link.
Step 3: Click on the Free Stuff Calendar <---- Or again click here
Okay now that you are signed up and have the calendar in front of you, I recommend printing it out. Now a word of wisdom from my own experience, this will print out 154 pages. Make sure to click your properties and print 4 pages to a page back and front to cut down on all the paper. Once you have this printed out go through and circle all of the things you REALLY would like to win. This is important, especially if you do not have time every hour to be on your computer.
The way this works is most hours it is the first so many people who will win the prize. Most of them are 500. This is why it is important to only commit to hours you really want. You need to be quick and you need to press submit on the hour exactly.
This may sound a bit crazy but if you can commit to only what you REALLY want to win, you can win these things. Write everything down you want in a place you will see it as a reminder. Make sure you are signed into Allure prior to the hour so all you have to do it hit submit. Once you hit submit you should see a thank you screen. This means your entry went through. Do this for as many hours as you have time for.
I know this sounds like a lot of work, but if you want something bad enough you will follow these steps and once October rolls around you will see something! Now get yourself all signed up. August 1st is Friday! The fun will begin and continue all month! (They don't do any on the weekends.. This is strictly a Monday-Friday event).
Have fun with it! I hope to hear some of your stories! Have any of you won before? Is this your first time? Share below!
Bucket List cross offs
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
I normally don't do a wrap up of my weekend, but because I crossed off so many things on my "vacation in my city" bucket list, I needed to talk about them! Friday was also exceptionally wonderful. I also normally do not post on Tuesday's but I really wanted to do this amazing link up yesterday, so I had to move this over to today. Lots of exciting things going on all around!
First things first. Remember when I posted that internal interview post back in early July? (If ya don't click on the link silly!) On Friday I got official word that I GOT THE JOB! Ahhh! This is wonderful news because I needed a raise like nobodies business and I can do my current job in my sleep. I don't have an official start date yet but I am thinking by mid August I should be taking on my new duties. I am so excited! Okay now onto my bucket list cross offs as promised...
On Saturday was the first day of the Route 90 50
miles yard sale. I have never been and it is a yearly local event that
happens on the last weekend of July. This yard sale started back in
1988 and has grown along the scenic byway or Route 90 in central NY. It
now hosts up to 500 sales making it a fun day event where you can score
some great deals. You can also come across some interesting things. I wish I took more photos of some of the stuff I saw. Next time! The road was packed with people and cars so you really need to pay attention to where you are going. I was only able to spend about an hour on the route,
but I scored some awesome pasta bowls for only $0.75! Can't beat that
After braving the crowds of the yard sales, we went home and relaxed before heading out to play number 3 (Number 2 for the weekend). We decided on the last night of the showing of Hamlet. Another Shakespeare goodie! If you are ever in the Finger Lakes area in the summer look in on the Cornell outdoor plays. They are cheap (Only $10) and are very well done. You bring your own chairs (or make it a picnic and bring blankets), food, and beverages. It is a night of fun, food, and entertainment outside.
Sunday was a sleep-in kind of morning. I rolled out of bed at 9am and got ready to meet some friends for brunch! This ended up being another bucket list cross off because they took us to a lovely cafe/winery that we have never been to. We arrived to find a half hour wait before being seated. This was the best news because if you were there for brunch and had to wait, you get a complimentary wine tasting. We got to taste 6 wines and I fell in love with the haunting flavor of Apparition. This sucker was coming home with me one way or another. We headed on into brunch and the food was also amazing. What more can you ask for on a Sunday? Brunch AND wine? I'll take it! We had such a nice day. Great conversation with great people. Just what I needed. A relaxing day to ready me for another busy week!
All of these event I took part in this weekend have also created some new ideas for blog posts as well. This is why it is so important to live your life. It gives you things to write about. What do you do to keep your ideas flowing? Is the weekend your down time, or a time to cross off those bucket lists?
Make it great Tuesday everyone!
First things first. Remember when I posted that internal interview post back in early July? (If ya don't click on the link silly!) On Friday I got official word that I GOT THE JOB! Ahhh! This is wonderful news because I needed a raise like nobodies business and I can do my current job in my sleep. I don't have an official start date yet but I am thinking by mid August I should be taking on my new duties. I am so excited! Okay now onto my bucket list cross offs as promised...
The first thing I accomplished on my list was seeing 3 plays. A few weeks back I went and saw Shakespeare's Love's Labour's Lost. It put me on a kick to see more plays because there are so many wonderful options in my area. I saw that Little Shop of Horrors was playing locally and REALLY wanted to see that. I went out to lunch
with my boyfriend on Friday and saw an advertisement for it and realized
that Saturday was the last showing! We immediately decided that we
wanted to go that night. The theater that was hosting it is a small venue where no seat in the house is a bad seat. We had seats off to the right and had a great view of the stage. The play was more interactive with dancing and singing around the whole venue. It was fantastic and I am so glad I got to experience such a well done show in my little city!
Quick fact:
Little Shop of Horrors first came out as a movie in 1960 and then was adapted into a musical in 1982. The movie was then released again in 1986 which was adapted from the 1982 musical. Lots of fun history here and a big cult following!
After braving the crowds of the yard sales, we went home and relaxed before heading out to play number 3 (Number 2 for the weekend). We decided on the last night of the showing of Hamlet. Another Shakespeare goodie! If you are ever in the Finger Lakes area in the summer look in on the Cornell outdoor plays. They are cheap (Only $10) and are very well done. You bring your own chairs (or make it a picnic and bring blankets), food, and beverages. It is a night of fun, food, and entertainment outside.
