Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts

What Inspired Me to Change

Hi there. Happy Monday. You may notice things are looking a little different around here today (Ahem, new layout). Over the next week you will see some more changes here. I am not completely done yet with the layout. This is just the barebones. I will put in time as I can to get my vision created. But now on to what has made me decide to put in the time to make the changes.

You may (or may not) remember me mentioning the book 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think by Laura Vanderkam. (Just an FYI, I won't make any money off of that link if you click it, because even after 5 years of blogging, I have no idea how affiliate marketing works! Ooops!) If you don't remember, it is basically a book reminding you of how many hours in a day you waste on pointless shit.  That is pretty much the jist of it.

Now you may think I am not digging this book by that statement, but that's not true at all. The book has reminded me that I once had a passion and some real time put into this blog. This blog was my life at one point, in a good way.

I loved coming here each and every day to work on something new for you all to read and engage in with me. Over time a life thing happened that really left a bad taste in my mouth, and from that point on my time here became less and less. I was looking at my archive list earlier. My first year of blogging was in 2014. I wrote 137 posts and I started blogging in May.

In 2015 I wrote 156 posts and really started to get some notice. I had brands who reached out to me. I did some sponsored posts. It was great! I loved to write and I was getting asked to write. It made me happy. In July, the life thing happened. Things slowed down a bit, but I made a promise to myself that I would at least blog through the end of the year, plus I had some commitments already that I had to honor.

In 2016 I was down to 123 posts and by last year I only had 73 logged. Here we are in 2018 and this will only be my 22nd post of the year. A majority of these posts only happened over the last 2 months. It seems I have found my passion again with writing. It doesn't even have anything to do with being sponsored or making money.

I just love it. Signs have been pointing me back to writing for awhile now. It is something I never thought I would enjoy so much, yet here I am. Inspiration at it's finest.

 Now back to the book I mentioned and how it inspired me to change my path here on the blog.

It reminded me that if I am passionate enough about something, I will make time for it.  There is no longer an adequate excuse. It's either I want to do it or I don't. There really isn't any in between.

You carve out time where you can. For instance, I am typing this out while I pump for baby bloob. I have mastered doing this lately. I write and I create food for my child. I am making time for 2 things that are very important to me.

You use all of your free time efficiently. It works.

If I can hash out time and multitask for something I love, then so can you. You just have to make a choice.

I plan to finish this book today, as it is due back to the library tomorrow. I plan to write down my week in hours next week. I will share how it goes along the way. I am excited to see how I spend my time.

Who's going to do it with me?

Trish List signature

Happy 4th Birthday The Trish List

Somewhere between sleep deprivation and not blogging as much, I completely forgot The Trish List is celebrating a birthday! The month on May brings on 4 years of blogging!

I want to thank everyone who has been supportive of not just this blog, but of me. The blogging community is one of the best places to meet amazing people in my opinion.

I know I have been on the fence on whether I was going to continue blogging moving forward or even keep this space around. After lots of time and careful thought, I have decided to revamp this space and continue on. I love this space. There were a few reasons I didn't want to keep this, but I am no longer being held prisoner to those things.

What better day to let you all know that I'm staying than on my blogs 4th birthday!

I hope you all have a wonderful day and have a cupcake (or 5, who's counting?) in honor of The Trish List!

Trish List signature

Blogging: Connecting with your readers after a hiatus

We have all had those days. Those days when we don't feel like blogging. We say we will do it tomorrow, and tomorrow comes and still no post. This goes on longer than you realize and suddenly it's been a month. Two months. And so on.

Blogging can be a hobby for some. It can be someone's part-time job. Blogging can be your only income, if you play it right. But truth be told, just like any other "job" blogging can burn you out.

Most bloggers I know also juggle a full time job, kids, and other life responsibilities. We let this space slip for life. We become absent. We are less consistent. What does that do for our readers? For our blogging community?

Last year I was one of those bloggers. I burnt out. I tried to fit more onto my plate than I was capable of at that moment. I would come on here and tell everyone I was great and was finally getting my shit together and to expect X, Y, and Z. Bam. Crickets. I didn't follow through. I wasn't delivering my promises.

I saw the decline in my daily numbers. I was no longer generating conversation on my blog. You lost interest. I lost your trust. You didn't believe me anymore when I said I was coming out with a new series, or a fun topic on this or that. You kept coming back to my crying wolf and eventually you just got tired of me. You stopped coming.

I was upset. I wanted to blame everything but myself for this blog not doing well. Maybe people just didn't get me? Maybe I needed more posts on this or that. The reality was, I needed to step back and re-evaluate what I was doing here. I wasn't being consistent because I was losing interest in my own hobby.

