Truth is, I live for the moments where I can share my discomfort with you all. Why you ask? To show that discomfort can be beautiful.
These photos are courtesy of Julie who was my guide and teacher on the lake yesterday. I am so grateful she caught these beautiful photos of me embracing my fears!
I am terrified of water. You won't ever catch me swimming in a lake or the ocean. I am one of those people who enjoy the beach and bodies of water for the view. I will put my feet in, but I never go in past my knees.
Yesterday morning I went out at 7am and did paddle board yoga. I will tell you the first hour I was out there I couldn't get off my knees. I was terrified of falling in. Let me tell you, when fear is present, it doesn't matter how much balance you have on land. The water is a completely different ballgame.
By the end of the class I was able to stand up. I still took it very slow and anytime I moved I was swearing bullets. I went from paddling on my knees to standing up and paddling back to shore on my feet as you can see in the first photo.
Another post that is coming, probably next week is I just spend 4 days in Vermont at Wanderlust Festival and did all kinds of new yoga there. I feel like I have covered a wide variety of yoga in a week. From aerial yoga to paddle board yoga. I think I am on my way to want to know it all along with crossing fears off my list.
Thank you all for your patience with me. The generosity will always be returned.
Namaste friends.