When you procrastinate in wedding planning + Flash giveaway winner!

So wedding.. yeah.. let's talk about that today (Oh and the winner of my flash giveaway..). It's been awhile and as much as I want to say I have it all done and I just forgot to post, that would be a lie. I have seriously slacked over the past few months, and I wish I didn't. I have seriously kicked some butt in the past week at getting myself into a better place with planning, but I wish I didn't slack as much as I did.. See exhibit A:

On Saturday R and I met with our venue coordinator. We were there to set our menu, pick out the beverages (We are getting married at a winery so this is kind of important), and talk logistics. John, our coordinator and chef started asking us questions like:

"Who is your photographer?" Uhhhhhh

"Do you have a DJ?" Does my iPod count?

"Have you decided on a cake?" Well we have some appointments set up...

"What about flowers? Will you have them on the tables?" Oh shit flowers?! Forgot about those..

Welp John, let me just respond with, we are totally unprepared for this meeting, so uh yeah sorry?

Thankfully John was very understanding and told us we have nothing to worry about. Everything will work out. Right?

So, let's look at the things I have gotten done:

Wedding dress - Check!
Venue - Check!
Bridesmaid dresses - Check!
Photographer - Check! (This one JUST happened)
Save the dates - Check! (They even got mailed!)

So as far as the cake goes, we have 2 appointments set, so I am not very worried about that. Our new photographer has some calls in to a few DJs that he is familiar with so hopefully that works out. I am still very unsure on what I really want with flowers, but none the less I should probably make a few calls.

There is still plenty to do, but I feel a little better having all those bugger items crossed off my list. I have learned my lesson along the way in not procrastinating any further in this process or something may not work out in my favor.

Do you have any advice to keep the ball rolling for this wedding planning stuff? I'd love to know in the comments below!


So yeah I did a quick flash giveaway.. Not as much response as I would have hoped but none the less..  I asked you which of my tax return wish list items I bought with my money.

There were only a couple of entries and MOST of you guessed right. I bought myself a new laptop! It was on like a super sale so I still saved a ton of money, which makes me happy. I am going to put the rest of my money towards my wedding. Yay to all of you for participating!

The winner is: Nicole M! Hopefully this $20 of your choice can go towards your new laptop as well!

Trish List signature

Sunday Snaps: Flash Giveaway!

Yay! We made it back to Daylight Savings Time! Did everyone survive losing that 1 hour of sleep last night? I promise, even though it is rough today, it is worth it to come home from work and still have a few hours of light everyday. Anywho, today I wanted to give you a quick weekly update.

I've been thinking a lot lately about what I want to do with my life currently. We all have those dreams. Some are more long term and some pop up at specific times in your life. For me the signs keep pointing to yes lately with one of my dreams.

On Tuesday I got my tax refund money so I decided to write a list of useful things to spend your return on. You might be surprised of things out there that you can spend your money on that won't feel like an impulse buy. I even surprised myself a little.

I have been keeping with my goal of working out 6 days a week. I went to the gym Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I went to my yoga class on Thursday. Saturday I walked 5 miles at the outdoor outlets, and today I am headed out for a hike. It makes me feel so much better about myself when I keep active.

On Thursday in my yoga class I had a revelation. We were learning about the Humble Warrior and how it reminds us about humility. I have been having a tough time with my feelings lately. This pose reminded me that I need to take a step back in tough situations in order to protect myself and clear my head. The class was amazing. I felt so full of life and energetic.

On Saturday R and I met with our wedding coordinator and chef at our venue. We set our menu and went over some logistics. And of course there was some wine. Okay maybe a lot of wine. Perks of getting married at a winery. I feel really good about all of our decisions. Our wedding is going to be a great time for all who attend.

We headed from the winery to the outlets where I really enjoy shopping end of season sales at amazing discounts. I left with 4 new sweaters and a pair of sneakers for under $60. Can't beat that at all.