Since the new year started, I have taken some steps to get back to a consistent schedule and work on getting you interested again. In the process I have come up with some great tips to help re-connect you with your readers, as well as your blogging community.

Comment, comment, comment

I cannot say this enough. When you come back from a sudden hiatus without any warning, your readers may have moved on. They may believe you are no longer blogging, so they have no reason to visit your blog.

By visiting all of your favorite blogs again, or maybe they were even your tribe in the blogging community, will alert them that you are back. Slowly they will start checking your page again. It may take some time, but the more you show interest in what they are doing, the better chance they are going to take another chance on you.

You should also be responding to your own comments in a timely manner. If people take the time to leave you a comment, you should be returning the favor by responding to them. It really makes a difference. Your reader feels valued.

Be consistent

Now that you have everyone's attention again, you MUST be consistent. Show your readers you are back for the long haul, and you have some great content to share with them. If you say you will post tomorrow, you best post tomorrow. If you can't post tomorrow, shoot out a message on social media. Let them know there was a change in plan.

I continuously told my readers I was going to do something, and then never got around to it. I'm sure that made me look like a complete brat. I was asking you to come back, and to what? No post. No explanation. Just woops I once again forgot to follow through. Riiiiiight.

Be honest

Let's be honest, life sometimes happens. If you are going to take some time away due to unforeseen circumstances, let everyone know. I know again, as a blogger, we have the right to not dive to much into our personal lives, but that doesn't mean you can't simply just say, I will be away this week. I will return next week. And that's it.

If you go the route of, "this is my blog and I can come and go as I please and do what I want", I'm going to say you certainly can, but don't expect people to stick with you. I'm not saying everyone will leave, but there are millions of blogs out there, all competing for the same people to read them over someone else. If you aren't delivering, someone else will.

I am starting to look at my blog as a business. Not in a sense that I am selling something, or making money for that matter, but as a way to remind myself to deliver. To sell my product by interacting, by being consistent, and by being honest. I'm showing up for you guys.

If you do the same, you will see people come back. You will see people who value what you are writing. They will want to read your thoughts, and will appreciate your comments. The connection comes back, and you will be back to those relationships you lost, while burning out quietly.

I really hope this helps someone out there. I know how it is to completely burn out, become very uninterested, and all together stop being involved. I am finally at a place where I can say I'm doing better. I'm working on it.

Let's be friends again?

Trish List signature

Blogging Progress Report 2016

Christmas week has officially snuck up on us. Are you done with your shopping? I'd like to answer that question with a big fat yes, however I am not done yet. Seems to be a trend for me every year.

I know I had said I am on a blogging break, and I really have been, but I wanted to take a moment to write a few things as we lead into the crazy weeks that are "the" holidays.

I am planning to write a 2016 wrap post, and that will come next week, but this week I wanted to take a moment to just reflect on what this blog has been to me this year. Kind of a reminicing blogging progress report.

Looking back at the archives, I feel like I started this year off strong and with a positive note, and gradually through the year I went down hill. I found myself complaining here more often then I would have liked, and that bothers me. It bothers me because 1. I don't like to read about someone complaining over and over again on their blogs and 2. I could have done something to fix those issues. I could of kept them to myself.

I felt like I came here to get justification for my struggles. Like I owed you all an explaination on why I was absent, or always complaining about something. Part of that happened because I felt like I was obligated to write here 3 times a week. No ands, ifs, or buts about it.

After numerous blogging breaks and some crappy posts, I am finally to a point where I won't blog just for the sake of blogging. I noticed as the year started to end, my blogs made more sense to me. They had reason. They weren't posted just to get something posted.

I have learned a real lesson this year. No matter how crappy I am feeling in real life, I can't let that reflect on the blog over and over again like a broken record. I have learned that if I am having some trouble keeping things straight here, I will write about it once, let everyone know where I'm at, and move on.

I think that makes the most sense.

Overall I think I did okay this year. I was consistant, but not in the way I had anticipated. Next year I would like to blog with more passion and purpose. I want there to be reason to have you all back. Not have you all leave thinking, "Dear Lord, this girl complains to much!".

I really hope you all will join me in 2017 for a bit of a shift in content here. I will speak more about that in my wrap up post next week.

In the meantime, have a wonderful and safe holiday week! I hope it is filled with friends, family, spirits, and good food.

From my family to yours, Merry Christmas!

Trish List signature

When Blogging is Awkward

If you're a blogger you've probably found yourself in some kind of awkward situation. Whether it be to get that perfect photo, or talking about a subject that makes others uncomfortable. We have all been there at least once. I thought I would start a series to share my laughable awkward moments. I hope you will follow along and share your laughable awkward moments as well!