Sunday was a sleep-in kind of morning. I rolled out of bed at 9am and got ready to meet some friends for brunch! This ended up being another bucket list cross off because they took us to a lovely cafe/winery that we have never been to. We arrived to find a half hour wait before being seated. This was the best news because if you were there for brunch and had to wait, you get a complimentary wine tasting. We got to taste 6 wines and I fell in love with the haunting flavor of Apparition. This sucker was coming home with me one way or another. We headed on into brunch and the food was also amazing. What more can you ask for on a Sunday? Brunch AND wine? I'll take it! We had such a nice day. Great conversation with great people. Just what I needed. A relaxing day to ready me for another busy week!
All of these event I took part in this weekend have also created some new ideas for blog posts as well. This is why it is so important to live your life. It gives you things to write about. What do you do to keep your ideas flowing? Is the weekend your down time, or a time to cross off those bucket lists?
Make it great Tuesday everyone!
Don't Try So Hard
Monday, July 28, 2014
Happy Monday beautiful people! I am really excited for today's post. I am joining an amazing link-up hosted by Kate over at The "Florkens", Nicole over at Treasure Tromp, and Jackie over at Jade & Oak. These ladies are encouraging everyone to feel beautiful in their own skin by not trying so hard. The point of this link-up is to take off all the makeup, let your hair down, and just feel beautiful with what God gave you. This is such an important thing we all seem to forget. We all get so wrapped up in trying to have the perfect everything these days, we forget to love ourselves and our lives as they are.
Today I am posting a photo of myself with no makeup on and my hair is just so. I look at this photo and instantly see all of my flaws (Of course, this is what society has taught us right?). I also notice how much I love my eyes. They are blue, but will mimic other colors and sometimes look grey. When I play them up with makeup they are a bright blue that shine. They are my favorite feature and they make me feel beautiful.
be yourself
Fit-Trish: The sick files
Friday, July 25, 2014
Welcome back to another week of Fit-Trish. A series where I show you how to live a healthy life on a budget! You may have noticed a new little tab on my home page that says "series". This is where you will find all of my posts in this series along with new series I plan to do in the future. I am in the process of getting everything organized. Once that is done you will be able to check out everything in one space.
This has not been a very productive fitness week for me. Work was insane and I came down with a bug. I managed to make it to the gym one day this week and it felt so good. I am still on the mend so I decided to share with you what I did to help my fitness and my health while I was feeling under the weather.
I did not want to totally forget about my goals just because I was feeling sick. I really upped my water intake this week. I added a half a lemon to my bottle to give me that extra boost through out the day. This helped keep unwanted snacking at bay. We all know when we don't feel good we reach for comfort foods. I also drank a lot of peppermint tea to help with any bloating. Whatever bug got me sure added to the bloating of the stomach. Not fun! I also ate lots of fruits and veggies to get all the essential vitamins.
I kept exercising to a minimum but still managed to take small walks whenever I got the chance. It helped get the blood circulating and cleared my head. Even a 10 minute walk is enough to get everything moving and it can be a real mood booster. I did some squats and arm exercises. I kept all reps to a minimum making sure not to over do it and stayed away from ab exercises because my stomach was not feeling well.
When I did brave the gym on Wednesday I mainly did cardio on the treadmill. Again I did not over do it and did just enough to get my heart pumping. Once I started to feel tired I stopped. I felt like I accomplished something even though all I felt like doing was laying on my couch with a blanket. I am starting to feel better and I am hoping I can get back to my regular schedule next week. I am sorry this is short, but I hope it helps you on your journey when sickness strikes.
Have a great Friday!
I did not want to totally forget about my goals just because I was feeling sick. I really upped my water intake this week. I added a half a lemon to my bottle to give me that extra boost through out the day. This helped keep unwanted snacking at bay. We all know when we don't feel good we reach for comfort foods. I also drank a lot of peppermint tea to help with any bloating. Whatever bug got me sure added to the bloating of the stomach. Not fun! I also ate lots of fruits and veggies to get all the essential vitamins.
I kept exercising to a minimum but still managed to take small walks whenever I got the chance. It helped get the blood circulating and cleared my head. Even a 10 minute walk is enough to get everything moving and it can be a real mood booster. I did some squats and arm exercises. I kept all reps to a minimum making sure not to over do it and stayed away from ab exercises because my stomach was not feeling well.
When I did brave the gym on Wednesday I mainly did cardio on the treadmill. Again I did not over do it and did just enough to get my heart pumping. Once I started to feel tired I stopped. I felt like I accomplished something even though all I felt like doing was laying on my couch with a blanket. I am starting to feel better and I am hoping I can get back to my regular schedule next week. I am sorry this is short, but I hope it helps you on your journey when sickness strikes.
Have a great Friday!
healthy. workout
Vacation in my own city: A Bucket List
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
I have been thinking a lot lately about places and things I would like to do in my city. A local real estate agent is doing a project 365 on all the things you can do here as a way to show potential customers why this place is so great. I think it is brilliant and has given me so many new places I need to explore. I have lived in my city for just over 2 years and seeing this post on all the places made me realize how behind I am with all the wonderful gems there are here!
Iwant have to see these things, so I have decided over the next 4 months (Til the end of 2014 folks) I want to cross off as many of these things as possible. Thankfully there are a mix of things that can be done indoors and outdoors so I can achieve the outdoor ones first while the weather is still good and once winter comes I will have to move it indoors! You should join me! Explore your city.
Just to give you a little taste of that's been included on this list so far, (In case you need some ideas!) here are a few of the categories she has touched on:
Now I will probably go back and add to this list as I go because I am sure I am missing some key things. All of these categories can be achieved in my area. I can't wait to share some of my experiences with you all over the next 4 months!
Have you ever "vacationed" in your city? How was it? Share your links or experiences!
