Currently: Struggle Bus Edition

As you can see it is now the afternoon on the east coast and I am just not around to getting this blog posted. I am on the struggle bus today hardcore. Let's see how this currently list is gonna work.


Feeling: Exhausted is an understatement but I felt like dead wouldn't work either. Driving 12 hours total in a 30 hour period with only 6 of those hours having any sleep, kind of caught up bad this morning. 

Thinking: How amazing it was to cross off a few items on my bucket list this weekend. I took a spontaneous road trip to crash a friends wedding. I also got to learn about a faith that I didn't know much about. Super win this weekend!

Reading: I just finished up The Royal We by Heather Cocks. It was such a cute book. Now I am craving another Brit Lit! Any suggestions?

Planning: Well the obvious answer would be my wedding. So much stuff already checked off and still so many little things to do. On top of my wedding I am also planning some other life events. Stay tuned for me details!

Eating: I have really gotten back to eating healthier and enjoying all that fall has to offer. I have a big bowl of spaghetti squash with peppers and garlic on my desk for lunch today. It's really yummy and not so bad for me. How do you prepare your squash?

Looking forward to: There are so many things I am looking forward to, but on a short term basis I am looking forward to Halloween. It is one of my favorite times of the year to get together with old friends and have a good time. This year it is falling on the weekend so it allows me to plan easier. I have no idea what I am going to be, but that's okay right?

Planning for the blog: New content. New series. More giveaways. I am going all out. I am taking the step to get this place in action. 

What are you currently up to?

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