Now let me get back to my list of things to spend your refund on. I sent out a tweet on Friday about a possible giveaway coming.. this is going to be a flash giveaway of sorts.. I ended up fulfilling one of these ideas on Wednesday. I purchased something for me...

Flash Giveaway Rules

I listed 10 useful items to spend your tax refund on on Wednesday. To enter the flash giveaway you need to tell me in the comments which item you believe I bought for myself. I also would love to know which of those items you would use your tax money on as well. Winner must have shared what they would choose to spend their refund on as well.

I will enter all correct guesses into a drawing. I will pick one person at random. 

I will pick a winner for this giveaway on Tuesday evening and post the winner on Wednesday's blog post. Because this is a flash giveaway that is being entered in the comments you must be "present" to win. This means I will only post the winners name in the blog post. I will not be sending out an e-mail.  You must e-mail me within 48 hours of me announcing the winner. 

The winner will get a $20 gift card of your choice!

Good luck to all that enter!

Happy Sunday!

Trish List signature

10 things to spend your taxes on

It's that time of year again. You know the time where you either owe the IRS or you get back a nice refund? I know very little people who meet somewhere in the middle. I am one of those people who doesn't see the point in breaking even and God forbid I have to pay, so I always receive a refund.

Now with that being said, I normally am a saver. I put the money in the bank for a rainy day. With my past experiences in life and crazy stuff always coming up out of nowhere, this has always been very helpful. I have emergency money. Something a lot of people can't say they have.

Now taking that one step further, this also means I have never used the money to take that big vacation I see so many people take or buy that new 90 inch flat screen tv that always seems to make its way onto Facebook in that obligatory, "Look what we just bought" photo.

This year I think it's going to be a tad bit different. Not that I am going to go out and buy a 90 inch tv or take that large vacation, but this year has significance. This will be my last year of filing taxes as a single individual. I am going to get married in September, so next year will be a whole new ball game. Now with that being said, I have compiled a list of the top 10 things I would buy with my tax money if I ever let the fear of spending it go away... (These are individual ideas, I would not purchase all of this with my return, as I do not receive a large enough return to purchase all 10 items.. wah)

1. A new laptop. My current laptop is considered a dinosaur at this point. Not as old as one would think, but it has definitely slowed down over the years and doing normal day to do things can be a hassle.

2. A spring wardrobe. I feel like I never buy myself new clothes. Not because I don't like to buy new things, but I have the hardest time finding things I life in a price range I can afford. I like to leave a store with multiple items for under a certain amount of money. Using tax money might help me get over that a little bit.

3,  A year membership to a fancy gym in my neighborhood. This is a place I cannot afford to pay a monthly fee for currently, but if I could pay for the year up front this would be golden. I mean there is a pool guys..

4. A new bed. Now yes this would be shared with R, but it is something we have been talking about. My last new bed was a hand me down from someone else, and the bed we currently sleep in is over a decade old. It is time for a new bed.

5. Speaking of beds, I have always wanted a really nice sound machine for sleeping. I have a hard time sleeping most nights and R's snoring does not help. Having a nice soothing sound machine would do the trick, or so I hope..

6. A book shopping spree. Let's face it, books are expensive, but nothing pleases me more than browsing a book store. I could leave with more than I need and spend a fortune, but going in there knowing I can spend some money would be so blissful.

7. I would get my car detailed. It's been winter here in the north and my poor black car is pretty white from salt. My car already has a rust issue from its previous owner, so getting it cleaned inside and out professionally would be a great help.

8. Take a class. I am always up for learning something new. Now that Spring is in the air and I actually want to leave my house, taking a weekly class would be fun.

9. Put it towards something for the wedding. As much as I find this option lower on my list, I do know it would be helpful to use some of the money for an expense related to the wedding.

10. Maybe I will just put it back in the bank and hold on to it.. probably not the best idea but it still has crossed my mind just in case.

What do you plan to do with your tax money? Are you a saver like me or does the money burn a hole in your pocket as soon as you get it?

