Showing posts with label Interview. Show all posts

The "promotion" stage is over

I am super nervous right now. I have what I feel like is my first "big girl" assignment at work today. Remember back in August I told you guys I got promoted? If you are new here, check that out *here* and then check out my take on the "internal interview". Anyways since I haven't really given an update on how the new job is going, I figured I could give and update and tell you why I'm so darn nervous!

I officially took over my new position on August 21st. It has been a whirlwind of emotions and struggles. The position I was promoted to is a newly created position. I also mentioned somewhere along the way that my new counterpart was my supervisor. She is now my equal. If that isn't awkward, I don't know what is.

So I got an office, and a new desk (Like literally brand new guys! I got to order it and watch it be built...) and last but certainly not least I got a window. Office with a view. Yep.. Moving on up! So now that I'm all moved into my fancy new office and fancy new title, I started to wonder, what exactly was I supposed to be doing? Because the position is brand new, no one knew what I should actually be doing. Of course they all had ideas, dreams, wishes, and all that jazz, but no real structure.

I came from a pretty demanding position (Read my funny take on "What's my job again?") so sitting around twiddling my thumbs was not my idea of work. I spent a good portion of my time on Facebook because I honestly had nothing to do. I would get assignments that were meant to last a day, but seriously? Adding someone's name to a copy list for email was not my idea of an "all day project." That took me 2 seconds. Literally. I came home and questioned my choice of taking the new position.

So fast forward to today. My job has definitely picked up. I am constantly running and working for lots of different people. My priorities change daily, and I am still working on a schedule that works for me. I think I am doing a great job and have gotten numerous emails from my coworkers telling me the same. It feels good to know I am making a difference somewhere. People appreciate the work I am putting in. Things with the boss turned equal are going well too. We get along better then I had anticipated and we work together nicely to get stuff done.

All in all I am happy with there my position is headed.  It was really looking like a lost cause in the beginning but I am glad it has made a turn for the better. Now back to today. Yesterday the CEO of my company came into my office and gave me and my counterpart we were going on a walk through with him and a select few others. Our bosses didn't even know we were going to attend this walk through. I had to make sure I looked my best today so I can make a good impression. So here goes nothing!

Wish me luck and I'll fill you all in later on how it goes!

I am linking up with Treasure Tromp and the Grits Blog today!

Treasure Tromp

Internal Interview

Well here I am. I am up all early and ready to go. I am going on an interview today. Not just any interview, but an internal interview. I don't know about you, but this is more nerve racking than a regular interview. You are probably thinking why?

  • Presentation. I normally wear jeans to work. I love my jeans, but today I need to dress like a boss!  I went through my closet last night to find something young and hip to make me look like a professional. 
  • I am meeting with 3 directors, all of which I already know. I am used to joking around with them or cracking jokes, but this time I need to be on my best behavior and act like the young professional I pretend to be.
  • Competition. I am competing first with my coworkers. Only one of us can get this position. You are always secretly hoping they choke so you look better. Now if we all choke or deem us unworthy they pull in some outside competition. Bring it on!
  • Showing off your skills. This is where you need to be up on not only your interview skills, but the skills they are looking for in this position. Even though I already work for the company doesn't mean they won't find someone better then me to fill the spot. Bummer!
  • Not getting the job. In any other circumstance you walk away and never have to see the place again. In this circumstance I have to go back to work, where everyone laughs looks at me and knows I didn't get the job.
  • Getting the job. You now have to look at your coworkers and pretend you feel bad hat you got the job over them.  Suckers! JK!
  • If you get the job you have the awkward transition where you are halfway doing your old job and halfway doing your new job and you feel guilty on each end for doing said half ass jobs.

What do you think? Is an internal interview more nerve racking then an outside interview? How have you handled them if you had one? Leave me stories cause I love hearing from you all!

Have a great Hump Day and WISH ME LUCK!

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