Just to give you a little taste of that's been included on this list so far, (In case you need some ideas!) here are a few of the categories she has touched on:
- Visit a plantation/garden/ect
- Go to a festival
- Hike at least 3 new locations
- Visit a zoo
- Go to at least
32 plays (Crossed one off already!) - Go to a yard sale
- Visit a museum
- Visit 3 new restaurants
- Wine Tour
- Visit an antique store
- Special events unique to your city
- Research what your city is known for
Now I will probably go back and add to this list as I go because I am sure I am missing some key things. All of these categories can be achieved in my area. I can't wait to share some of my experiences with you all over the next 4 months!
Have you ever "vacationed" in your city? How was it? Share your links or experiences!
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What's my job again?
Monday, July 21, 2014
It's Monday again. What better way to start the day then to talk about work. Yep. I went there. Work on a Monday sounds so awful. But I promise this blog isn't going to be awful (Or so I hope you don't feel that way). Anyways, last week I was cleaning out my desk at work (More on that soon) and I came across the paper I was given when I first started at my company. The requirements of my job. I kid you not, the list goes a little something like this:
Morning Priorities
- Check e-mail and forward as needed.
- Checking fax machine and distributing faxes as needed.
- Checking calendar to see who is out for the day.
- Making sure that if customers are visiting that signs are in the foyer.
- Entering and mailing of invoices.
- Shipping.
-Any other duties that arise.
Afternoon Priorities
- Getting mail after lunch and distributing to mailboxes.
- Sending conformations (Yes that's how its spelled on the sheet) @ 2:00 p.m.
- Shipping
- Shipping Sheets
- Filing (If there is coverage)
- Any other duties that arise.
I sat there for a minute and read this list over and over again. This does not sound anything like my job. I have been in my position for 2.5 years and this is not my job. I have many responsibilities that are far more complex than sending "conformations" or checking the calendar.. My day is full of new challenges and lists of things that need to get accomplished. Most days I leave and my desk looks like a bomb went off because I have so much to do and no time to do it.
All of these things listed are tiny little slivers of what I do on a daily basis. Lets talk about my morning first. I am constantly checking and replying to email. The fax machine rarely distributes anything because who uses a fax machine these days? I do check the calendar, but not to the point where I need it as a requirement. Same thing with customer visits. It's not rocket science people. Invoices are delivered at all times of the days, and sometimes I yell at them in my head because they won't stop coming. Shipping. That could be a job all in it's own, but I am a ninja master and get that shit done pronto. As far as any other duties that arise,the list is endless. Literally.
Now my afternoon seems way more complex than my morning. I am STILL checking and replying to email. I get so busy that other people bring in my mail. And come to thing of it where on the requirements does it tell me to take OUT the mail? I send those conformations which takes me 3 minute tops. We already discussed shipping. Don't get me started on those shipping sheets. If I could have a bonfire with them, they would be toast! (Or ash I suppose.. ). I file freely throughout the day as time permits. I leave my post for this because I don't want my desk to look like a mess forever. They forgot to add reports. I send a ton of those babies. Up to 100 a day sometimes. And then back to those other duties.. please don't remind me.
As you can see, I have quite a bit of work on my plate daily. This job requirement sheet doesn't even begin to scratch the surface. It keep my questioning, what's my job again? Can you guess? Any ideas of that I do everyday? I'll give you a cookie if you can guess!
Have a great Monday everyone!
Morning Priorities
- Check e-mail and forward as needed.
- Checking fax machine and distributing faxes as needed.
- Checking calendar to see who is out for the day.
- Making sure that if customers are visiting that signs are in the foyer.
- Entering and mailing of invoices.
- Shipping.
-Any other duties that arise.
Afternoon Priorities
- Getting mail after lunch and distributing to mailboxes.
- Sending conformations (Yes that's how its spelled on the sheet) @ 2:00 p.m.
- Shipping
- Shipping Sheets
- Filing (If there is coverage)
- Any other duties that arise.
I sat there for a minute and read this list over and over again. This does not sound anything like my job. I have been in my position for 2.5 years and this is not my job. I have many responsibilities that are far more complex than sending "conformations" or checking the calendar.. My day is full of new challenges and lists of things that need to get accomplished. Most days I leave and my desk looks like a bomb went off because I have so much to do and no time to do it.
All of these things listed are tiny little slivers of what I do on a daily basis. Lets talk about my morning first. I am constantly checking and replying to email. The fax machine rarely distributes anything because who uses a fax machine these days? I do check the calendar, but not to the point where I need it as a requirement. Same thing with customer visits. It's not rocket science people. Invoices are delivered at all times of the days, and sometimes I yell at them in my head because they won't stop coming. Shipping. That could be a job all in it's own, but I am a ninja master and get that shit done pronto. As far as any other duties that arise,the list is endless. Literally.
Now my afternoon seems way more complex than my morning. I am STILL checking and replying to email. I get so busy that other people bring in my mail. And come to thing of it where on the requirements does it tell me to take OUT the mail? I send those conformations which takes me 3 minute tops. We already discussed shipping. Don't get me started on those shipping sheets. If I could have a bonfire with them, they would be toast! (Or ash I suppose.. ). I file freely throughout the day as time permits. I leave my post for this because I don't want my desk to look like a mess forever. They forgot to add reports. I send a ton of those babies. Up to 100 a day sometimes. And then back to those other duties.. please don't remind me.
As you can see, I have quite a bit of work on my plate daily. This job requirement sheet doesn't even begin to scratch the surface. It keep my questioning, what's my job again? Can you guess? Any ideas of that I do everyday? I'll give you a cookie if you can guess!
Have a great Monday everyone!
