Showing posts with label Lifestyle. Show all posts

How do you define Lifestyle?

Change. Fun. Adventure. Life. All of these words can tie in with the term Lifestyle. But what does it really mean to be a Lifestyle blogger? It seems to be a place you get thrown when you don't fit into any other category. Niches if you will. We aren't just Fashion. We aren't just foodies. We may not be Mommy's. But we can do all 3 of those things and still not fit into one place. Are we in blog purgatory? A middle ground where people judge us and make us feel bad that we can't fit somewhere?

Most of the blogs I read are Lifestyle bloggers. They blog about things that make me laugh. They make me cry. They even inspire me to do something better. It doesn't bother me that I have no freaking clue what they may post next. There is no schedule. It just comes from within. Why is that such a bad thing? Why must we be something specific?

I WON'T be a fashion blogger because I don't like clothes that much. I get bored looking at clothes over and over again. I WON'T be a food blogger because I would just get fat. I have no restraint when it comes to delicious food. I CAN'T be a mommy blogger because I don't have children yet. This doesn't mean I COULDN'T be good at those things.

Adventures and change are just around the corner. That is the beauty of  life. This is where I belong. 

I am categorized as Lifestyle. I am going to define MY Lifestyle. This Fall. Stick around.

Going Organic: A Review

Lately I have become really concerned about the products I put in or on my body. It has been on my mind for awhile now, but became more of an issue when my skin really started to become unmanageable. Everything I have been using seems to make my skin worse. A few weeks ago Kate over at The "Florkens" posted about switching over to kinder beauty products. This really got the wheels turning and I went on a mission to see which products I could cut of of my daily health and beauty routine.

Coincidentally I came across an opportunity to host a Party with a Purpose sponsored by Acure Organics. I was provided some full sized products to try out and a link to this awesome video that explains why a lot of our beauty products today are toxic for us. Check it out because it is super informative about our everyday products.

After I watched this video I was so overwhelmed with all of the products I own now and what they all have hidden in them. I couldn't wait to try out something new, hoping they would help my poor skin! Acure sent me 5 full sized products to try out.

organic beauty
Aren't they pretty?!

 From left to right:

1. Cell Stimulating Body Wash: First of all I LOVE the color of this packaging. This gel wash includes moroccan argan stem cell plus argan oil, sea buckthorn plus CoQ10. This stuff smells AMAZING. I would describe it as an almond cookie. I only needed a little bit and this stuff made me feel squeaky clean with its rich lather. I really enjoyed this one. No irritation and it smelled lovely.

2. Day Cream: This one of my favorite products out of them all. I have been using this on my face every morning and my skin feels amazing. This cream has Gotu Kola Stem cell plus 1% Chlorella growth factor. It is geared for normal to dry skin and firms, hydrates, and restores your skin.

3. Sensitive Skin Body Wash: Unlike the first body wash I tried, this one is a cream. This is an unscented wash (It does has a faint floral scent) that has CoQ10 plus Argan stem cell. It is very moisturizing and doesn't cause any irritation. It made me feel nice a smooth when I was done.

4. Conditioner: This conditioner is very similar to the Cell Stimulating body wash. It has a lot of the same ingredients: Moroccan Argan Stem Cell plus Argan oil, CoQ10, and Omega 7. It smells the same too. The yummy almond cookie smell. This conditioner is geared towards normal to dry/damaged/curly  hair. I don't use much conditioner in the summer but I used a little and it did smooth out my wild frizz I have been experiencing. I felt a little oily after but my hair tends to do that in the summer. I can't wait until the fall when I can try it out again and give a better review.

5. Unscented Argan Oil Cleansing Towelettes: So far these are my favorite. I can be pretty lazy when it comes to washing my face at night. These are so easy and gentle. My skin feels clean and no irritation occurs. It takes off my makeup with ease and doesn't leave any residue.  I would recommend these to anyone who is always on the go (or lazy like me)!