Awkward Moment # 257

Friend 1: I have a package that got delivered to my house in your name.

Me: Well that's funny, but either way I'm glad you have it.

Friend 1: Want me to bring it over to you while you're at work?

Me: Sure!

An hour later: Friend 1 shows up with Friend 2 who is a male

Friend 1: Here is the box!

Friend 2: I hope whatever is in that box is important! She ran it right over!

Me: Oh it's just some tampons! No big deal.

Friend 2: Laughs (makes a joke kind of uncomfortable)

Me: I mean it's for blogging. I need to review them.

Friend 1 and 2: Laughs.

Me: Oh blogging! 

Trish List signature

After 2 years of blogging I have learned..

After 2 years of blogging I have learned.. (Also a giveaway at the end)

Always respond to your comments. Your readers took time out of their day to visit your page, read your post, and share their thoughts. Over the past 6 months I have severely lacked in this department and it really makes me feel badly. I let down my readers by putting them off for a week rather than getting back to them within a day. Don’t make the same mistakes. Readers don’t forget.

Visit fellow bloggers pages. This is a common courtesy. It helps the community and yourself by being supportive. Sometimes we all get caught up and reading and not commenting. This isn’t a bad thing per say, but dropping a comment regularly is a nice way to show your support for their blogs.

Always let your readers know when you are taking a break. If you just drop off the radar for a few weeks, it often leaves your readers hanging and in time if they don’t hear from you they stop coming back. Everyone deserves a break, but announcing it is always going to work out better than just going M.I.A.

Do take risks. But when you do take risks, make them risks you believe in. Don’t get caught up in what everyone else around you is doing. What works for one person may not work for you. If you are passionate about something, then take that risk.
Don’t be afraid to fail.

Not every idea is going to work. Not every post will go viral. Heck most posts won’t even come close to going viral.I have had so many ideas that have tanked, but you know what? No one criticized me. No one laughed and said “I told you so”. Life went on.

I’m still here.

Build community. Having support in blogging is just like having support with your job. There are people out there in the same boat as you with the same questions. Find each other and help each other out. Be cheerleaders to keep each other going. I have found friendships that extend past blogging through blogging. It’s an amazing thing.

I have been blogging now for 2 years and I still don’t know everything. I will continue to learn and find out new things every day just like someone who just started blogging. No one knows it all. Don’t ever let anyone make you feel like they do know it all. Even that blogger making six figures doesn’t know it all. They just know what works best for them.

Find what works best for you and you will be golden. This is my advice to you as a 2 year old blogger. It has taken me these short 2 years to learn what works for me and it will still be a work in progress.

Now for the fun part on a Monday.. I think it's about time for a giveaway! Once this post reaches 10 comments I will pick a random winner for a $10 gift card of your choice!

Trish List signature

2 Years Old!

It’s been 2 years.. yes as in 731 days (We had a leap year in there) since The Trish List was officially born as a lifestyle blog. This space has been all over the place ever since. I mean who doesn’t like a train wreck? All jokes aside, when I started this blog I had no idea what I wanted to do with it. I wanted to write. I wanted people to read it. I wanted to be just like everyone else.

This is probably one of my problems. How can I succeed if I am just like the next blog? No one wants to read the same things over and over just on a different page. I have struggled with this for the majority of my time as a blogger. I see people trying things and I think, “oh, I should try that” and fail miserably.

So here I am, 2 years old and ready to start fresh. I think I finally found what works for me and what I can offer my readers. Maybe it’s not exactly what you enjoy reading, but I am okay with that. I know I can’t please everyone, but someone will relate.

I am spending all of May celebrating The Trish List and myself. Without me there would not be a space, and as a blogger I need to remember to celebrate me from time to time. I invite you all to stick with me this month. There will be giveaways, new topics, throw backs, and all kinds of fun things.

I also invite you all to take time out to celebrate yourselves as well. Make yourself a priority and quit making excuses for putting yourself second to everything else in your life.

The first thing I want to do with my fresh start is introduce you to the new focuses you will find me posting about. Let's call them intentions.

  • Self care and happiness 
  • Wellness and healthy living
  • Reviews (going back to my roots!)
  • Everyday life tales
Each of these intentions will have sub- categories. For example under self care and happiness I will be introducing the monthly random acts of kindness giveaway. 

I want to stay within those topics with some life along the way. Things that you will read with life posts will be things like travel and wedding Updates. 

I want to keep this easy for a Monday. Stick with me for some more fun and celebrating all month long!

