So a few updates.
I had a baby! Baby bloob.. okay, okay.. his name is Benjamin.. decided on his baby shower day that he wanted to be out playing with all of his new stuff. I gave birth after 3 days in labor on April 10th at 6:14pm.
Little dude was 5 weeks early and weighed 6lbs 2oz. My giant preemie. We had a few trips into the incubator for light therapy, but he's home and hungry as ever. Birth story to come.
Also.. I love him to death! OMG!
Next up:
I started a second blog. Not 100% sure what I plan to do with both blogs at this time. I thought I would just phase out this page, but I kind of can't. I'm more attached than I thought. Bare with me as I figure it out.
Things all seem different now that I'm a mom. Let's see how this goes..
Happy Monday!