This brand so far has me hooked. I really need to purchase some of the face cleansers. They also carry some pretty cool lip glosses.  I recommend checking out their page (here!) and having a look. They have a lot of information about stuff in everyday products and they even sent me a booklet with all of the ingredients they use and what they are. Very cool stuff.

What organic products have you tried? Send me your favorites! I am in need of new stuff.

Happy Monday ALL!

(I was sent all of these products free of charge in effort to share the message with my friends. I was not compensated any further for posting this blog. All opinions are my own)

Fit-Trish: The sick files

Welcome back to another week of Fit-Trish. A series where I show you how to live a healthy life on a budget! You may have noticed a new little tab on my home page that says "series". This is where you will find all of my posts in this series along with new series I plan to do in the future. I am in the process of getting everything organized. Once that is done you will be able to check out everything in one space.

This has not been a very productive fitness week for me. Work was insane and I came down with a bug. I managed to make it to the gym one day this week and it felt so good. I am still on the mend so I decided to share with you what I did to help my fitness and my health while I was feeling under the weather.

I did not want to totally forget about my goals just because I was feeling sick. I really upped my water intake this week. I added a half a lemon to my bottle to give me that extra boost through out the day. This helped keep unwanted snacking at bay. We all know when we don't feel good we reach for comfort foods. I also drank a lot of peppermint tea to help with any bloating. Whatever bug got me sure added to the bloating of the stomach. Not fun! I also ate lots of fruits and veggies to get all the essential vitamins.

I kept exercising to a minimum but still managed to take small walks whenever I got the chance. It helped get the blood circulating and cleared my head. Even a 10 minute walk is enough to get everything moving and it can be a real mood booster. I did some squats and arm exercises. I kept all reps to a minimum making sure not to over do it and stayed away from ab exercises because my stomach was not feeling well.

When I did brave the gym on Wednesday I mainly did cardio on the treadmill. Again I did not over do it and did just enough to get my heart pumping. Once I started to feel tired I stopped. I felt like I accomplished something even though all I felt like doing was laying on my couch with a blanket. I am starting to feel better and I am hoping I can get back to my regular schedule next week. I am sorry this is short, but I hope it helps you on your journey when sickness strikes.

Have a great Friday!

Why I hate OS updates

I woke up on Monday morning to that sweet little message on my phone alerting me it wanted to update my operating system. If you are like me, this is to be avoided at all cost. I hate change when it comes to my cellphone. I like my phone exactly the way it is. Meaning: I know where everything is, how everything works, and what to expect at all times. Once that update happens all bets are off!

I avoided updating all day at work on Monday. I was pretty proud of myself. I went to the gym after work and left my phone in my locker. When I got back from my workout, I had a few alerts and as I went to check them, my phone got sneaky! Before I knew what was happening, my phone was updating. Trish-0, Android-1.

My phone now has a new look. Apparently white is the new green? All of my icons and writing are now white. I am not a fan! It reminds me of death. I always feel like my phone is dying on me. Its so colorless. Makes me kind of sad. Why Android, why? Now after a few days of using this new operating system or OS if you want to get technical, I have noticed things keep going down hill. I have compiled 5 reasons to blame my droid update when things go wrong on my phone.

#1. My spelling is horrible you say? You didn't understand what I was saying? It's not my fault! My operating system updated and my phone now has a mind of its own.

#2 Oh I hung up on you? What? I didn't hear you! Sorry, I wish I could explain, but my call got dropped. Must be that darn OS update!

#3. Slow response? No, I am not ignoring you. Yep, you guessed it. My phone froze again after this wonderful update I was forced into installing!

#4 Picture? What picture? I didn't receive a text from you! Oh yeah that's right. I updated. Please don't blame me.

#5. I know, I know, I need to update my profile picture on Blogger. The photo I want is saved on my phone. When I try to update my profile on my phone, I no longer get the option to pull up my gallery on my phone. Ugh!

Friends, this is why you should say no to updates! Things go from great to crazy in 1.3 minutes. I am slowly learning where everything is now. My auto-correct is off the hook. Changing everything I want to use to something mildly inappropriate at times. And #hashtags? Forget about it! It wants nothing to do with using those. I am sure in a few more days I will feel a little more comfortable with these updates, but until then.. Blame it on the update!

