Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts

Happy December!

Oh my word.. It's December 1st folks! I am so excited to finally make it to December. Not because it's the holidays, but because this is the month of my birthday! I graced the world with my presence on December 31st as a New Years Eve baby! Now don't go asking my mom why she didn't hold out to bring in the first baby of the new year. It will probably result in bodily harm since A. She gets asked that ALL the time and B. She was already in labor with me 26 HOURS when I decided to come out at 2:39 IN THE AFTERNOON. There was NO WAY she was ever going to hold off another 9 1/2 hours to deliver me.

So now that you have heard the story of why I am not a new years baby, I wanted to announce that this month I will host my first ever giveaway on this site. I will go into more detail of that as we get into the month. I want to host something that ends on the 31st, when it will be considered a party! If you have any interest in helping me host my birthday party, e-mail me! I am still kicking around some ideas, but I want to make it a fun and exciting giveaway/celebration.

Now that I got the exciting part posted, I need to talk about the fact that I completely neglected promoting my blog last week. With Thanksgiving and all the crazy that came with it, I completely let me blog down. I wrote some pretty great posts, and yet not many people saw them. So I want to give them all the love they all deserve and promote the heck out of them this week!

First up: Who doesn't love a good gift card? Not only do they make good gifts, there are so many other useful things you can do with them. Check them out here---> The Magic of Giftcards

Next up: Check your body image at the door this holiday season. Reasons why you can still indulge on the holiday and not completely ruin your hard work: Body Image (A little rant)
Last, but certainly not least: Do you consider yourself an Influenster? Blogging comes with some big shoes to fill, so why not influence in positive ways: Find out why I am an Influesnter and how you can be too!

So there you have it folks. December is going to be an awesome month, and I'm starting you off with some pretty awesome posts. I hope you have a great week!

New address!

It's Friday, and I have some exciting news! I FINALLY purchased my domain name! I have been kicking around the idea for awhile, not sure if I was invested enough in my writing to purchase the domain. Then I got thinking, WHY NOT?! It doesn't cost all that much to have it, and now I can finally feel professional with my blog.  I enjoy this space and connecting with all you wonderful folks!

Now that I got that done, a revamp is next. I feel like since I have really found my direction, it's time my design reflects that.  Look for a fresh new look soon! This is the month for changes! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Update your favorites. My new web address is:

Blogging Everyday

Blogging everyday is hard for me. It's not that I don't have any ideas, but I am just afraid my content will become stale. The other reason is I do not want to burn myself out. This is why I limit my posts to 3 times a week. I feel like it keeps my posts fresh and gives me time to breathe. September is a month that has always been good to me. It always brings good things, so I have decided to flex my blogging muscles and blog every weekday this month. I came across this great September Challenge and decided I needed to get on board. I may not use the writing prompts everyday, but some of them are really neat and can lead to some great posts. Here's to blogging everyday in September! Wish me luck!

Today's prompt is: What is your earliest memory?

This is such a great questions because now that all the kids are going back to school, I have been feeling very nostalgic. I have been thinking back to my first day of pre-school. It is one of my earliest memories because I remember how excited and how scared I was to be away from my parents. It was only for a few hours, but my mom was a house wife so I had never been to a daycare or babysitter up until that day. I remember climbing the steps to the bus and waving to my mom. She smiled and waved back. I felt safe. Her smile always made me know everything was going to be okay.

I rode all the way to school next to a girl, who I believe her name was Amanda. She talked the entire ride. I remember feeling shy and not sure if I should talk as well. When I got to school we were lead to our class rooms. I was so scared until I walked into the room. It was a huge space with lots of built in playgrounds. There were trees and monkeys and lots of bridges to run across. There were nets and ropes to hang on. I was in kid heaven. My mind instantly switched from scare to excited. I enjoyed my first day of pre-school. I didn't want to go home.

I rode back home next to Amanda. She again talked the whole way home. I saw my mom waiting for me as the bus inched towards our house. She was still smiling, just as she had when I left. I ran to her and gave her the biggest hug, thanking her for sending me away. She laughed at my wording. I still laugh today when I think about that moment. 

It's those little things that bring us back to the innocence of being a child. As we grew through the school years, we didn't still see it as magical and fun. It was work and stress. If we could only go back to those magical times and remember to still laugh, and enjoy the little things.

Do you remember your first day of school?

New Series!