Make it a great week!

Trish List signature

It's gonna be May..

Happy Sunday and happy May! Whew we made it! I woke up to a very windy, rainy day which I was not thrilled to see, but we are that much closer to summer and that makes me happy.

Today's Sunday Snap is a special one. I have so many great things to talk about. For starters, 2 years ago I transitioned The Trish List over from a once a week review blog to a lifestyle blog. I moved my blog from Weebly to Blogger. I recognize May as my Blogiversary month and today The Trish List is 2!

I am planning to celebrate all month with some fun surprises and new topics. If you have kept up with the blog over the 2 years, first of all bless your heart and secondly you will know this space has changed a lot. You have seen me take time off and times when I was on fire. It's all apart of the gig. Bloggers work their tails off to produce content so you will want to come back to day after day.

For this reason I am also celebrating myself. I need to give myself come credit for coming back week after week to work on making this a better space. May is also Mental Health Awareness month and I am advocating you all take time out of your days as well for self care. Do something for yourself daily to make yourself matter first in your life.

I hope you stick with me this month, as I reminisce my 2 years of blogging and bring some new content. I have been working my tail off for weeks writing and planning to make sure you all get a taste of where The Trish List is headed. This is a great time to re-aquaint yourself with me or get to know me if you are a new reader.

Each week this month I will post some throw backs from the blog. These will include favorite posts and facts about me and the blog. I will throw in some surprises and even some gifts..

Stick with me and I promise you a good time! I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your weekend. Even though it is raining here today, we are expecting my parents and are headed to the wedding venue to wine taste.. I am getting married at a winery in case you didn't know! Make it a good day folks!

The Trish List Fact # 1: Today is my 340th post!

*Keep track of these facts.. there just might be a quiz.. which means.. giveaway in my world :)

Trish List signature

Sneak peak!

I've been feeling a little MIA lately. I have been working a lot on this blog behind the scenes this month, gearing up for my 2 year blogaversary in May. Of course that has taken me away from actually posting regularly here.

I know I set warning that this space would be a pretty hot mess this month, but I thought more would be posted. Because I failed to send more test content out than I had originally intended, I wanted to run a few ideas past you all.

First and foremost I want this blog to be a positive place. I also don't want to portray that I live in a perfect world either. I want to stay away from rants if I can, but there will be days where maybe this will be the good, the bad, and the ugly.

So my first idea that I am implementing next month is my Random Acts of Kindness tab. Each month I am going to pick 1 of my readers to send a little thank you to. There won't be a specific gift, just something to say thanks. I want to leave a space where anyone can write about what they are doing to put a smile on someone's face.

The second topic I will be addressing is being a stepmom. In September I will marry R and officially be a stepmom to his 2 boys. R and I have been together for about 3 years and living together for 1.

 I am going to write a monthly post where I will encourage others to link up and share their stories. These should be positive posts that encourage and support other stepmoms out there.

The last new addition to the blog will be weekly posts of pursuing what happiness means to each of us and how to get there. I strive every day to think of one positive thing, even when my day seems bad.

Just a couple of new things coming, but I feel like they can make a big impact. Don't forget I am also offering a poll this month with a prize for anyone who takes it! You can find it here.

Happy Tuesday.

Trish List signature

What do you think?

Why hello there. Nice to see you all. First and foremost I want to thank everyone for the support this week. Thanks to everyone who have taken my survey. If you haven't I would love if you did. Plus you will be entered to win a $10 Starbucks gift card!

Today I am interested in finding out what keeps you coming back to a blog. Is it based solely on the content? Do you enjoy the style of writing? Maybe you just absolutely love the design?

I want to say I come back to a blog only for the content, but to be honest I have come back for the style of writing. For example humor. Sometimes I could not care one bit about the content but if the writer can keep me entertained just by their approach I'm hooked.

I also come back if there is a product linked to the blog that I enjoy. And by product, this could be a service they offer. Take Helene from Helene in Between for example. Her blog to me is one big service. She uses her space to help other bloggers succeed. I know going into her blog what to expect and leave with valuable and useful information.

I guess you could say I am very niche friendly. But speaking about a niche, do you think they really bring in more readers? If I blogged specifically about cats, do you think I'd succeed as a blogger?

That I'm not 100% sure about yet, but I've read a lot of "reports" about this. I enjoy being a lifestyle blog with a few specific topics rather than marrying myself to just cats.

What do you think? What keeps you coming back to a blog? Anything specific?

Trish List signature

New year, new blogging to-do list..