Happy Thursday!

Treasure Tromp

Let's Be Social!

Dream Job

Here we are again at another Monday. If you're like me, Monday is so hard to get moving. Another full week ahead at a job I am not in love with. This thought brought me the idea to write about what my dream job would be if I could have it. Monday wouldn't be so bad if you absolutely loved your job.

Do you all remember Samantha Brown? She hosted a show called "Great Hotels" on the travel channel. I loved that show. Samantha would travel to hotels all over the United States and do all of the things it was known for. Everything from eating the signature dish in the restaurant to visiting the local area. It was pretty awesome.When I watched the show I always thought, "wow, that is a pretty sweet job. How can I do it?" I love to travel. I would go somewhere new every week if I could. My dream job would definitely include traveling to great places with great spaces for sure.

Now I would of course take this to another level. I would need to spend at least a week at the hotel because I would need to see everything in the area. I would want to experience not only the hotel but the foundation to why that hotel is special and why the area makes it special. I would have my camera in hand to take photographs and capture the magic the location has to offer. I have a passion to take beautiful photos of beautiful places. I strongly believe every picture tells a story and not one person can tell the same story of the same setting.

Since I am planning to stay a week at each location I will surely meet new people. You will meet locals and other travelers alike. The locals want to showcase their home and show you more of it. Travelers will want to tell you about their homes and where they are headed. This is the perfect way to build new relationships and also connect with new places and spaces to visit.

If I could get up every Monday and be in a new place to explore with my camera and new people to meet, I would have my dream job. This would make me happy. This would make my blog happy as well. Lots of tails to be told, and lessons to be learned. Now all I need is someone to sponsor my travels and I would be set to create. If only dreams came true...

Happy Monday all! Make it a good one!

Let's Be Social

Healthier choices, healthier me

I know it isn't Friday, but I wanted to post about my fitness journey today. I never really talked about my goals and why I decided to finally take the plunge into a healthier lifestyle. I will be back Friday with my normal Fit-Trish post. I have some exciting topics coming up in the next few weeks!

There are quite a few reasons why I decided to join a gym and get healthy. Back in 2007 I was in a really bad car accident that has left me with a permanent hip and knee injury. It was determined by a jury that I was not permanently injured and nothing further happened. (Sometimes the law sucks ya'll). I have been living in pain off and on since then and was told a good way to help was to strengthen my core muscles and the obvious option of taking off some weight.

I have exercised off and on through the years but never really kept a schedule. I would get into those moments in life where I was depressed, or busy, or any other excuse I could come up with to not workout. The past few months for me have been very stressful at work and it was physically making me ill. I have posted about my struggle with stress. (Check it out of you are lost in finding a reason to why you aren't feeling good.) I have found by eating a better diet and working out regularly has helped me to feel less stress with is leading me to feel better.

This is going to be an every day battle for me. But I am ready to take it. I love food, but not just food in general, I love carbs! Breads. Cakes. Cheeses. Those are the things my little heart desires. I find myself reaching for the rolls, or the cakes, or the breads when there is food laid out in front of me. I am changing that day by day and learning to make better choices. I am replacing those things with more water, fruits, veggies and smaller portions. I will not deprive myself of having something, but I am going to have less of it. I think its a good plan for me.

I am only 4'11. My ideal weight for my height falls between 90 and 120 pounds. I am aiming for 115 pounds. This leaves me 35 pounds to lose. I am at the heaviest I have ever been and my body knows it. I feel sluggish and tired all of the time.I know I can do this. Not only do I want to look good, I want to feel good. I plan to have children one day and I want to be able to enjoy them. Run with them. Play with them. Having bum body parts can get in the way, so I am making the better choices now before it's to late.

How do you lead a healthier lifestyle? Do you do it for yourself or for some other reason? Tell me your stories! I love to hear them!

Let's Be Social

Fit-Trish: Healthy Snacks!