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Fit-Trish: Why I chose to work with a trainer
Friday, July 18, 2014
Welcome back to another week of Fit-Trish. A weekly series where I discuss my fitness journey on a budget. Last week was 4th of July and I didn't do a full on entry, but I gave you (tips) on how to enjoy a BBQ without completely forgetting about your fitness goals. Be sure to check that out if you are attending BBQs this summer. I also mentioned in a post (here), that I have been working with a trainer. I promised more about it today, so here we go..
Now you are probably thinking to yourselves, 'Isn't this a fitness series on a budget? How is she affording a trainer?" Great question! Remember I told you I joined a gym back on Memorial Day? Well I joined Planet Fitness. Planet fitness offers free personal training with every membership. I decided to take advantage of the free trainer because I have worked out a lot in my life and never seem to get the results I am after. I wanted someone to tell me what I was doing wrong and show me how to do it right.
The woman I am working with is fantastic. We have a lot in common when it comes to medical history (I have some medical issues I mentioned (here) from a horrible car accident a few years ago). She has shown me how to work out without causing more harm to the harm that has already been done. I can finally feel myself getting stronger, and to me that's progress. I know better results are on their way. The more I work, the stronger I will get.
One of the treatment plans after my accident was to exercise regularly, particularly to strengthen my core muscles. What they didn't mention is a lot of the exercises for the core are really hard on your back and hips especially, if you are doing them wrong. My trainer has shown me every exercise I need to strengthen my core, and get into better shape without causing me more pain. My form is so much better, and I can feel the muscles I am working as I am working them. This is so important because in the past I would feel all kinds of aches, pains, and strains in areas I was not working.
Now that I have been at this for a few weeks, I would recommend it to anyone. If you have the opportunity to work with a trainer, even just for a day, do it. They can really help your fitness journey. Even if it's just to get your form in order, you will be golden.
Have you ever used a trainer? What was your experience like? What else do you all want to see in this series? Leave your thoughts below!
*Starting next week I will have a tab on my homepage for this series so you can go back and read everything in one place.*
Happy Friday friends!
Now you are probably thinking to yourselves, 'Isn't this a fitness series on a budget? How is she affording a trainer?" Great question! Remember I told you I joined a gym back on Memorial Day? Well I joined Planet Fitness. Planet fitness offers free personal training with every membership. I decided to take advantage of the free trainer because I have worked out a lot in my life and never seem to get the results I am after. I wanted someone to tell me what I was doing wrong and show me how to do it right.
The woman I am working with is fantastic. We have a lot in common when it comes to medical history (I have some medical issues I mentioned (here) from a horrible car accident a few years ago). She has shown me how to work out without causing more harm to the harm that has already been done. I can finally feel myself getting stronger, and to me that's progress. I know better results are on their way. The more I work, the stronger I will get.
One of the treatment plans after my accident was to exercise regularly, particularly to strengthen my core muscles. What they didn't mention is a lot of the exercises for the core are really hard on your back and hips especially, if you are doing them wrong. My trainer has shown me every exercise I need to strengthen my core, and get into better shape without causing me more pain. My form is so much better, and I can feel the muscles I am working as I am working them. This is so important because in the past I would feel all kinds of aches, pains, and strains in areas I was not working.
Now that I have been at this for a few weeks, I would recommend it to anyone. If you have the opportunity to work with a trainer, even just for a day, do it. They can really help your fitness journey. Even if it's just to get your form in order, you will be golden.
Have you ever used a trainer? What was your experience like? What else do you all want to see in this series? Leave your thoughts below!
*Starting next week I will have a tab on my homepage for this series so you can go back and read everything in one place.*
Happy Friday friends!
Its time for a grown up bathroom!.. Kinda
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
I have been living in my current apartment for just over a year now. I have done zero decorating. Partly because my apartment has strict rules, mostly because I am poor. I have decided it is finally time to tackle something. Anything. I have decided on my bathroom. It is small and can't take up to much of my life savings, can it? Plus I got this cute little Cottonelle Fresh Care Flushable Cleansing Cloth dispenser from Crowdtap, so I had to put it to good use!
So to start off, my bathroom is pretty much a perfect square. It is also bigger than the average apartment bathroom in my opinion. I am greatly upset that they took up some valuable bedroom closet space to make this large square bathroom, but that is neither here nor there.. Since I moved in I have been deciding on a shower curtain. Well that deciding has lasted 1 year 3 months. I had nothing but a plain white shower liner hanging that I bought at the dollar store. BORING! Last week I made a big girl purchase and now have a cute and colorful curtain hanging, which gives me 1 point towards that grown up bathroom I am searching for.
I was lucky enough to score some brand new towels from my parents that match pretty nicely with my new shower curtain. They consisted of bright green and bright pink. Goes pretty well with the colors of my new curtain. I am digging it so far, even if the owls seem a little childish...
Next up is my vanity and toilet area. They are on the same wall and without being able to paint or put pictures on the walls, I was at a loss as to what I could do to spruce it up. I added a pink towel to this area, along with some artificial flowers.
I added what I consider bathroom essentials to the back of my toilet. I have a night light for those nights where you don't feel like turning on the light and blinding yourself, a Cottonelle dispenser for areas that need extra "work" and a bottle of air freshener.
The last thing I am going to show you is my cute little cubby style closet space. It is perfect for holding towels, sheets (not shown in this picture), toilet paper, and my out of control beauty collection. I really love the colors of my towels and the Cottonelle Clean Care toilet paper is the bomb. I always make sure it is visible for my guests in case they run out.
So what do you guys think so far? I have a lot more I could do and I will add as I go. Any suggestions? Love it? Hate it? I think that about wraps up my first attempt at decorating a space in my home. I want to thank Crowdtap and Conttonelle for the dispenser to add to my bathroom "update". Until next time! Have a great Wednesday!