Each year I am sure we all make all kinds of goals and resolutions for ourselves. Am I right? If you are a blogger that adds another whole set of pending to-do lists that we may or may not have left in the previous year. You need to come to a point where you can set aside some time to get things done. Enter the Blog Staycation. If you are not familiar with this, it is a 4 day span where you tackle some of your blogging to-do list with a little help from your friends. We hope you can join us:


Thursday, January 14th through Sunday, January 17th

This is the 4th Staycation since August of 2014 when it was founded by myself, Jen from Jenerally Informed and Julie from Girl on the Move.

You can also read about some of our past staycations here, here, and here if you are looking for a more in depth picture of what the staycation is all about.

Important info you need to know!

As always we will be sending out daily emails with the days events, along with updates and any announcements. We will also be hosting fun Twitter parties and Facebook chats. 
So on to the important details:

Who can join? Anyone who wants to connect and grow their blogs! There is no requirement!

How can I join? You can sign up and will be included in all emails moving forward! Make sure you also join our Facebook group! So many fabulous people there with so much information and inspiration!

When is it? January 14th through January 17th! (That's a Thursday through Sunday)

What can I expect? Each Staycation we try to touch on new hot topics. We want to be able to educate and learn together. Whether we are featuring an expert speaker or giving away a useful prize, we are making sure you leave the staycation with something. We enjoy meeting all of you and giving you all the opportunity to network and connect.

We are always up for recommendations and requests for future content with the staycation. Please send me an e-mail if you have any questions or suggestions!

We hope to see you there! 

Trish List signature

Operation Eat, Drink, and Be Merry

Blogging can be challenging at times, but so can life. This is why I try to set some healthy goals each month to keep me on track. We are in December now and I can honestly say that by setting these goals along with linking them into my happiness project I feel like I have made a difference this year. I am not going to 100% evaluate all of that yet as we have not finished out the year, but I am going to pat myself on the back for making it to December and not quitting half way through.

Now let's see what I accomplished in November.

Personal Goals

Budgeting: I always feel like I do a good job in this area. I have been very mindful to what I am spending and where I am spending. I was able to take care of most of my Christmas shopping during the Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals. I didn't spend a fortune and feel like I got a nice assortment of gifts.
Wellness: I am halfway through my 6 week yoga class and I am really happy I made that decision. It is a great way to let off some stress and I have learned to love this new studio. I am also eating better. I didn't overdue it at Thanksgiving and am drinking more water. I even made it back into the gym a few times. Baby steps.
Reading: I finished 1 of the 2 books I took out from the library. The second one is due back this weekend and I just didn't get as much done as I had hoped. I am working on finding more time to sit down and read. So a 50 % on this goal.
Grateful: I am back to writing in my journal. This has been extremely helpful for remembering to notice the small things. Appreciate the small things. I am reminding myself daily why I am lucky to be here and happy. So far it is really helping. Something I need to continue on indefinitely.

Blogging Goals

I feel like I have come to this space more often in November in a more motivated state. I had ideas and I wrote about them. It is always going to be a work in progress but I feel like things are slowly changing in my life and that will reflect here. All I can say to that one is continue to bare with me!

December Goals

I have one goal this month. That goal is going to be something I needed to set for myself a long time ago and actually follow.

Eat. Drink. And be Merry!

Yes, that is going to be my goal for the month. I am going to spend as much time laughing with friends and family, enjoying festive cocktails, sampling yummy treats, and participating in all the fun events that I can. I need this. We all need this. Let loose and enjoy the reason for the season folks!

What are you going to accomplish this month?

Trish List signature

Friday Snapshot: Volume 1

Whew! We made it! I am going to try something new today, and hopefully every Friday moving forward. I am going to post a snapshot of my week here. This would include links I loved, links I posted, and weekly updates that I feel shaped me and this blog. So what do you say? Give this a shot with me? Also the winner is announced for my first giveaway! She has been emailed but I will announce it at the bottom of this post!

In case you missed it

Currently: Struggle Bus Edition
Wedding Wedneday: Inspiration
Blogging: How I'm Making Small Changes for Big Results

Updates this week

I made a few updates on the blog appearance. In case you haven't noticed, my sidebar photo is new and I also updated my 'About Me' page. Run on over and check that out!

I have really upped my game when it comes to photos. I really enjoy photography but have really slacked when it came to taking quality photos. Between using my DSLR and stock photos, I have cleaned up my images. This makes me smile. 

I am toying around with posting 4-5 days a week. I am ending this week with 4 posts. I am feeling confident that I can do this now and put out quality content. Please forgive me if I miss a day.

Coming up next week

This weekend R and I will be having our engagement photos. I expect I will have some commentary on that come my Wedding Wednesday post.