Welcome back to the second week of Fit-Trish where I share with you tips on leading a healthy lifestyle on a budget! If you missed last weeks premiere post, you can find it here. Just to recap, last week I offered you the best thing you can do for free to help you live that active healthy life. This week I am talking about snacks! Just because they are snacks, doesn't mean they are bad for you. Remember that. We all need that little something to hold us over in between meals. I have put together a few of my favorite on the go snacks for you to check out.

Almonds, Fiber One, Vitamin Shoppe
I like things that are convenient on the go. These are a few of the things I have been trying out.

 I am very fond of anything gummy. I found these Fiber One gummies at Walmart. They are fruit snacks for adults! They are packing the fiber so you can feed your sweet tooth while filling up. A pack of 10 at Walmart is $2.00. I think that is pretty darn cheap considering the kids snacks can cost up to $4.00 a box!

Almonds have always been a favorite of mine. They can be quite pricey so this isn't a snack I purchase all of the time, but when I am looking to treat myself I will splurge. They help you cut cravings down in between meals and they have healthy fats. I recently got a Vox Box from Influenster (See the button on sidebar) and this lovely little bag of blueberry almonds by Blue Diamond was included. They are really yummy and really hit the spot. If you are craving almonds you can always go for the store brand which tends to be cheaper and tastes just as good!

Another product I received in my Vox Box was the Next Step Jaxx Shaker Cup from The Vitamin Shoppe along with some samples of their Fit N Full shakes. I have tried these and as much as I have a love/hate relationship with shakes, this one isn't bad. I can't use this as a meal as the packet indicates but it is a nice snack for in between meals for me.  I am a really big fan of the shaker cup more than anything and plan to use this for all kinds of things in the future! Surprisingly it isn't expensive at all! You can get the shaker cup for $5.99 on The Vitamin Shoppe's website. The Next Step program looks like a great program, but if you are on budget like me that will probably be a little to pricey. As an alternative you can pick up a protein powder at your local grocery store or make smoothies with fresh or frozen fruits and veggies. 

 Speaking of fruits and veggies, they are probably the best thing you can do for snacks. What I normally do here to keep the cost down is buy only what is on sale that week. This way you are keeping costs down and you get to switch it up every week. Sometimes you can also get cheap fruits and veggies from a local farmers market. I also like to buy cheese when its on sale to cut into cubes and take as an on the go snack.

Don't be afraid to experiment with your snacks. Switch it up weekly to keep interest. You don't want to deprive yourself to the point you dive into a bag of chips or devour a whole pack of oreo's in one sitting. I find switching up the fruits and veggies along with my gummies seems to keep me pretty satisfied. These items aren't breaking the bank and I am starting to feel better about my choices. 

What do you think of my favorite snacks? Do you have favorites? Please share you ideas! 

Thank you for stopping by! Hope to see you back next week for more tips to a healthy lifestyle on a budget!

Xo Trish
Let's Be Social

#TBT - Kinda

A little over a month ago now I decided to move my blog from Weebly over here to Blogger. I am really happy with Blogger and all it has done for me in the past month, but I am still a little sad that my very first blog posts in the blogosphere did not get to come with me. I have decided to do a few "throw back Thursday" posts where I will feature an old post. I feel it is only fair to them. Yes I referred to my posts as "them", but these were my first steps into the world with my words and I feel some of them deserve to shine again over here at my new home. This week I am going to post one of my last posts before moving, so its only just over a month old. Oddly enough it was also posted on a Thursday. So without further adieu, an old new post!

You Can Find Inspiration In The Weirdest Places

Originally posted: 04/24/2014
I was having a hard time deciding on what to blog about today. I really didn't want to talk about the vehicular manslaughter that occurred this morning when a bunny jumped out in front of my car. I am still angry at myself for that. I got to work and wanted to think happy thoughts to get my mind off the horribe drive in. The first thing I did was check my email.