So to start off, my bathroom is pretty much a perfect square. It is also bigger than the average apartment bathroom in my opinion. I am greatly upset that they took up some valuable bedroom closet space to make this large square bathroom, but that is neither here nor there.. Since I moved in I have been deciding on a shower curtain. Well that deciding has lasted 1 year 3 months. I had nothing but a plain white shower liner hanging that I bought at the dollar store. BORING! Last week I made a big girl purchase and now have a cute and colorful curtain hanging, which gives me 1 point towards that grown up bathroom I am searching for.
Isn't it purdy? Wish my bathroom had a window so you could see the colors better.
I was lucky enough to score some brand new towels from my parents that match pretty nicely with my new shower curtain. They consisted of bright green and bright pink. Goes pretty well with the colors of my new curtain. I am digging it so far, even if the owls seem a little childish...
Next up is my vanity and toilet area. They are on the same wall and without being able to paint or put pictures on the walls, I was at a loss as to what I could do to spruce it up. I added a pink towel to this area, along with some artificial flowers.
I added what I consider bathroom essentials to the back of my toilet. I have a night light for those nights where you don't feel like turning on the light and blinding yourself, a Cottonelle dispenser for areas that need extra "work" and a bottle of air freshener.
The last thing I am going to show you is my cute little cubby style closet space. It is perfect for holding towels, sheets (not shown in this picture), toilet paper, and my out of control beauty collection. I really love the colors of my towels and the Cottonelle Clean Care toilet paper is the bomb. I always make sure it is visible for my guests in case they run out.
So what do you guys think so far? I have a lot more I could do and I will add as I go. Any suggestions? Love it? Hate it? I think that about wraps up my first attempt at decorating a space in my home. I want to thank Crowdtap and Conttonelle for the dispenser to add to my bathroom "update". Until next time! Have a great Wednesday!
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What would Shakespeare do?
Monday, July 14, 2014
It is Monday again. I feel like I just came off a weekend course for blogging. I took all that I did this weekend and realized how important it was for the writing if my blog. Noticing all the little things around me and the events I attended helped create a vision to where I am going with my writing. Here's a little recap to what inspired and educated me...
Friday night was the first night I had completely free in what seems like months. I reflected a lot on "me" time which ultimately turned into "blog" time. When I started this blog it was only planned to be an escape. A place for my voice. It didn't matter if anyone was listening. I just wanted to write. I have never been a great writer. I had started journal after journal with no real direction. I would open a journal and notice my last entry was a year prior. Awesome. I had no memories jotted down to relive. I had no ambition to write.
Friday night I re-read all of my previous posts. (There are 48 by the way). It amazed me that I have dedicated myself to this blog. I have started to freeze memories in time, where not only myself, but you as my reader can see. This makes me proud. I have succeed in breaking down a wall and letting my voice be heard. I also noticed my writing getting better. It has more direction. This little realization makes me feel so many emotions. Happy. Excited. Hopeful. All positive thoughts.
I never thought I had anything good to write about. I attended my nephew's 2nd birthday party on Saturday. A day trip back home to spend with loved ones. This reminded me that as long as I get out and experience life, I will have something to write about. It inspired me to keep on pushing towards getting better. Keep challenging myself. The words will follow.
I spent a good portion of Sunday reading blog after blog. Educating myself on what works and what doesn't. I was exhausted and honestly blogged out. Everyone has a way, or a tip on what you should or shouldn't be doing. I took a break from reading to go to an outdoor play of Shakespeare's Love's Labour's Lost. Watching this comedy written by a man hundreds of years ago make me think. He had a grip on writing epic plays long before we had tips on how to write a great blog.
So what would Shakespeare do? I think he would write his little heart out without tips and see where he goes. That's what I concluded with this weekend's lesson. Do what feels right for me and just keep writing. I will keep living life so I can write a out it. Bring more to my to my tiny corner of the internet. Now if you got through all of this and are still with me, thank you.
Happy Monday!
Friday night was the first night I had completely free in what seems like months. I reflected a lot on "me" time which ultimately turned into "blog" time. When I started this blog it was only planned to be an escape. A place for my voice. It didn't matter if anyone was listening. I just wanted to write. I have never been a great writer. I had started journal after journal with no real direction. I would open a journal and notice my last entry was a year prior. Awesome. I had no memories jotted down to relive. I had no ambition to write.
Friday night I re-read all of my previous posts. (There are 48 by the way). It amazed me that I have dedicated myself to this blog. I have started to freeze memories in time, where not only myself, but you as my reader can see. This makes me proud. I have succeed in breaking down a wall and letting my voice be heard. I also noticed my writing getting better. It has more direction. This little realization makes me feel so many emotions. Happy. Excited. Hopeful. All positive thoughts.
I never thought I had anything good to write about. I attended my nephew's 2nd birthday party on Saturday. A day trip back home to spend with loved ones. This reminded me that as long as I get out and experience life, I will have something to write about. It inspired me to keep on pushing towards getting better. Keep challenging myself. The words will follow.
I spent a good portion of Sunday reading blog after blog. Educating myself on what works and what doesn't. I was exhausted and honestly blogged out. Everyone has a way, or a tip on what you should or shouldn't be doing. I took a break from reading to go to an outdoor play of Shakespeare's Love's Labour's Lost. Watching this comedy written by a man hundreds of years ago make me think. He had a grip on writing epic plays long before we had tips on how to write a great blog.
So what would Shakespeare do? I think he would write his little heart out without tips and see where he goes. That's what I concluded with this weekend's lesson. Do what feels right for me and just keep writing. I will keep living life so I can write a out it. Bring more to my to my tiny corner of the internet. Now if you got through all of this and are still with me, thank you.
Happy Monday!
Slacking on a Thursday...