I am working on a few new ideas to work into my blogging rotation. One being this particular series. I want to be able to share favorites links from other bloggers along with products and such I am into. I may even start a 'Favorites' post incorporating all the things that make up this blog: Fitness, Thrity, and all round life things.

I vowed to work on posting more photos of myself. I have taken a few photos for a post that I am planning to share this week on simple wedding makeup, even when your face is breaking out.  I am excited for this. I hope you all enjoy it.

My first newsletter goes live! Have you subscribed yet?


The winner of my first giveaway is:

Katherine C from Katherine's Corner! Congrats!

Thank you to everyone who participated! Thank you all for the support! This place means so much to me and having you all here makes it that much better! Happy weekend!

Trish List signature

Blogging: How I'm making small changes for big results

I've officially been blogging for 20 months. Yes I'm going the month route. Kinda like a baby. In reality this space is like my baby. It demands attention. It needs to be fed, changed, and encouraged. It's not going to walk on its own. It a not going to talk on its own.

The reality of it is each and every blog needs a village (or community) to grow. Bloggers need to take the steps to interact with other bloggers and their readers. Research them. Find out what they want to see. Sounds a little daunting at first, but once you get the hang of it, it's smooth sailing.

To bad there isn't a 'What to Expect when you're Growing a Blog' book out there. Because there is no official book that tells you exactly what to do, I am going to share the little changes I have been making lately to see big results.

Follow other bloggers

You may be thinking 'I already do that'. That's great but, what I've been focusing on is 3 specific bloggers. I've picked 3 bloggers who have different blogging styles and are still attracting readers who comment. This is great research. You can see what they are doing to keep readers coming back.

Update your photos

I just recently updated my main sidebar photo as well as my 'About Me' photo. This allows your readers to see you are growing and evolving. It's great to let your readers see you, and what you are up to. This is something I am still learning. In time I know it will be a good thing to update my photos. 

Clean up your sidebars

I noticed I had a few things lingering that weren't still accurate for my blog. I removed everything that didn't belong and moved some things to other places that made more sense. I think it looks clean and more professional this way.

Host a giveaway

I recently hosted my first one. It was small but it still got people motivated to stop by. Speaking of giveaway, come back tomorrow to see if you're the winner!


I know EVERYONE tells you this, but it's so true. I have been spending a few minutes every day commenting on my favorite blogs. I am also taking this opportunity to comment on new blogs. I search other comments and if they have a blog I visit them as well. It's a win/win. You're showing someone some love and chances are they will do the same.

Social Media

Pick 2 social media platforms to focus on. It is nearly impossible to keep them all up to date all the time and not feel burnt out. I am focusing on Instagram and Pinterest lately. I'd love if you would follow me! Let's help each other out.


Commit to what works for you. If that means writing out 5 blog posts on Sunday for the week then so be it. If that means only posting 3 times a week, do it. Don't commit to something you can't deliver. Currently I am blogging 3 times a week. It works for me. My readers know this. In the next few weeks I may start blogging 5 days a week. Is it going to work for me? I don't know yet. But I'm going to warn everyone before I do it.

Secret Weapon

Do something that is unique to just you. Make something your signature. Your secret weapon. This can be anything. For me, I am further educating myself. I am spending the money to take my craft further. This is something that makes me feel good and helps this blog grow. Of course there are others but I can't give them all away!

What simple tips do you follow to grow your blog and your audience?

Trish List signature

Currently: Struggle Bus Edition

As you can see it is now the afternoon on the east coast and I am just not around to getting this blog posted. I am on the struggle bus today hardcore. Let's see how this currently list is gonna work.


Feeling: Exhausted is an understatement but I felt like dead wouldn't work either. Driving 12 hours total in a 30 hour period with only 6 of those hours having any sleep, kind of caught up bad this morning. 

Thinking: How amazing it was to cross off a few items on my bucket list this weekend. I took a spontaneous road trip to crash a friends wedding. I also got to learn about a faith that I didn't know much about. Super win this weekend!

Reading: I just finished up The Royal We by Heather Cocks. It was such a cute book. Now I am craving another Brit Lit! Any suggestions?

Planning: Well the obvious answer would be my wedding. So much stuff already checked off and still so many little things to do. On top of my wedding I am also planning some other life events. Stay tuned for me details!

Eating: I have really gotten back to eating healthier and enjoying all that fall has to offer. I have a big bowl of spaghetti squash with peppers and garlic on my desk for lunch today. It's really yummy and not so bad for me. How do you prepare your squash?