Hi Everyone! Today is the day.. The day I am sharing a new series with you!. If you read yesterday's post on defining lifestyle, you know this space is undergoing some changes. And good ones at that! I am on a mission to connect with more people, and share as much as possible. This series is about sharing some great ladies who take to the internet and share their worlds with you. All of these ladies are defined as "lifestyle" bloggers. As you get to know these ladies over the next 6 weeks, you will see, even though they are in a category together, they are all very different. They each bring something different to the table. I hope you will follow along with me, and get inspired.

We all have that question we are just DYING to answer, but it doesn't ever seem to come. Each of the bloggers submitted their own set of questions AND answers in effort to get some stuff out there that they normally aren't asked. If this doesn't define the lifestyle blogger, I don't know what does. So sit back, relax, and expect some fun over the next 6 weeks! 

First up is one of my first friends in the blogging world. Christine over at The So Called Homemaker has been very inspiring to me in my journey and she has always been very helpful. She always helps me out when she can and gives me the answers to my questions. I couldn't think of anyone I would rather introduce you to first. Please go and show her some love and enjoy her questions!

It looks like you cook a lot of really complicated meals.  Doesn’t that ever get old?  
Christine: Actually, most of the meals I cook at home are things like baked chicken with a frozen vegetable and canned beans of some sort.  I’m usually a pretty lazy chef!

Why do you never brush your daughter’s hair? 
Christine:  I do!  She has crazy hair that looks like that even when I brush it!

Do you ever feel like you wish you were doing more with your life?   
Christine: I will admit that being a “homemaker” isn’t what I saw myself doing with my life, but I think what doesn’t show on the blog is that I do in fact spend a lot of time on my real estate work, which is pretty fulfilling and basically like a real career (except that I get to stay at home).  I just don’t talk about it much on the blog/social media because I think that’s plugging and that’s not really fair to my readers. 

Speaking of real estate, you’ve mentioned some horror stories about showing houses.  Can you tell us one? 
Christine: Absolutely!  I have tons.  One of the strangest though was a house that was abandoned but still had tons of stuff in it, including about 6 walkers that had been delivered since the house had been vacant.  What’s weird about that is that there were locks on the OUTSIDES of the bedroom doors.  Then the bedrooms all had holes in the walls.  It was just really creepy, like they were locking up old people and torturing them.

You’ve been married for about as long as most bloggers who give relationship advice.  Why don’t you give any?  
Christine: Honestly, I don’t think I have the right to give advice because although we’ve been married about three years, we’re still learning.  My husband and I don’t believe in talking negatively about our relationship in any way in public, either, so that’s why you’ll also never see me complain about him or anything he does on the blog or social media.  We think it’s important to present an united front. : ) 

Thank you so much Christine for sharing those great questions with us! I hope you all enjoyed them just as much as I did. I hope to see you all back here next week when we connect with Helene who blogs over at Helene In Between. I will be posting this series every Monday starting next week. So look for Helene's Q&A on Monday, September 8th!

Have a good one!

How do you define Lifestyle?

Change. Fun. Adventure. Life. All of these words can tie in with the term Lifestyle. But what does it really mean to be a Lifestyle blogger? It seems to be a place you get thrown when you don't fit into any other category. Niches if you will. We aren't just Fashion. We aren't just foodies. We may not be Mommy's. But we can do all 3 of those things and still not fit into one place. Are we in blog purgatory? A middle ground where people judge us and make us feel bad that we can't fit somewhere?

Most of the blogs I read are Lifestyle bloggers. They blog about things that make me laugh. They make me cry. They even inspire me to do something better. It doesn't bother me that I have no freaking clue what they may post next. There is no schedule. It just comes from within. Why is that such a bad thing? Why must we be something specific?

I WON'T be a fashion blogger because I don't like clothes that much. I get bored looking at clothes over and over again. I WON'T be a food blogger because I would just get fat. I have no restraint when it comes to delicious food. I CAN'T be a mommy blogger because I don't have children yet. This doesn't mean I COULDN'T be good at those things.

Adventures and change are just around the corner. That is the beauty of  life. This is where I belong. 

I am categorized as Lifestyle. I am going to define MY Lifestyle. This Fall. Stick around.

My Blog Staycation Wrap Up

Oh Em Gee this week has been B-U-S-Y! I just wrapped up the Blog Staycation 2014 with my lovely co-hosts Julie, Jen, and Farrah. Make sure you stop by their pages and show them some love, because they truly are amazing! The Blog Staycation was an event to bring together bloggers and help them get their blogs organized as we truck into the Fall.

