How to define YOU

Today is the day.. the day I officially end the series: "Defining Lifestyle". As promised I want to share with you how all of the participants answered the question: How do you define YOU?

Christine @ The So-Called Homemaker: Christine (n): A fun-loving young momma who loves to read, write, and dance to Asian pop.  See also: crazy, silly, eccentric.

Helene @ Helene In Between: It's really hard to define yourself. You look in the mirror and think about your physical features but you don't often look at your inner self: your mind and your heart. I think I define myself by not necessarily what's inside but those things I hold dear around me. So my husband, my two dogs, my family and my friends. Someone asked me the other day about how I would describe my blog, which, can be difficult when you don't have a niche. But I've decided on "I Create Buzz" and I think that this also could describe my personality. I am outgoing, determined, stubborn, and somewhat creative. And clearly, I'm also all over the place, since this kind of took more direction than one!

Jenn @ Jenn Wells Design:
We have to define ourselves all the time.  Every time you join a social media site, they want you to sum up your entire personality into a short, catchy "About" paragraph.  With online dating you get to write more, but you still have to think about how to get across the most important things concisely enough to not scare people away.

And I'm not brief.  If you've ever read my blog, you'll know.  I cling to my paragraphs.  I keep them short, but short for me is 4 sentences, and the occasional single sentence for important points.  So when Trish asked me to define myself for her lifestyle series, I thought, "Oh crap."
Because I can't do it in a tidy, little sentence.  Or even a paragraph!

If you want to know about my personal philosophies, you can read my post about mistress shaming or my thoughts on marriage.  If you want to know about my day-to-day life, you can read the broken ankle diaries, or the post about my recent engagement.  If you want to know my style, you can see my (as-of-now) only fashion post ever, or my Design-Day Friday posts.
But I can't take all those things and summarize.  I even made an infographic for my About page but it's just not the same.  So I guess if you really want to know you'll have to read more.

Becca @ Becoming Adorrable: I'm a wife, a furmom, and a fighter.

Trish @ Beyond the Khaki Pants:  Lifestyle is blogging about life. Which is anything and everything. Mothering, relationships, career, embarrassing moments, the highs and the lows. These blogs are marked by perspective of the unique view of the blogger, not necessary by topic. Which is why I could read 10 posts about the same topic and they could be completely different.

ME: I define my lifestyle as a project in process. I am always learning and creating new ideas both personally and professionally. This blog will always be a view of me and how I am changing.

Now it's your turn! Link up with either your 5 questions and answers or your definition of lifestyle. Or combine them together! Do it however you please! I can't wait to read your responses!


  1. Sad to this end but as they say - all good things must come to an end. EXCELLENT series!

  2. Great series! I'm working on my lifestyle post now.