Looking forward to: There are so many things I am looking forward to, but on a short term basis I am looking forward to Halloween. It is one of my favorite times of the year to get together with old friends and have a good time. This year it is falling on the weekend so it allows me to plan easier. I have no idea what I am going to be, but that's okay right?

Planning for the blog: New content. New series. More giveaways. I am going all out. I am taking the step to get this place in action. 

What are you currently up to?

Trish List signature

Garlic and Cheesecake!

We have made it to Friday and I couldn't be more thrilled! This is kind of a Friday five post to a point. I am going to tell you about 5 things I am excited about currently. Make sense?

1. I FINALLY broke down and ordered a camera tripod. I have had my DSLR since Christmas and haven't fully utilized it. I am hoping by having the tripod will motivate me to pick it up more often. I am all for taking photos with my smartphone but sometimes I need the fancy pants camera to get the perfect shot. I just ordered it yesterday so it make take a few weeks before I get to use and it showcase my work here.

2. I haven't had a chance to talk about my mini vacation! Me and R went away for the weekend and visited a town in Pennsylvania called Easton. Doesn't sound that exciting right? Wrong. We went with little expectation other than to relax and get away. (I had a free hotel room at an Easton hotel that I won last year somehow..) Anywho... We had a BLAST. They had so much going on down in the area, which is right outside of Allentown and Bethlehem. We visited 2 festivals. An Octoberfest sponsored by Yunegling Brewery (One of my fave beers!) on Saturday where it rained a lot but I got to meet up with an old coworker and eat steudel. Score!

On Sunday we headed to the Garlic Fest in center square Easton. It was AH-MAZ-ING! The weather cleared up and it was a beautiful fall day. Right off of the square is the Crayola Experience. We didn't go in but we had a blast photographing the outside! Giant crayons and markers everywhere! We also sampled a ton of great garlic dishes. We attended a dessert competition where everything had to incorporate garlic. We had cheesecake, rice crispy treats, ice cream, and brownies. The cheesecake was TO DIE FOR!

Such an amazing day! I would recommend Easton, PA for a quick getaway. So much to do. I hear there is a bacon fest in November...
3. We got the venue for the wedding booked this week. I had my first dress fitting, which was super exciting. Things are moving along nicely in that department. I feel like 2 large items have been checked off my list, which takes the stress down a few notches.

4. I am attending a Cider festival this weekend. Can't wait to see what that brings. I love the fall for this reason alone. So many great festivals! Lots of eating and drinking. What's not to love?

5. I am officially launching a new series next week! I talked about this months ago and it never got off the ground. The series is called "Short Stories" and it is all related to all us short girls out there. I am going to encourage you to send in stories of your own if you are 5'3 and under. I am so exited for this.

6. Last but not least.. my first ever giveaway on the blog ended yesterday. Thank you to everyone who entered and supported it. Look for the winner next week! Could it be you?

Have a great weekend folks!
Trish List signature

October Goals: Transition

And then it was October.. Also known as my favorite month of the year! There are many reasons why this is true, but mostly it's a time of transition. Metaphorically speaking of course. September was a time for me where I wanted to re-introduce creativity into my daily life. I have always enjoyed art and photography and creative writing to a point. I feel like as I've gotten older I have pushed those things out and replaced them with past times that weren't quite as important to me.

In September I decided to clean the slate and find my creative self. This is a lot harder than it sounds. Let's see how I did:

Start a Journal

I vowed to write in my journal every day in September. Well sadly I didn't write in my journal everyday, but I did write 20 of the 30 days, which is a pretty good if you ask me. On days I didn't write in the journal I was writing drafts for upcoming blog posts or assignments for my writing class. I still feel like I accomplished this goal for the month. I did more writing than I have in a long time. I am going to keep this goal open and see where it goes.


I had plans to collaborate with a few ideas for October but I didn't get them all established. I am however hosting my first giveaway on the blog! (You should enter! It's open until Thursday!). So I would say even though I didn't get all of my ideas out, I did accomplish one. I will keep this goal open for the rest of the year and see where I'm out in 2016.

Up My Stats

I was aiming to reach 10,000 views for the month and I sold myself short by taking a blogging break. I am do not regret taking the break but it did affect my stats. There is always next month right?

Blog Planning

I took a blogging break to help myself re-focus. I feel like this break helped me do better with planning out my posts. I have been able to find more time to set aside for blog related activities. I am spending more time on my writing. photographs, and interacting with the blogging community. I would say I did a great job on this and will continue to practice this into the future.

I feel like I accomplished a lot in September. There were definitely some set backs but I came out of everything with a better attitude and less stress. Now to move into October. I want to focus on confidence. That will be my Happy Project word. Now what I want to accomplish.