I had a little bit of a conflict when I realized the planned dates for the staycation was inter-twining with my vacation. I was going to be out of town for the grunt of it and I had a little panic attack trying to get everything together and ready for the launch and then the 4 days of events. (I ended up having more time when events went on then I though, which was AWESOME!)

With that being said, the most important things I learned during the Blog Staycation was time management and multi-tasking. I could plan ahead with great content AND enjoy my time away knowing everything was taken care of. This is such a great goal for me. Time management has been hard lately, and I nailed it this past week!

I connected with some great bloggers. So many creative minds in one place really got the ideas flowing. This motivated me to get my September schedule planned. A new series is in the works, which will ultimately lead to some other plans for the Fall. I also toyed around with some other ideas which I am really excited about. I couldn't have asked for a better group to explore my blogging goals with. I cannot wait to do this again soon! Please follow me on Twitter and Facebook to stay up to date on when the next event will be!

Have you ever participated in a blogger event? Did you enjoy it? What do you think about the online events? Tell me below! 

Don't forget to link up if you participated in the event! We would love to see what you accomplished!

Stayed tuned for my Maine Recap. I had a great time with some amazing photos! You can expect to see that early next week! Happy Thursday!  


Welcome Trish while I am away!

Hey guys! I am currently away and having a blast up in Maine with my love so, Trish over at Beyond the Khaki Pant was ever so kind to stand in. You can't get one Trish, you get another! I am so excited to have her here today! One of my favorite topics is doing things on a budget and Trish sure delivers some great tips today! Enjoy and see you back here on FRIDAY!


Title: Date Night Ideas on a Budget|| Trish @ Beyond the Khaki Pants

Hi Trish List readers, my name is Trish. I blog over at Beyond the Khaki Pants. I know, kind of a funny name. [Check out my blog to find the inspiration behind the name.] Doing things on budget is something that I am passionate about. A big inspiration behind my blog is financial freedom and independence. I am so happy to be filling in for Trish talking about ideas to keep the magic alive...and the savings account! 

Just because you’re married or been together with your spouse for a while, doesn't mean that you can’t still date. Unfortunately, life doesn't always allow for fancy or luxurious dates. I know this. Both my husband and myself have been through graduate school. Those years were especially tough on budget. Even though we were getting by on very little income, we were newly weds and beyond excited and in love. Rather than sitting at home doing nothing, we started to get creative on how we would now date. Gone were the dinners out. Gone were going to concerts and sports events. Even going to the movies was too expensive. Which really isn’t saying a whole lot- movies are stupidly expensive now. An added bonus?? Even though now we are both working (ie, we’re DINKs) we still try to date this way. Hello, savings!

Here are some ideas that we have tried over the years. Many of them are free. The others are minimally expensive ($15 or less). All of them are as fun as you make them to be! 

9 Date Night Ideas on a Budget

Date Night Ideas on a Budget -
//Have a ‘Goals Night’. I know this might not be the most romantic date, but it can be fun and inspiring. Take out something to write on (a notebook, a poster board…whatever) and sit down with your spouse. Brainstorm and then write down your goals, as a couple and an individual. Include personal, relationship and professional goals if you wish. It’s great to do this over a good bottle of wine and dessert. The best part of doing this regularly is that it’s fun to think about things you’ve accomplished and inspiring to think of what’s to come!

//Picnic at a local park. Avoid the high-cost of eating out, pack your own meal and head to the best park in your area. Leave the technology at home (or at least in your bag) and connect with your spouse. Without interruptions. Especially in these last weeks of summer, getting outside to picnic is an easy solution to date night. 

//Find free events in your city. In Seattle, there are nights where the city puts on a free concert or movie showing. Take advantage of these free events. There are more free events happening in your city than you think. Check out your city's website and search for free events.

//Game night in. Channel your inner child and pull out your favorite board game. My husband and I usually try to do game nights as a group date-night, because most games are more entertaining with four people rather than just two. Throw in some good food or a bottle of wine, even better!

//Groupon a couples event. There are such fun ideas on Groupon for date nights. Everything from cooking classes, to pie making classes, and couples massages. Be on the eye for something in your area. These can vary in price, but if this is your only date of the month that costs money, it might be worth it to splurge $40 for the two of you. Groupon rates highly depend on where you live and the cost of living of your city. These events are likely something you otherwise would not have thought to try.