I don't know about you, but junk mail is off the hook these days! I'm pretty confident that 98% of my daily mail is junk and spam. I enter a lot of sweepstakes and such, so I shouldn't really complain but omg! As I was weeding through the 10,000 junk emails for the 3 I actually wanted to read something caught my eye. An email subject said, 'This email will inspire you'. It got me thinking. Junk mail has a very good way of pulling you in to read them. Make you almost click on that link before you come to your senses and move on. That email wasn't all that inspiring by the way, but it did inspire me to write this.

Next time your blood pressure is rising as you weed through all that junk stop a minute to read some of the subject lines. That email about losing 20 pounds by Memorial Day probably wont really help you lose weight, but It could inspire you to write about your fitness tips or maybe start your journey to weight loss.

That email that will promise you the top 10 tips on revamping your living room could inspire a blog on your own livingroom and your decorating tips.

Or perhaps that email about that hot date you need to take can inspire a date night for you and tips you would give on making it a magical night.

I always strive to turn anything negative into something positive. You will never get rid of spam 100% so embrace it with new ideas and inspirations for your everyday lives. It sure took my mind off that poor bunny this morning.

Make it a great Thursday!

Treasure Tromp

Xo Trish
Let's Be Social

New Series! - Fit-Trish

Happy Friday everyone! We made it! I am sitting here thinking about all of the things I should do this weekend, but in reality I want to laze around and do nothing. Ever have one of those weeks? I have been having A LOT of those weeks lately. I have finally decided enough is enough and I need to get my butt moving. I am bringing you a new series every Friday where I discuss fitness and healthy living. I am embarking on a journey to lose some weight and get healthier.. on a budget.

Getting healthy can be really expensive. If you follow any fad diet you will probably fork out a lot of cash. Between food, equipment, supplements, and apparel you can be dropping hundreds of dollars in no time. I want to show you ways to get healthy without breaking the bank. You can achieve this with one main thought in mind. Stay Positive. Negativity gets you nowhere in life. Remember that.
Think Positive

Since this is the first week in this series I wanted to start off with one of the best tips I can offer when embarking on a weight loss journey. It's free and can really motivate you to getting yourself going. What is this awesome free thing? Take pictures! Full body shots wearing a sports bra and shorts if you are a girl and shirtless and shorts if you are a guy. This may sound scary at first, but once you start to see the changes you will appreciate that first scary photo.

I took my photo Monday night. It was really hard to look at because I saw how much I have let myself go over the past year. Even though it is hard to look at for me, it is also a reminder to work harder. I am even going to share my picture. It's hard for me but it's the only way I will continue to do better and get back to a healthy weight.

Here it is. The most awful picture I have ever seen of myself. I know its not pretty and I know that means I have a lot of work ahead of me. I have accepted the challenge and now I am ready to share this adventure with all of you! Keep coming back every Friday for more tips and tricks to achieving a healthy lifestyle on a budget. We can motivate each other to a happier, healthier life!

Share your stories with me! Are you embarking on a journey?
Join me!

Xo Trish
Let's Be Social

Influenster #GoVoxBox Review

Does anyone else just love the heck out of Influenster like I do? I have been a member with them just about 18 months and have been invited to try some pretty awesome products. This month I was invited into the GoVoxBox which included some awesome products geared towards what I would call an active lifestyle. This made me super happy due to the fact that I am premiering a new series on Friday which is going to be geared towards a healthier lifestyle on a budget.

Before I get into the goodies I wanted to talk a little about what Influenster is and why you want to join! As stated on the website, Influenster is a community of trendsetters, social media masterminds, and educated consumers who live to give opinions of products and experiences. So basically this a cool place to share your reviews on products and influence others to try new things. The more you influence the more opportunities you get to try out new products that come via a VoxBox.

Now for the goodies. My VoxBox included 7 full size products. Also included were 2 coupons. Looking into the box I was super excited at what I had to sample.