  • Finish my writing class. Start researching more classes to better enhance my writing and business skills. This blog is my second job and it's about time I start treating it like it is. 
  •  Send out 2 pitches to brands I am interesting in working with. I am ready to start monetizing my blog and this is something I need to do. I need to get over the nervous hump and just do it. The worst that can happen is the word no right?
  • Post more photos of myself. I know this sounds vain but it is a confidence issue I have. This blog is about me and my life so it is about time I start showing you who I am. This is the goal I am most afraid of. Wish me luck.
 What are your plans and goals for October? Have any fun things planned? Keep up with me as I start showing you who I am and where I want to go with this. Happy Tuesday!

Trish List signature

Exciting Announcement! + Giveaway!

I bet you're wondering why I am posting on a Thursday. I try to keep a Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule but I really, really couldn't wait any longer to tell you all my exciting news!

Yes, yes I know the temptation is killing you. Well after a year and a half of blogging I have decided to start my very first newsletter! Because I am super excited about this and am really hoping you will join it so my fiance is not my only subscriber, I am also hosting my very first giveaway!

Before I get into the giveaway deets I want to give you a quick idea of what to expect when you subscribe to my newsletter. First and foremost you can expect some sassy tips about life. I love to give little quirky tips on how to make life easier. You will also have access to some sneak peak info on upcoming Blog Staycations. My favorite topic will also make an appearance, and of course that is some nifty thrifty tips.

The newsletter will only grace your mailboxes once a week and I will only send more if there is something SUPER important or exciting that I can't wait to share. This is my first time doing something like this, so please cut me some slack but also send me feedback! I love to improve things if they aren't what you all like to see.

So what do you think? Will you join me

 Now on to the giveaway...

I am so excited to be offering my first ever giveaway on the blog! I have some great ladies joining me today to give away a waterproof iPod Shuffle! Here on The Trish List I believe in living a healthier lifestyle. This iPod will be a great addition to your favorite exercises. This also includes swimming! How cool is that?! Enter below and visit these lovely ladies and show them some love!

This is the stock photo. You will get the Ipod Shuffle, the case and the interchangeable earbuds. Pretty sweet deal!

                     Trish                                                                                                   Anne

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thank you for all of your support and good luck! 

Trish List signature

Blogging Break: What I Learned

If you had to think about it, how many things could change in 11 days? Would there be good changes or bad changes? Were they noticeable to anyone other than you? In just 11 days away from this space I've noticed so many changes in myself and the way I view my blog.

Sometimes losing something for even a short while is enough to change your view. I wasn't really enjoying this space for the past few months. Letting it go by choice for those 11 days rather than letting it go because I lost interest was one of the best choices I could have made.

I've learned and I appreciated. Here's why:

Not only did I decide to take up a writing class, I also studied different courses on blogging in the past few weeks. Webinars and online course are so easy to find these days. You never have to leave your home to educate yourself on any subject. (This does not mean I am asking you to become a hermit!). I learned so many things by just taking notice and starting to spend time implementing some of these lessons on my blog. 

My writing class started on the 16th It's a 6 week course broken down into 2 sessions a week. I am only 4 sessions in and I'm already feeling better about my writing. In addition to my class I have also been writing drafts of my future blogs posts down on paper. It helps the words freely flow onto the paper. I then leave it for a day before re-working it. It has really made the difference. I am noticing all the little things I don't like before I post it live. 

I spent more time reading blogs. Old time favorites and new ones. I connected with new people as well as connected with old friends. I was able to spend more time commenting and interacting with my social media accounts. It was amazing to have all of that time and interaction. Not only did I feel connected again, I also felt fresh with new ideas. 

I was able to get out and enjoy myself. I read my book. I went to friends houses. I wrote in journals and colored in coloring books. I enjoyed the silence. I didn't feel bad. I knew I needed these moments to get back the creative feelings I had lost. I was inspired again to write. The little things in life help those creative juices start flowing. Remember that next time you feel stuck.

No Regret 
I may have left for 11 days, but I learned that my space was still here when I got back. It didn't die. People didn't forget. People left me comments of encouragement and that was all I needed to enjoy a few days away from a place that used to be fun. Today this is fun again. For this reason I do not have any regrets. 

Sometimes the mind needs a  break. I felt like this was the perfect time for me. Now I can focus on where I want to go. What I want this space to be. Who I want to be. I appreciate your patience with me and I am so glad you are back here with me today. Look forward to some great topics this fall. Make sure you are back here on Thursday, October 1st. Rumor has it there will be a pretty great giveaway!

Happy Monday folks.. I'm BACK! 

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