//Make [a new] dinner together. With this pinterest day-and-age, there’s no excuse for not being able to find something new to try. Pin something that looks interesting, go to the store and get the necessary ingredients, make the dish together. Pretty simple. And fun. And when the dish goes south because it’s the first time you tried making it, you can laugh and choke it up to being a funny memory together. Like the time I tried to broil something for the first time… 

//Try a sport together. Easy sports for date night could include a tennis match at the neighborhood park or going to the local golfing range to hit a bucket of balls. Whether you have the equipment or not, renting shouldn’t be too expensive. Usually the more terrible you are at the sport, the more funny it becomes. Like if you saw me with a golf club…

//Start a project together. Carpe diem on that “to do” list. Sometimes, the things we have to do are not that hard, but starting them is. Pick something fun. (ie…don’t pick weeding) Been meaning to refinish that coffee table? Make a date out of it. Added bonus, crossing that project off the ‘todo’ and getting something beautiful out of it. 

What are inexpensive dates you and your significant other like to do?? What would you add to the list?

Connect with Trish from Beyond the Khaki Pants on Twitter, Pintrest, Facebook or Google!


One last thing before I go.. Over the past 4 days I have been co-hosting the Blog Staycation 2014 with some great ladies. I am out of town and did not get a chance to write up my experience yet with the weekend but I want to give you all a chance to link up if you participated. Let us all see what you accomplished!  Expect my post on Wednesday ;)


Blog Staycation: Photos

Hello there! Welcome back to Blog Staycation 2014! Are we having fun yet? There have been some fun topics already! I know I am learning a lot! Yesterday I wrote about scheduled posts and why they are a blessing! Today I want to talk about the importance of using photos in your posts.

Bloggers come to the internet to talk about a variety of topics. Anything from experiences to DIY tutorials. With our words, we create a picture. Because we all think differently, we all create different pictures in our minds. This is where inserting a photo would be helpful. We want to create a picture of our topic, but we also want to show what it is we are talking about.

If I were going to write about a crafting project and I told you all about it, how to make it, and what it SHOULD look like at the end, do you think you could do it? You probably could. But if I added some photos, you would be able to see the finished project. You would know what it was supposed to look like at the end.

Same thing goes for an experience. Anyone can write about their experience at a concert, but would you want to read it if there were no photos to go along with the story? Humans are very visual creatures and we enjoy to see what you saw in those moments. A good writer can create that picture for you, but in certain scenarios when you are talking about something that happened, it is best to provides photos.

When deciding to use photos, it is best to use your own. You do not want to get yourself into a situation where you used someone else's work and did not give credit for it. There are sites out there that allow you to use their photos for free, but they don't always have what you want. I suggest taking your own photos and editing them from there. You are probably thinking,  "Really? I don't know how to take photos!" That's okay. It is really easy to take a basic photo for your blog.

First thing you want to do is make sure you have enough light. Natural light is best. This is why you see a lot of bloggers outside when they are using photos in their posts. The natural light will show true colors and won't make everything look yellow. If you absolutely can not go outdoors, open up your curtains and blinds and let the light come in. Turn on an overhead light and use a backdrop. You can create a backdrop easily if you are just photographing small items. Use white paper. The white paper brightens up your photos which eliminates the yellow cast you tend to get indoors.

If you are photographing yourself it is easiest if you have someone to take the photo for you, or invest in a tripod for your camera. The same rules apply here as above. Move on outdoors or come inside and stand in the natural light. See the difference below?

Left photo there was no natural light, right picture I stood in a well lit area with a white background

Once you are done creating your photo, if any editing needs to be done I recommend PicMonkey or Canva. They both offer free options that have basic options for your needs. Both programs are user friendly and help you along the way. I suggest playing with the options to get a feel of what they offer and what you want. You can change colors, add text, add icons, and the list goes on.

Now you are all set to add photos to your writing. Paint that picture and then show it to us. I hope this was helpful and it gives you an idea of why using photos are important and why good photos matter. You do not have to run out and buy a fancy camera right away. I took both photos above with my smartphone. Just play around and see what you get!

Are you using photos now? How do you take them? Do you enjoy mini photo shoots? Tell me below!

Although Blog Staycation 2014 is nearing the end, that doesn't mean you can't continue to learn new things for your blog. I hope to see you all around again! I have enjoyed sharing content with all of you!