  1. The Vitamin Shoppe Next Step Jaxx Shaker Cup- This really made me happy to see. It was a cute cup that has a giant "jaxx" that helps to keep your shake or smoothies mixed. Shake it up and you have a smooth beverage. Get it here! Price: $7.99 US
  2. Next Step Fit and Full Shake Packs- I was provided with 3 different flavors to try with the shaker cup. They included Swiss Chocoale, French Vanilla, and Fresh Berries. Get it here! Price for 3 is: $4.02 US
  3. Playtex Sport Fresh Balance Tampons - I always love to try new feminine products. I am working on leading a healthier lifestyle so I am excited to try these in my healthy adventures. Price: $10.49 for 32.
  4. Blue Diamond Blueberry Almonds - Love me some almonds! I was so excited to see these in the box! I am a huge lover of almonds and new flavors always get me excited. These packets are great for on the go convenience for a quick healthy snack. Price: $1.12 US
  5. ProFoot Pedi-Rock - This looks like it is going to by my best friend during the summer months. I don't know about you but my feet get destroyed from wearing flip flops. This is a soft rock that smooths out all of the calluses and dry patches on your feet. Happy feet ahead! Get it here! Price: $9.99 US
  6. ProFoot Triad Orthotic - These inserts are supposed to relieve knee, leg, and back pain. I am excited to try these on a hike. My feet will thank me I'm sure! Get it here! Price: $9.99 US
  7. Aqua Spa Relax Body Creme: This smells so good. It is lavender and chamomile. This formula is supposed to leave your skin feeling silky smooth while having a calming effect. It includes Marine Youth Complex which diminishes signs of aging. This stuff is pretty awesome! Get it here! Price: $9.99 US
There are some wonderful products here that I cannot wait to try out! All of the products included came out to $43.60. That's pretty sweet! I can't say it enough. I LOVE this program! Please check it out if you are interested in trying new things and sharing it with the world. I am gonna go and tinker with all of the products! Have a wonderful Wednesday and stay tuned for my Friday premiere!

Click to find out more!

Xo Trish
Let's Be Social

Why I loathe social media in the summer

I know, I know, I promised vacation deets today. I really wanted to show off my fun time off the radar but something really irked me and I needed to vent about it. It is that time of year (Summer) where social media really REALLY annoys me. I am sure some of you are going to read this and roll your eyes (and that's ok) but I needed to get this off my chest before I un-friend everyone and that wouldn't be fun either. (This post isn't meant to offend anyone, these are just my opinions. Everyone is different and you may disagree but that is okay to my friend!)

The first thing that absolutely drives me bonkers is all of the season finale spoilers! I really hate to bitch about this one but seriously, NOT everyone can watch a show when it airs. Plus you have all the people in other time zones who have no choice but to wait. Please refrain from immediately telling the world who died or what crazy shit went down. I DIDN'T SEE IT YET! THANKS!

The next thing that I could live without is everyone on social media becoming a meteorologist. "OMFG It is SO hot outside! I can't even deal! It needs to cool down!" Okay people we all know its hot outside. It may even be hot inside depending on your living situation. But the point is we had a really cold winter all over the USA and now it is warm and everyone is crying about it. Take a chill pill! (Literally!)

I love taking vacations over the summer just as much as everyone else, but seriously do we need to do a day by day countdown? We get it, you are excited about going to Mississippi to visit your BFF from kindergarden (Yes I just made fun of myself :) but you do not need to post about it everyday for 4 weeks straight.

Speaking of counting down to a vacation, you also get the "I need to get in shape" posts along with "I am going to work out now and look hot for my vacation" which is in 4 weeks as we learned from previous posts.  I get it, we all want to look good for our summer vacations, but unfortunately this usually can't be fully achieved in one month like some magazines claim. You need to have a healthy lifestyle year round if you want to look "hot" in that little bikini.

Work it girls! (Source)

 The last thing I really get annoyed at is all of the meaningless full day events posts. "I went to 27 BBQ's today and only ate one hotdog but I think I went swimming in a lake, a pool and a pond. It was fun. I will go and do it again tomorrow but this time I might try a hamburger." Must we know every detail of your summer day? This is how you get stalkers ya know!