Friday, July 11, 2014
Hello my happy, thank God it's Friday peeps. I normally would be posting my fitness series today, but I was a MAJOR slacker yesterday and didn't prepare. So instead I am going to write about that. I know what you're thinking, boring! Give me a chance.
I woke up. The alarm went off at 6am. That wasn't acceptable. I reset to 6:30. Alarm goes off again. Let's try 6:45. You know cause 15 minutes really makes that difference. I roll out of bed and take a shower. I immediately run to my lap top to post my blog. I don't normally post a new blog on Thursday's, but I was so inspired by Wednesday's post I had to blog about why I hate updating my cellphones operating system. That was a real treat. You should read it.
Now if you follow me on twitter you know I drove into work yesterday listening to banjo music courtesy of my other half. Yes I rolled my eyes a lot. But we got to work safely and had a few laughs. Now if you follow me on facebook, you know I posted nothing because it's my weak spot and I desperately need your help to keep me in line. Please like my page so you can whip my Facebook ass into shape! Now instagram is where it's at. If you subscribed you would of seen what amused me at work. I'm not gonna tell you. Check it out.
So now that you checked out some social media of my life I can tell you my work day was pretty boring. People were in fairly good moods which is rare lately. Oh and someone got suspended. Yeah that never happens. Shock didn't begin to describe that scene. Shit got real and we all got to work. No one wanted to be next.
The clock rolled over to 6:15pm and once again I put in a 9 hour work day. I rushed to the gym for my personal training session (More about that in next week's fitness post). I learned some pretty banging exercises to get rid of that awful flapping skin on my arms. You know what I'm talking about. So that takes us to about 7:30pm my friends . I get home just before 8 and eat some leftover chicken and corn and have absolutely no desire to write my fitness blog. I slacked like nobodies business.
I relaxed with some amaretto coffee, to die for btw. I participated in the #blisschat on Twitter which is always a treat and a great learning experience. I highly recommend checking it out on Thursday's at 9pm eastern time. I read a few blogs and this busy slacking bee when to bed.
Now because I don't like to let my readers down by skipping a scheduled posting day, I got up at 6:30am just for you guys and put this beauty together for you. Now I am going to go on with my morning and head to work for donut day! (More about that another day).
Make it a great Friday ya'll!
Now if you follow me on twitter you know I drove into work yesterday listening to banjo music courtesy of my other half. Yes I rolled my eyes a lot. But we got to work safely and had a few laughs. Now if you follow me on facebook, you know I posted nothing because it's my weak spot and I desperately need your help to keep me in line. Please like my page so you can whip my Facebook ass into shape! Now instagram is where it's at. If you subscribed you would of seen what amused me at work. I'm not gonna tell you. Check it out.
So now that you checked out some social media of my life I can tell you my work day was pretty boring. People were in fairly good moods which is rare lately. Oh and someone got suspended. Yeah that never happens. Shock didn't begin to describe that scene. Shit got real and we all got to work. No one wanted to be next.
The clock rolled over to 6:15pm and once again I put in a 9 hour work day. I rushed to the gym for my personal training session (More about that in next week's fitness post). I learned some pretty banging exercises to get rid of that awful flapping skin on my arms. You know what I'm talking about. So that takes us to about 7:30pm my friends . I get home just before 8 and eat some leftover chicken and corn and have absolutely no desire to write my fitness blog. I slacked like nobodies business.
I relaxed with some amaretto coffee, to die for btw. I participated in the #blisschat on Twitter which is always a treat and a great learning experience. I highly recommend checking it out on Thursday's at 9pm eastern time. I read a few blogs and this busy slacking bee when to bed.
Now because I don't like to let my readers down by skipping a scheduled posting day, I got up at 6:30am just for you guys and put this beauty together for you. Now I am going to go on with my morning and head to work for donut day! (More about that another day).
Make it a great Friday ya'll!
Why I hate OS updates
Thursday, July 10, 2014
I woke up on Monday morning to that sweet little message on my phone alerting me it wanted to update my operating system. If you are like me, this is to be avoided at all cost. I hate change when it comes to my cellphone. I like my phone exactly the way it is. Meaning: I know where everything is, how everything works, and what to expect at all times. Once that update happens all bets are off!
I avoided updating all day at work on Monday. I was pretty proud of myself. I went to the gym after work and left my phone in my locker. When I got back from my workout, I had a few alerts and as I went to check them, my phone got sneaky! Before I knew what was happening, my phone was updating. Trish-0, Android-1.
My phone now has a new look. Apparently white is the new green? All of my icons and writing are now white. I am not a fan! It reminds me of death. I always feel like my phone is dying on me. Its so colorless. Makes me kind of sad. Why Android, why? Now after a few days of using this new operating system or OS if you want to get technical, I have noticed things keep going down hill. I have compiled 5 reasons to blame my droid update when things go wrong on my phone.
#1. My spelling is horrible you say? You didn't understand what I was saying? It's not my fault! My operating system updated and my phone now has a mind of its own.
#2 Oh I hung up on you? What? I didn't hear you! Sorry, I wish I could explain, but my call got dropped. Must be that darn OS update!
#3. Slow response? No, I am not ignoring you. Yep, you guessed it. My phone froze again after this wonderful update I was forced into installing!
#4 Picture? What picture? I didn't receive a text from you! Oh yeah that's right. I updated. Please don't blame me.
#5. I know, I know, I need to update my profile picture on Blogger. The photo I want is saved on my phone. When I try to update my profile on my phone, I no longer get the option to pull up my gallery on my phone. Ugh!
Friends, this is why you should say no to updates! Things go from great to crazy in 1.3 minutes. I am slowly learning where everything is now. My auto-correct is off the hook. Changing everything I want to use to something mildly inappropriate at times. And #hashtags? Forget about it! It wants nothing to do with using those. I am sure in a few more days I will feel a little more comfortable with these updates, but until then.. Blame it on the update!