Blog Staycation: Scheduled Posts

Welcome back to another day of Blog Staycation 2014! Yesterday I talked about why it is so important to interact with your readers. Today I want to talk about how to manage a blog with a full time life. For me personally, it is REALLY hard to post everyday on top of social media to go along with it.. I work a very demanding job that keeps me in the office about 10 hours a day. However, I still manage to get my post live AND social media in all day while I am working. I do this with scheduled posts.

Scheduling your posts ahead of time does not work for everyone, but I find it to be a blessing When I get free time I sit and write all of my thoughts down. Those thoughts become my blog posts for the next week. Now that I have blogs ready to go, all I have to do is schedule them to go live on the specified day. Easy peasy!

We all know social media is a HUGE part of blogging today. We need social media to alert readers of new postings and projects, to inspire, to gain new readers, and the list goes on. If you manage a full time job, have children, other responsibilities, or just want to have a real life outside of your blog, scheduling social media posts is the way to go. It allows you to have a social media presence without having to spend all day at your computer.

Facebook now allows scheduled posts. You have to have a fan page for this option. The option is easy and before you know it all of your posts are ready to go. All you have to do is click on the clock (Diagram below) and choose your date and time. Voila! You are all set. No more sitting on Facebook all day!

There are a bunch of programs out there to help you manage Twitter. I personally have used Twuffer and Tweet Deck. I prefer Twuffer, but Tweet Deck also helps you manage all of your tweets on top of scheduled tweets. I have also heard good things about HootSuite. These programs are similar to scheduling posts on Facebook. You type in your post, pick a date and time and it saves it and schedules it. The picture below shows how to schedule a post using Twuffer.

 Now that you know how to schedule all of your blogging needs, get out there and live your life! I really hope this helps, because I know for me if these options were not available I would not be able to stay up to date with everything. 

Do you schedule your posts? What do you use? What techniques have you came up with that works?  Share them all below!

Thanks for stopping by for Blog Staycation 2014! I hope you are enjoying it! Follow along on Twitter with #blogstaycation. See you tomorrow!

Blog Staycation: Interacting with your readers

Hi everyone! Yesterday we kicked off Blog Staycation 2014! As promised we will be bringing you  tips on getting your blog organized and ready to interact with your readers. I could find no better way to start of this event, than to talk about why it is SO important to interact with ALL of your readers.
I understand that not everyone who gets into blogging is looking for mass amounts of readers, but it would be nice to go have SOMEONE looking at your daily posts. As bloggers we need other peoples opinions on what we are writing. The content we put out is hard work. We take time out everyday to bring the best content we can to the internet for the world to see. There is no reason why we shouldn't ask for feedback and get to know our readers.

Asking for feedback is important. If you don't ask, you won't know. A few ways to do this is:
  • Host a poll: Ask your readers questions about your blog. Be specific because chances are if they are willing to take your poll, they will give you honest feedback.
  •  End of post questions: Ask your readers questions in relation to the post. This will strike up conversation and help your readers relate to your content, and you get to know your readers.
  •  Use Social Media: Social media is a great way to connect with readers. You can ask for feedback with simple tweets like "I love reading about food, what about you?" or "I love so and so's blog, who do you read?" Questions like these will engage your readers to tell you what they like without feeling like you are being pushy. 
Talk to your readers! Interacting with your readers gives you a feel for what they like and why they read the blogs they do. Make sure you follow these tips to keep your readers coming back:
  • REPLY TO COMMENTS! This is a biggie. If you aren't replying to your readers, they have no real connection to you and probably will not be back. 
  • Reply to E-mail: Whether it be a simple compliment, complaint or collaboration, reply to your emails. Replying to a compliment will show you care about you readers and are excited that they are excited. Sometimes that complaint can make your blog better. More eyes on your content can see things that you may miss. Maybe a business opportunity comes up, but you are not interested, replying that you are not interested is professional rather than ignoring it. There may be something in the future you are a fit for, and they will consider you again.
  • Participate in chats: Whether it be Twitter chats or Facebook chats, get involved! You get to meet other bloggers and readers this way. Host your own or participate in ones already established. Either way you are interacting and getting feedback.
Help your readers: Helping our your readers in anyway you can, will always bring those readers back. Positive actions bring positive feedback:
  • Bloggers: If your reader is also a blogger, visit their blog! Leave comments! Help them the way they help you.
  • Shops: Do you have a reader who has a shop? Visit the shop. Buy something if you find something you love. Give them feedback.
  •  Ect: Engage in anything your readers throw at you. Maybe they are hosting a blog hop, or a link up, or even an e-mail chain. Check it out. This doesn't mean you have to get involved, but at least give it a chance. You may find something new and exciting you never would of though of on your own.
 So what do you think? Do you interact enough with your readers? Is there something on this list you need to work on? In what ways do you interact with your readers?