I hope you found some humor in some of these summer social media hates of mine. I really don't like to complain. but after 2 of my tv shows being spoiled this week I was absolutely steaming at the ears.

What are some of your social media pains in the butts? Anything annoy you? Share below!

Xo Trish
Let's Be Social

Pack like a champ

"I've got my ticket for the long way 'round
Two bottle whiskey for the way
And I sure would like some sweet company
Oh, I'm leaving tomorrow. What do you say?"

Okay I do have my tickets, but I think bringing whiskey would be frowned upon and I already have some sweet company. Oh, and yeah, I am leaving tomorrow. Where you ask? Why I'm glad you asked! I have been keeping a secret from the world, and I am so excited to finally tell you! I am boarding a plane and heading down to the deep south to visit my best friend from kindergarten! We attended school together in the *gasp* 80's and reunited for a few days in the late 90's and its now been about 18 years since we have last seen each other. Thankfully the internet and social media reunited us again a few years ago and now I am finally getting to meet up with her and meet her family!

I now have an opportunity to show off my awesome travel tips. You see the first time I stepped onto an airplane by myself as an adult (I was 21) it just happened to be when all of those fun rules went into effect. You know the ones about liquids and little baggies and all that jazz? I have traveled a lot since then and have picked up some tips to get you in and out quickly. The tips I am sharing today will help you save money and time when traveling.

  • Checking bags aren't cheap these days kids, so if you can cram all your stuff into a carry on you will be golden. You are allowed one carry on (Up to 45 in/115 cm (14 x 9 x 22 in or 36 x 23 x 56 cm) and one personal item such as a purse or laptop bag. Ladies you can pack a lot in there if you follow the tips below. 
This is the largest you can go with a carry on. I fit it all in for my 4 day trip!

  • Get familiar with where you are going and what you are planning to do. I always start checking the weather 3 days before traveling to pack the appropriate items. This will keep your clothing options limited and won't cram up your bag with unnecessary items.
  • Pack clothes that can be mixed and matched. This will allow you to make multiple outfits so you can save room in your luggage. This will save you lots of space in that carry on for souvenirs and other random things you may pick up.
  • Make sure you have all of your liquids in the notorious plastic baggy so you're ready. This gets you through security so much faster if you are prepared.
Worse picture ever.. but it is my baggy. I crammed everything into that baby!

  • Leave anything at home that you are unsure of. If you are nervous about something or really unsure, either look it up or just leave it at home. It will save you the frustration later.
  • Wear shoes that can easily be slipped off. You will be required to take them off. They don't care if you are wearing boots that are laced up to your knees. They must come off. 
  • Dress comfortable. This is not a fashion show ladies and gents. You will be shuffled from place to place and then forced to sit next so someone for the duration of your trip. Even if you are in first class, it is still close quarters and being uncomfortable is never fun.
Okay, now that we are packed like a champ, avoided frustrations in security, and saved lots of money on luggage fees, we can enjoy our trip! I am off on my adventure! See you all back here on Wednesday!

In the mean time I have some awesome guest bloggers coming your way Monday and Tuesday. On Monday you can expect some fitness humor from Christine over at The So-Called Homemaker and Tuesday, Stephanie from The Life of a Mother and Teacher will be talking about why she blogs.
I hope you enjoy what they have in store for you!

Follow me on Instagram to follow along with my adventure :)

Xo Trish
Let's Be Social

Ode to Mom

Celebrating Mom is something we should do everyday. Mom's have a tough job and that job doesn't end once we grow to be an adult. They will continue to worry and support us through every aspect of our lives.

Me and my momma a few years ago. Love this photo of us!

This weekend is Mother's Day and I am proud to say I have a mother that I look up to and admire. She is a strong woman who has never swam through life easy. She was a military wife and raised 2 kids at times alone, while my father served for our country.

She has been there for me and my brother through the thick and the thin. She has wiped our tears, bandaged our cuts, taken care of us when sick, and shown us tough love when necessary. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't be the person I am today.