Happy Thursday!
Let's Be Social!
I avoided updating all day at work on Monday. I was pretty proud of myself. I went to the gym after work and left my phone in my locker. When I got back from my workout, I had a few alerts and as I went to check them, my phone got sneaky! Before I knew what was happening, my phone was updating. Trish-0, Android-1.
My phone now has a new look. Apparently white is the new green? All of my icons and writing are now white. I am not a fan! It reminds me of death. I always feel like my phone is dying on me. Its so colorless. Makes me kind of sad. Why Android, why? Now after a few days of using this new operating system or OS if you want to get technical, I have noticed things keep going down hill. I have compiled 5 reasons to blame my droid update when things go wrong on my phone.
#1. My spelling is horrible you say? You didn't understand what I was saying? It's not my fault! My operating system updated and my phone now has a mind of its own.
#2 Oh I hung up on you? What? I didn't hear you! Sorry, I wish I could explain, but my call got dropped. Must be that darn OS update!
#3. Slow response? No, I am not ignoring you. Yep, you guessed it. My phone froze again after this wonderful update I was forced into installing!
#4 Picture? What picture? I didn't receive a text from you! Oh yeah that's right. I updated. Please don't blame me.
#5. I know, I know, I need to update my profile picture on Blogger. The photo I want is saved on my phone. When I try to update my profile on my phone, I no longer get the option to pull up my gallery on my phone. Ugh!
Friends, this is why you should say no to updates! Things go from great to crazy in 1.3 minutes. I am slowly learning where everything is now. My auto-correct is off the hook. Changing everything I want to use to something mildly inappropriate at times. And #hashtags? Forget about it! It wants nothing to do with using those. I am sure in a few more days I will feel a little more comfortable with these updates, but until then.. Blame it on the update!
Happy Thursday!
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cellphone updates
Learn to dance in the rain
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
It's Tuesday night and a big storm just blew through here in central NY. I always love the sky after a storm. It's so clear and free of all things bad. It gets me thinking about life and how the storm is metaphorical to a human life. We are always waiting for a rainbow, but no one ever wants to have to go through the storm to see it. This brings me to one of my favorite quotes by Vivian Green:
“Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain.”
We can never be sure of what's coming up around the corner but if we live in fear of our own destiny we may never really live. Today is a gift. Get out there and live it to its fullest. Come to terms with the things you cannot change. Be thankful for the life you have. That storm that came through could have caused a lot of damage, but you are still here. Breathing. Making memories. Someone else may not of had the same chance.
Even when your world gets turned sideways, look at the beauty. It's all around you. There is always something there to pick you up. I am going to live that life today. I hope you will join me.
Happy Wednesday my friends :)
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Summer Monday's
Monday, July 7, 2014
Monday already? How does that happen? Even with a 3 day weekend thrown in there, Monday always seems to creep up WAY to quick! Not only is it Monday, but it's a summer Monday. What do I mean, you ask? It means you probably ran ragged all weekend long, got no real relaxation in, and now it's Monday and you are right back into the grind. I don't know about you, but that equation is just all out exhausting!
Don't get me wrong. I LOVE summer and all that it brings. I would not trade in the nice weather, summer parties, or drinks on the balcony for anything... However it's the fact that in today's world we try to fit in every event, every vacation, every anything else that needs to be done into 3 months! That's roughly 12 weekends we try to jam pack with anything and everything so we don't miss anything. We then grumble back to work every Monday complaining how tired we are only to put in another 8 to 10 hours in at the office. Does that sound like fun to anyone? Anyone? Didn't think so.
One of the best plans I have come up with in order to help cut down on all of the craziness that is summer weekends is to plan at least 1 weekend a month where you stay home and take some "me" time. If you have a family plan a family "us" time. Follow these simple tips and you are on your way to a little less stressful summer..
What do you think? Do you run ragged every summer only to wish you had slowed down just a bit? How do you balance it all? Leave your answers in the comments! Happy Monday!!
Don't get me wrong. I LOVE summer and all that it brings. I would not trade in the nice weather, summer parties, or drinks on the balcony for anything... However it's the fact that in today's world we try to fit in every event, every vacation, every anything else that needs to be done into 3 months! That's roughly 12 weekends we try to jam pack with anything and everything so we don't miss anything. We then grumble back to work every Monday complaining how tired we are only to put in another 8 to 10 hours in at the office. Does that sound like fun to anyone? Anyone? Didn't think so.
One of the best plans I have come up with in order to help cut down on all of the craziness that is summer weekends is to plan at least 1 weekend a month where you stay home and take some "me" time. If you have a family plan a family "us" time. Follow these simple tips and you are on your way to a little less stressful summer..
- Make a list and prioritize it. Include 3 categories. High, Medium, and Low. Add all of the things you want/have to do in the summer. Separate them into the 3 categories.
- Keep a calender. Look at the list you just compiled and add all of the high priority items first. These normally include things such as vacations, weddings, and family events (birthdays, graduations, ect).
- Once you have all of your high priority dates listed out in front of you, it gives a better idea on what the rest of your summer looks like.
- Take all of the medium priority items and add them into the calendar. These items are normally events like fairs, sports events, and kids events.
- Now that you have all of the important dates on the calendar you should look at your weekends and see whats open. Pick 1 weekend from each month to use as your "me" or "us" time.
- If all of your weekends are not totally full at this point it leaves room to add items. These are events that may not yet have a firm date, annual things you attend every summer if you get the time, or things you really want to do but isn't a priority.
- One of the most important tips I can offer is to learn to say no. You are not obligated to attend every single event that comes your way. You can politely decline if you feel like it is going to be to much. Summer is a time for fun but you also don't want to burn yourself out.