Thank you for stopping by and I hope you are enjoying Blog Staycation 2014! Make sure you follow along on Twitter with #blogstaycation!


Hello there fellow readers. Thank you for stopping by on this beautiful Friday! Now if you are a regular reader you know I normally post a fitness post today... However you will not be reading about fitness today. if you follow me on Twitter (You don't? What are you waiting for! Follow me now!) you would know I have been having a lot of moments in my life where I have realized things need to change. That also includes my blog. Hold up! Before you ask, I am not going anywhere. I am just planning to work harder on my space on the internet. I want to bring more fun and insight to you all. I want to make this blog a place where you want to come back and read day after day.. I know what you are thinking.. That's what they all say! You have my promise I am going to work harder and make this place better for all of you.

  • The first thing I am going to do in effort to clean this place up and get fresh new ideas rolling, is co-host as well as participate in the first annual Blog Staycation! If you are unfamiliar, you must check it out! It is going to be fun, informative and there will be surprises! Who doesn't love surprises?
  • The second thing I am going to do is become more involved with my readers and other bloggers. I love to see what everyone is up to. Projects, vacations, fun events.. You name it, I want to read about it! I am always looking for new people to collaborate with. If you want to collaborate or need help with an event please feel free to email me!
  •  The last thing I am going to do (Well not really... This is always going to be a work in progress..) is clean things up on here, I am going to link things together that need to be together. Get a little more organized so you guys can find what you are looking for with ease. I hate a blog where I can't find things, and I know my blog has become that blog! Yikes!
I hope you will join me on this journey. I enjoy coming on here everyday and seeing all of your comments and posts. It makes me so happy to be apart of the blogosphere. I hope you all have a wonderful Friday and an even better weekend!

Are you making any changes in your life? How do you deal with change? Share with me in the comments!

Blog Staycation 2014

Wow wow wow.. I can not believe this blog is 3 months old already! I feel like I just started yesterday and here I am 90 days in..  I have learned so much and yet I feel like I could still learn tons more.  I could spend weeks reading all the things I think I need to read to get my blog viewed, liked, followed, ect. So now that I have come this far I figured, why not join up with some wonderful ladies and help you all while helping myself. Yep you heard me right. I want to introduce you to something special. Something that came out of a normal chat with some inspired blogging ladies. Ladies (and gentleman respectively) welcome to Blog Staycation 2014!!

Here are the important details that you need to know!

Who Can Join? ANY bloggers…doesn’t matter where you live or what kind of blog you have!

When Is It? The Blog Staycation will launch with a Twitter party on August 21 at 5pm PST.  Then the fun continues all weekend long and here’s the great thing…you can do as much or as little as you want!

What Will Happen? We’ll kick the party off with a Twitter chat and then from there you can decide how you want to participate.  You can stay in your house all weekend and just work to your hearts content on your blog.  You can join in a few Facebook chats over the week to get support and ideas for some of the things on your to do list.  You can choose to just set aside one hour a day during the weekend and work on  your blog.  Do what works best for YOU!

Anything Else?  We can’t tell you everything, because there needs to be a few surprises!

I Have a Few Questions…We’d love to answer those for you!  Comment below or email me!

We’d love to have you share about this with your blogging friends, and you can use #blogstaycation on social media when you share this post!

Grab the button and join in the fun!

Are you convinced you need to join us for this awesome time?  Then sign up HERE
We can’t wait to go on a blog staycation with YOU!

Trish, Julie, Jenn & Farrah

What would Shakespeare do?

It is Monday again. I feel like I just came off a weekend course for blogging. I took all that I did this weekend and realized how important it was for the writing if my blog. Noticing all the little things around me and the events I attended helped create a vision to where I am going with my writing. Here's a little recap to what inspired and educated me...

