Oh hey February. Month of love, friendship, and heart health. Also the month I am officially into my third trimester of pregnancy. Lot's going on and some days I have no idea where to begin!
So this is probably going to be more of a goal/update post. Goals have been a little different for me lately.
So let me start off by first sharing some exiting news. I have been holding on to this info for quite awhile because I wanted to wait until I had my 20 week anatomy scan to reveal the gender of the little bloob.
I have known what I was having since I was 13 weeks due to my age and having genetic testing done. I still preferred to wait and tell the world what baby bloob was until we had it confirmed with ultrasound.
I am happy to announce, that I am carrying a bouncing baby boy!
I keep saying I need to do an update on the baby, and I will. It is halfway done being written.
So my main goal for this month is to continue eating healthy, getting exercise, and listening to my body as little bloob gets bigger and bigger.
Blogging goals have still been pretty low on my list due to the fact that I am working all day staring at my computer and sitting in my office chair is becoming more and more uncomfortable, so by the time I am done working for the day, I have no desire to want to do anything else screen related. I do need to try and pick a day to just work on blog stuff. Hopefully I figure that out soon.
I recently splurged on a new planner for 2018. I have yet to really sit down and use it. This is my downfall with planners. I love them, but then never use them and I feel bad about it. A goal I have for this month is to pull it out on Sunday's and plan out my week.
With the baby on the way, I need to start getting myself in the habit of writing stuff down. My appointments for the baby are starting to get more regular and I need to keep everything in order so I am not double booking anywhere.
Wish me luck!
The last thing on my mind lately is to be more social. Since I work from home and it has become winter, I rarely leave my house. That is not really the best option, specifically because I need the exercise and I miss seeing people other than just my husband.
I am not a winter person at all, and we have been getting pretty regular snow fall so that just deters me more from wanting to venture out into the world. I am going to make it a goal to get out at least 2 times a week and interact with friends.
That about wraps it up for what I am working on for the month. What is on your list?