Spring into Action: Setting Goals with a Splash of Sunshine!

Setting Spring Goals

As the days grow longer and flowers start to bloom, there's an undeniable sense of renewal in the air. Spring is nature's way of reminding us that it's never too late to plant seeds. Start setting goals and cultivating new ideas. In this blog post, let's embrace the magic of the season and embark on a journey of goal-setting that's as bright and refreshing as a spring day.

Embracing the Joy of Goal-Setting

Spring is the season when motivation starts to peak after the long months of winter, especially if you live in a place that is cold and gray. Just as nature comes alive, so can you. Take the motivation that the sunshine brings and use it to set goals.

Here are a few tips to help you embrace the joy of goal-setting this spring:

  1. Plant Seeds of Intention: Like a gardener tending to a flower bed, take some time to reflect on what you hope to cultivate in your life this season. What dreams have been poking at you in those quiet moments? Whether it's learning a new skill, building relationships, or embarking on an adventure, let your heart be your guide as you plant seeds of intention for the months ahead.

  2. Bloom Where You're Planted: Just as each flower blooms in its own time and way, so do you. Embrace the process, trusting that every step forward—even the small one—is a victory worth celebrating. Remember, it's the journey, not just the destination, that brings us fulfillment.

  3. Tend to Your Inner Garden: Just as a flower needs water and sunlight to thrive, so do you. Take time each day to nurture your mind, body, and spirit through practices that bring you joy. Whether it's a walk in nature, a cozy cup of tea, or a moment of quiet reflection, prioritize self-care as you tend to the garden of your soul.

All goals do not have to be huge and scary. Spring is a good time to remember the small things in life that bring you joy. Little things can open up doors to those bigger dreams you have. Enjoy the beauty of your surroundings as the earth blooms and notice those quiet moments when you become curious. Explore those curiosities. You never know where they will take you...

Happy Spring Friends.
Trish List signature

Reaching Goals Revamped

Is February like January to anyone else? And what I mean by that is something kicks into gear and I get motivated for my goals again. 

I seem to have a track record of coming back to old projects, thinking up new ideas or simply feeling like I'm making progress in February. Enter, the blogs back together. 

I got super motivated when I realized my Facebook page for this blog is still active. If you're not following me there, please do. I'm gonna post fun stuff there again. 

Also, what socials do you all prefer these days? Are we all hanging out on TikTok? Is Instagram still cool? Is there anyone who isn't angry at Facebook? Anything new I'm not up to date on? Drop your responses in the comments or on my Facebook page. 

Anyway.. I promised I would write a post to outline stuff I would be writing here moving forward. I hope this is helpful.


1. Lifestyle Stuff: Cool things I like and think you may like too. Maybe some minor fashion. Maybe

2. Life Stories: Our stories can often be the manuals for others to navigate their own lives. I have a lot of manuals to share and like to keep most of them in humor to keep it lite, but there are also some heavy topics I could touch on. 

3. Spirituality: Like mind, body and spirit stuff. Over the years I've done a lot of soul searching and got certified in some things.
 Yoga, Reiki, Life Coach, and other random little things I can speak on. I also like touching on the psychology of marketing. 

4. Entrepreneur Stuff: I've been an entrepreneur for about 3 years now full time. I suppose you can call this blog a part of my entrepreneur journey because early on it was generating money. 

*Fun fact, I did such a good job with building this blog that I don't even have to blog for years and still get thousands of views a month. I had to figure that all out on my own a decade ago. 

5. Wellness: I have a lot of stories to tell about health and wellness. This includes things like dealing with black mold, being frustrated when doctors don't listen, food sensitivities, yoga, journaling, weight struggles, healing on multiple levels: mind, body and soul, mental health and ADHD and the list goes on. 

6. Book Review: I'm reading a ton so I might share here, but mostly I mat share some of the book I'm currently writing. It's fiction rom-com featuring a woman with ADHD. I'm proud of where it's going and would be honored to get feedback from you. 

There are a lot of things here. I've never wanted to settle on just one subject. I'm sure I could but my ADHD mind would get bored so I would just assume so would yours. 

I'm excited for this space. I'm excited to come back regularly. And I'm glad to unlearn some of the marketing strategies I've learned over the years because I realized that when I focused heavily on marketing and what everyone else said or did I lost my path and my authentic voice. 

I don't want to write for views. I want to write because I can help people while also healing myself with my words. 

Talk soon. 

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