Friday night was the first night I had completely free in what seems like months. I reflected a lot on "me" time which ultimately turned into "blog" time. When I started this blog it was only planned to be an escape. A place for my voice. It didn't matter if anyone was listening. I just wanted to write. I have never been a great writer. I had started journal after journal with no real direction. I would open a journal and notice my last entry was a year prior. Awesome. I had no memories jotted down to relive. I had no ambition to write.

Friday night I re-read all of my previous posts. (There are 48 by the way). It amazed me that I have dedicated myself to this blog. I have started to freeze memories in time, where not only myself, but you as my reader can see. This makes me proud. I have succeed in breaking down a wall and letting my voice be heard. I also noticed my writing getting better. It has more direction. This little realization makes me feel so many emotions. Happy. Excited. Hopeful. All positive thoughts.

I never thought I had anything good to write about. I attended my nephew's 2nd birthday party on Saturday. A day trip back home to spend with loved ones. This reminded me that as long as I get out and experience life, I will have something to write about. It inspired me to keep on pushing towards getting better. Keep challenging myself. The words will follow.

I spent a good portion of Sunday reading blog after blog. Educating myself on what works and what doesn't. I was exhausted and honestly blogged out. Everyone has a way, or a tip on what you should or shouldn't be doing. I took a break from reading to go to an outdoor play of Shakespeare's Love's Labour's Lost. Watching this comedy written by a man hundreds of years ago make me think. He had a grip on writing epic plays long before we had tips on how to write a great blog.

So what would Shakespeare do? I think he would write his little heart out without tips and see where he goes. That's what I concluded with this weekend's lesson. Do what feels right for me and just keep writing. I will keep living life so I can write a out it. Bring more to my to my tiny corner of the internet. Now if you got through all of this and are still with me, thank you.

Happy Monday!

June Goals

May was a crazy busy and stressful month for me. I enjoyed every moment of it, but because of it I want to set some positive goals for June and keep with them. I keep telling myself if I meet all of my goals I will treat myself to something fun. Now lets see if I can do it..

1.  I need to get my voice back. I am setting a goal to be more vocal and proactive in my workplace. I cannot change the things that bother me if I do not speak up. This will be a hard one for me but I did take the first positive step yesterday and I am excited to see where that will lead.

2. I signed up for a gym membership on Memorial Day. I am setting a goal to go at least 3 days a week this month, working up to 5 as I get into the swing of things.

3. I want to explore more of the city I live in. There is so much I have not seen and its been a few years since I moved here. There is a lot going on this month and I need to set a goal to make it to more events and see more of what this city has to offer.

4. I want to cook more meals. I have been slacking in that category lately. I want to make at least 2 meals a week this month from scratch.

5. I am going to stop saying I am to busy. No one is that busy that they can't to stop and smell the roses. There has been a lot of loss around me lately and it reminded me that tomorrow is never promised. Start living your life to your fullest because it won't stop for you because you're "to busy".

6. And last but not least I will work harder at writing about the things I am passionate about. I have to constantly remind myself that this is my little space and I can say as I wish. I need to stop thinking of the people who are reading it and rolling their eyes or feeling offended by an opinion I have. Now don't take this the wrong way, I never want to be negative or offend someone, but you can't please everyone!

What goals are you setting for June? Anything major? Does making a list help you achieve them?

Xo Trish
Let's Be Social

Lets wrap it up May!

May as a whole is normally a pretty great month for me. It is the early stage of Summer and who couldn't love that? The weather starts to get warmer, those grills come out from hibernation, and people get REALLY busy. Looking back on this particular May, I realized I had a pretty big month for myself and this blog. I have learned so much in a short period of time and I think that entitles May to get an "A" in motivation and growth. Not every moment was rainbows and kittens, but what it did do was help me see the bigger picture in where I am headed.

To start off, May brought me sickness. Now you are probably thinking, "why is this significant?" The reason this is significant is not only did I get Strep Throat, I got it 3 times! It made me realize how stressful my life has been over the past few months and how it makes me that much more prone to getting sick. This was significant in me deciding to start managing my stress better and leading a healthier lifestyle! That brought on my first series that just started on Friday.. Fit-Trish: A guide to healthier lifestyle on a budget. I am hoping to post every Friday easy ways to keep yourself on track without breaking the bank. I hope you will join me in leading that happy, healthier life!