Trish List signature

When the signs point to yes

If you told me 5 years ago that I would sign up for a yoga series by myself and enjoy it, I probably would of laughed in your face. Number one, yoga is boring. Number two, who likes to do things alone? Well I completely overgrew that brat stage. In January 2015 I signed up for my first series of yoga classes. I did it for me and only me. It made sense that I had to sign up alone.

I finished the classes and felt a lot better about so much in my life. I felt lighter and my body didn't ache as much. It was glorious. But as life goes on, I made myself "busy", or so I told myself and yoga just became something I did once to help relieve stress. I took a few classes here and there with friends, but never really "practiced". I would look at my mat and sigh. I should be using it, but again I had no time.

Last fall I was at my wits end with stress. My job felt like it was killing me slowly and everything around me felt negative. I saw an ad for a 6 week beginners yoga class and felt like it was a sign. I wasn't a beginner per say, but I needed to go back to the basics. I needed some structure and this course looked like the place for me.

After signing up for the class an amazing job opportunity came my way. It was the opportunity I had been dreaming about it. I started my new job in November and started the first of 6 classes of yoga that Saturday. I felt like it was a sign.

I felt at home here. The space was warm and inviting and the instructor was amazing. I was sad when the class ended, but knew this time I could not let my practice become stagnant again.

I signed up for another course in January. An 8 week course of a 3 part series. 24 weeks in total when I complete them all. I just finished my 5th week and I am starting to see this as a passion of mine. Something I can see myself doing long term. Teaching.

Now the question in my heart is, do I pursue this?

Trish List signature

Sunday Snap: Life update

I feel like I slept my weekend away. For the last 2 weeks I am slowly getting over some virus/bug that has been going around work. It kind of feels like the flu on speed. It moves very quick from one symptom to the next but it hits you hard. I have had some massive joint aches followed by a fever and nausea, and then some congestion and headache. I believe I am on the mend but I am just super tired today.

Let me do a quick recap of the last 2 weeks in blog posts and such because I feel like stuff was posted and things happened but I didn't have enough energy to talk about any of it....

On Monday, February 22nd I posted about some of my ambitions. I am sure this was put up before this flu thing hit me. I have felt like all my dreams and ambitions have gone out the door since feeling sick. Darn bug!

Thursday, February 25th I crawled myself to the computer to post about this AMAZING giveaway I am apart of that is still going on for another 4 days.. Bloggers this one is for you and it is a good one! If you haven't entered you are missing out!

On Friday I dragged my butt out of bed early and went to the gym with my friend. I thought maybe getting myself moving a bit would help me feel better.. It kind of did but no miracles yet.

On Saturday I had Panera Bread for the first time in years and it was super yummy. Not even 20 minutes after eating we were in PetSmart shopping for Grace and I had the most awkward burning feeling in my chest. Like hardcore pain. I couldn't handle the uneasiness of how it felt so I ended up in urgent care hooked up to an EKG machine. Turns out my heart is fine, but because I have been popping so much ibuprofen due to the aches from this bug, I have irritated my esophagus (or food pipe as the doctor kept calling it..).

I had to change my diet for a few days to a blander assortment to give my esophagus some time to heal. This meant no coffee.. wah! On Sunday my parents visited and met Grace for the first time. They fell in love as I knew they would.

Monday the 29th came around (Figures.. we get another Monday for leap year.. lol) and I still wasn't feeling up to par but I still dragged myself to the gym. 

By Wednesday I FINALLY got a post up. Because I am 6 months away from my wedding I felt it was time to get a fitness plan in action. I posted my plan, hoping it would motivate me. And oldy but a goody.

I met my goal to do some form of exercise all week and Friday I even got up my March goals.

I  have learned so much about being patient with my body over the past few weeks. I reminded myself that sometimes I need to let it rest and put all of the stuff aside that isn't urgent. I don't like to neglect this blog and I feel like I did for a big, but I also worked on me and that feels good.

I hope you all had a great couple of weeks and a nice weekend. I am hoping to make it out to a local museum today that is hosting a free family day. I have never been so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I will feel good enough to go.

See ya tomorrow!

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