What do you think? Do you run ragged every summer only to wish you had slowed down just a bit? How do you balance it all? Leave your answers in the comments! Happy Monday!!
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Sunday Social Week 2
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Hey guys! It's Sunday. And you know that that means.. Another Sunday Social Linkup! I am really enjoying this. It gets me thinking and you all get to learn some nifty things about me! Join in and grab the cute little button From Neely and Ashley!
1. Favorite Genre of Music?
I really love it all. I grew up in a house where music was always playing and I have come to love some of all of it. If I had to answer as to what I listen to on a daily basis it would be top 40. If I had time to go through and make a playlist it would be really crazy all over the place, you don't know what's coming next kind of list.
2. Favorite Genre of movies?
I really like dramas and comedies. I love a good captive story that keeps me interested through the whole thing. Kind of like a book. I wanna know how it ends. Then there is the comedy side where I would love to just laugh through the whole thing until my stomach hurts.
3. Do you watch Reality TV? If so what was the first show you remember watching: I really never got into it. Does American Idol count?
4. Actress you’d want to be BFF’s with?
Hmm.. Jennifer Lawrence maybe. She seems to be spunky and nutty like I can be at times. I am sure we would just along JUST fine!
5. Actor you’d be happy to be stuck on an island with?
That would have to be Ian Somerhalder for sure! He is one dark and handsome man who also cares about the environment. He would know how to keep me alive!
Have a great Sunday!
1. Favorite Genre of Music?
I really love it all. I grew up in a house where music was always playing and I have come to love some of all of it. If I had to answer as to what I listen to on a daily basis it would be top 40. If I had time to go through and make a playlist it would be really crazy all over the place, you don't know what's coming next kind of list.
2. Favorite Genre of movies?
I really like dramas and comedies. I love a good captive story that keeps me interested through the whole thing. Kind of like a book. I wanna know how it ends. Then there is the comedy side where I would love to just laugh through the whole thing until my stomach hurts.
3. Do you watch Reality TV? If so what was the first show you remember watching: I really never got into it. Does American Idol count?
4. Actress you’d want to be BFF’s with?
Hmm.. Jennifer Lawrence maybe. She seems to be spunky and nutty like I can be at times. I am sure we would just along JUST fine!
5. Actor you’d be happy to be stuck on an island with?
That would have to be Ian Somerhalder for sure! He is one dark and handsome man who also cares about the environment. He would know how to keep me alive!
Have a great Sunday!
social sunday
Fitness on a holiday
Friday, July 4, 2014
Welcome back to another week of Fit-Trish. A weekly series where I talk about fitness on a budget! Today is a very special day here in America. It is America's birthday! So today I want to talk about ways to stay healthy AND have fun on a holiday weekend.
I know most of you are heading out to a BBQ or other outing with friends and family this weekend. There will likely be endless amounts of food and alcoholic beverages. Here are a few quick tips to enjoy your day out without going overboard.
I know most of you are heading out to a BBQ or other outing with friends and family this weekend. There will likely be endless amounts of food and alcoholic beverages. Here are a few quick tips to enjoy your day out without going overboard.
- Bring a large bottle of water. You will most likely be outdoors. The bottle of water will not only help keep you hydrated, but will help keep your stomach feeling full. It will help you limit yourself from having that third helping of potato salad!
- Only fill your plate with what you know you will eat. There is no need to overfill your plate and then either waste food or feel you need to eat it all. Small portions are key here. If you are still by chance hungry after eating, then drink more water.
- Limit your alcohol/sugary drink consumption. Use alternatives like seltzer or water enhancers if you need a break from water. Replace soda with seltzer in mixed drinks to help cut out the sugar that come in regular sodas. Read my post on water alternatives (here).
- Be active. If there is a game of volleyball going on or swimming, get involved. There is no better way to have fun AND get exercise than to join in a group of others.
- Remember to let all the stress go away and enjoy your time off! Spending time around loved ones can always help release some steam and get you refueled and back on track. Laugh until your stomach hurts and then count it as an ab workout! You will thank me later for that one :)
4th of july
Internal Interview
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Well here I am. I am up all early and ready to go. I am going on an interview today. Not just any interview, but an internal interview. I don't know about you, but this is more nerve racking than a regular interview. You are probably thinking why?
What do you think? Is an internal interview more nerve racking then an outside interview? How have you handled them if you had one? Leave me stories cause I love hearing from you all!
Have a great Hump Day and WISH ME LUCK!
- Presentation. I normally wear jeans to work. I love my jeans, but today I need to dress like a boss! I went through my closet last night to find something young and hip to make me look like a professional.
- I am meeting with 3 directors, all of which I already know. I am used to joking around with them or cracking jokes, but this time I need to be on my best behavior and act like the young professional I pretend to be.
- Competition. I am competing first with my coworkers. Only one of us can get this position. You are always secretly hoping they choke so you look better. Now if we all choke or deem us unworthy they pull in some outside competition. Bring it on!
- Showing off your skills. This is where you need to be up on not only your interview skills, but the skills they are looking for in this position. Even though I already work for the company doesn't mean they won't find someone better then me to fill the spot. Bummer!
- Not getting the job. In any other circumstance you walk away and never have to see the place again. In this circumstance I have to go back to work, where everyone
laughslooks at me and knows I didn't get the job.
- Getting the job. You now have to look at your coworkers and pretend you feel bad hat you got the job over them. Suckers! JK!
- If you get the job you have the awkward transition where you are halfway doing your old job and halfway doing your new job and you feel guilty on each end for doing said half ass jobs.
What do you think? Is an internal interview more nerve racking then an outside interview? How have you handled them if you had one? Leave me stories cause I love hearing from you all!
Have a great Hump Day and WISH ME LUCK!
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