I love my mom dearly and I am so excited I will get to spend this weekend with her. I don't get to do that as often as I'd like now that I live 2 hours away. I am going to soak up every minute I get and enjoy my day with her.

How are you celebrating with you Mom this weekend? Any special plans or traditions? I'd love to hear about them!

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mom's out there!

Xo Trish
Let's Be Social

The Ultimate Humiliation

Have you ever had one of those moments where you are standing at the cashier ready to pay for your lunch, or your groceries, or some kind of merchandise and that dreadful moment happens? Your card is DECLINED. I was out to lunch yesterday with a coworker and that dreadful moment happened to me. I was horrified. I consider this one of the top humiliating moments one can encounter. (Side note: I hear humiliation gets worse with children. Oh the horror!)

Let me backtrack to what brought on such a horrifying moment. I had this brilliant idea last week to schedule all of my bill payments for the month online. I wanted to act like the responsible adult I am and get everything paid on time. Now this would of been perfectly fine, had I not scheduled ALL of the payments to be taken out on the same day during one pay period.This lead to me overdrawing my account.

Now if I were independently rich, made an awesome salary, or sold drugs for a living, this wouldn't be a problem. However I was not lucky enough to have fallen into a large sum of money, my job does not pay awesome, and I highly discourage doing or selling drugs. I came to the hard reality that if I want to try to get ahead I need to be smart about it. I need to make sure things are scheduled evenly throughout the month to make sure such a thing does not occur again.

I learned a hard, valuable lesson by attempting to be a responsible adult. On a positive note, all of my bills are paid for the month. The bad part is I will have to restrain myself from making any unnecessary purchases until I get my next paycheck.

Have any of you ever had this happen? What do you find to be on the top of your humiliation list?  Leave me your answers in the comments!


On a happier more fun note, I have almost completed my first book in my very first book challenge, which you can check out here. I am still looking for some suggestions for some of the books in a few of the catergories. I am also planning to do an update on this weekly, giving some reviews on the books I am reading. Does this interest all of you? Let me know down below!

Treasure Tromp
Happy Thursday!

Xo Trish
Let's Be Social

Summer Book Challenge!

Have you ever had one of those days that started off good and then you got some news that just bummed you out? That's how my day went. I was walking around in a pretty gray mood until I remembered I had a new book at home to read. My day was looking up. I would go home and curl up on my couch with my new book and escape from my gray day.

I was suddenly very happy I had decided to participate in the Semi-Charmed Summer Book Challenge. I really love to read but have been really lacking in picking up a new book lately. My cities annual book sale started this past weekend and this challenge encouraged me to go and pick up some new books at very discounted prices.

This Challenge runs from May 1st to August 31st. There are 13 books total which I feel is very doable. I have posted the categories with the 6 books I have committed to so far. I am still debating the other 7.

The categories are as follow:

Freebie! Read any book that is at least 200 pages long. 
Read a book that was written before you were born. 
Finish reading a book you couldn't finish the first time around. Divergent by Veronica Roth
Read a book from the children’s section of the library or bookstore. 13 Little Blue Envelopes by Maureen Johnson

Read a book that is on The New York Times' Best Sellers List when you begin reading it. The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt
Read a historical fiction book that does not take place in Europe. 
Read a book another blogger has already read for the challenge.
Read a book with “son(s),” “daughter(s)” or “child(ren)” in the title. Please Excuse My Daughter by Julie Klam
Read a book that was/will be adapted to film in 2014. A Long Way Down by Nick Hornby

Read a book written by a blogger.  
Read a biography, autobiography or memoir. Orange is the New Black: My Year in a Woman's Prison by Piper Kerman

Read a pair of books with antonyms in the titles.

What do you think of the books I have chosen so far? Do you have any suggestions for the categories I am still deciding on? I would love recommendations!

I am really excited to get this started. I really want to succeed in getting all of the categories completed as they will introduce me to some new books I may not of thought to read prior.

Have any of you participated in a reading challenge? Did your succeed?  Give me all your feedback and join me if you feel the urge!

Wish me luck!

Xo Trish
Lets Be Social