Hi there! It's Friday and that means I want to do something fun here on the blog. Maybe it's more fun for me than you, but fun none the less. Today I decided it would be a good idea to re-introduce myself (
I did one last year too, and it has more info if you're interested..). 2016 was pretty hit or miss for me and I know I have some newer readers who have no idea what I am all about. You might even learn something new if you've been around awhile..
So.. My name is Trish and I have been blogging for almost 3 years. I started this blog as a product review site and after taking the plunge I realized I wanted to write more than just reviews. I wanted to talk about life, and things, and stuff. So I moved my domain over to blogger and got myself a fancy design (or 5) and here I am.
In the past I have focused on a variety of things, and never really found a niche. If I wanted to talk about fitness, I talked about fitness. If I wanted to talk about my crazy life, I vented here. In 2017 I want to be more focused and talk about things that matter to me and things that I know lots about. I feel like that is how you become the expert. You talk about the things you know best.
More about me..
I got married in September and live in a town home with my hubby, step-children, and 2 rescue cats Rick and Grace. I have always been a cat person, and have an allergy to dogs. My house is constantly full of some form of chaos, but that's life right?
Starting tomorrow, I am starting my
200 hour yoga teacher training (200 YTT). I will be immersed in yoga every week until May. I decided this is a good year to really find myself. To release all of the stresses and upsets that I have been holding onto. I will be incorporating this into my weekly blogging.
I will be starting a new career at the end of the month, which will allow me to work from home. I will be talking a little more about that when it gets closer.
I love photography, journaling, reading, music, and finding new ways to earn free stuff. I have been told I am lucky.. I've won trips to The Grammy's and an adventure trip to Montana. I often win giveaways and free night stays at hotels and random beauty products. I don't completely consider it luck, but lots of work.
Grammy's |
One of my greatest passions is mental health. I want to find a way to get everyone who needs help, the help they need. I want people to be able to talk openly about mental health without feeling judged. I had plans to write a mini series on this last year, but it never happened. I am working on making that happen this year. Link up and all.
If you asked me one thing I would want to do for the rest of my life, I would tell you
travel. I think the most fascinating thing we can ever learn is the cultures of the world we live in. If we could just all understand each other and share the beauty of life, we could have a beautiful world full of love.
I could probably go on and on, but I am going to stop there. I want you to understand who I am without getting bored. I am hoping to bring a lot of who I am to the blog this year. I am done following in others footsteps as it doesn't always suit me. I may find something interesting in the blog world and do something similar, but I no longer want to "keep up with the jones' "per say.
Time to find my voice and my place here in the blog world. I can't wait to see you all along the way. Take a poke around the blog. There are some good ones throughout the past 3 years, I promise!