One of my favorite moments of May was traveling down south to visit an old friend who I met first in Kindergarten.  This was a long time in the making and when the opportunity came up, I jumped on it. It has been roughly 18 years since I last saw Jennifer. We were both going into 8th grade the last time we crossed paths. We are now in our early 30's with lives of our own. It was such an exciting adventure and I shared it for everyone to see: My trip to the deep south! I hope you enjoy the pictures!

One of my most commented on posts of May was my post about why I loathe social media in the summer! There are so many social media trends that seem to up the ante in the summer. If you missed this funny little rant, make sure you check it out here!

Last but certainly not least, I took on a summer reading challenge this month. It is definitely something I needed to do. I love reading but have really gotten away from it over the last few years. The challenge I am participating in is the Semi-Charmed Summer Book Challenge. I figured now is a better time than any other to update my reading list which was originally posted here. This is a good way for me to track my progress as well. I hope you all decide to read this summer! I am always looking for recommendations as I haven't completely filled my list yet!

1. Freebie: Any book that is at least 200 Pages long:
2. A book that was written before you were born (1982): Wuthering Heights
3. Finish a book that you couldn't finish the first time around: Divergent by Veronica Roth
4. A book from the children's section of the bookstore: 13 Little Blue Envelopes by Maureen Johnson
5. A book that is on the New York Times Best Sellers List: The Goldfinch by Donna Tart
6. A historical fiction book that does not take place in Europe:
7. A book that another blogger has already read for the challenge:
8. A book with "son(s)", "daighter(s)", or "child(ren)" in the title: Please Excuse My Daughter by: Julie Klam (Currently reading)
9. A book that was/will be adapted into a movie in 2014: A Long Way Down by Nick Hornby
10. A book written by a blogger:
11: A biography, autobiography or memoir: Orange is the New Black: My Year in a Woman's Prison by Piper Kerman
12: A pair of books with antonyms in the title:

As you can see I am still looking for some books for some of the categories. If you have any recommendations please sent them my way! I have completed 2 books and I am reading another. I feel like I am doing better than I anticipated I would. I have until the end of August to complete! Let me know if you are also doing a challenge!

I have had a pretty busy month. I also failed to mention at the beginning of this post that I have officially been moved over to Blogger for a month now! I am absolutely loving it here and feel I have grown so much with my writing and audience. June should be an even better month! I am going live with a new layout next week as well as a link up to help celebrate it! I hope you will join me in this exciting time and milestone for this blog!

Goodbye May, you are now wrapped up! Hello June!

Xo Trish
Let's Be Social

Blog Updates

Ahhh it's been a long few days of fun, delays, and alcohol.. I am probably half asleep right now being I am pre-writing this due to being half asleep. See how that works? :) Anywho, I will do a whole post on my trip in a few days.

The main point of this post is to make the decision to only put up new posts 3 times a week. A the present time I am spending approximately 50 hours at work in a very stressful environment and as much as I  loving blogging I am having a hard time keeping a balance at the moment. 

I am thinking about doing a Monday-Wedneaday-Friday schedule. This will give me time to really pour my heart into my writing and bring more quality posts. I decided to start blogging as an outlet and I don't want it to turn into one of my stresses. 

I hope you all are having a wonderful week and stay tuned for my Friday trip post! Can't wait to share all the fun details with you guys!

Xo Trish
Let's Be Social

Welcome, Welcome to my new home!

Hi! I'm Trish. I just moved in here at Blogger. I've been hanging out on the other side of the internet on Weebly. I'm sure you've heard of it. No? That's okay. I am here now to make a fresh start.

So here I am! Let me formally introduce myself. As you read above, the name is Trish. I am a working girl in my 30's who just wants a voice in the world. I come off as shy and never do well with first encounters.

What I really enjoy: Writing, Travel,  Photography, Eye shadow, Food, Freebies, Reading, and Concerts.

Since I am such a fan of those things listed up there, you can bet I am going to write about them. If you are familiar with my original page you also probably know it started off as a product review blog. I have since changed my direction, but still enjoy reviewing things and will probably try to do one a week.

I have some exciting things coming up in my life, and I can't wait to share them with you!
Also because I have decided to move platforms for my blog, I am unable to move all my previous posts. I will keep a link here to that site so you can check it out if the feeling hits. I have also decided to use this to my advantage and will re-purpose some of those posts to better suit this site. A little refresher to some of my original readers and something new for my new readers. It's a win/win. Wouldn't you agree?

So there you have it. I am really excited to be here. Thank you for joining me as I find my place in the blogosphere.

Xo Trish

Lets Be Social