I feel like I slept my weekend away. For the last 2 weeks I am slowly getting over some virus/bug that has been going around work. It kind of feels like the flu on speed. It moves very quick from one symptom to the next but it hits you hard. I have had some massive joint aches followed by a fever and nausea, and then some congestion and headache. I believe I am on the mend but I am just super tired today.
Let me do a quick recap of the last 2 weeks in blog posts and such because I feel like stuff was posted and things happened but I didn't have enough energy to talk about any of it....
On Monday, February 22nd I posted about some of my ambitions. I am sure this was put up before this flu thing hit me. I have felt like all my dreams and ambitions have gone out the door since feeling sick. Darn bug!
Thursday, February 25th I crawled myself to the computer to post about this AMAZING giveaway I am apart of that is still going on for another 4 days.. Bloggers this one is for you and it is a good one! If you haven't entered you are missing out!
On Friday I dragged my butt out of bed early and went to the gym with my friend. I thought maybe getting myself moving a bit would help me feel better.. It kind of did but no miracles yet.
On Saturday I had Panera Bread for the first time in years and it was super yummy. Not even 20 minutes after eating we were in PetSmart shopping for Grace and I had the most awkward burning feeling in my chest. Like hardcore pain. I couldn't handle the uneasiness of how it felt so I ended up in urgent care hooked up to an EKG machine. Turns out my heart is fine, but because I have been popping so much ibuprofen due to the aches from this bug, I have irritated my esophagus (or food pipe as the doctor kept calling it..).
I had to change my diet for a few days to a blander assortment to give my esophagus some time to heal. This meant no coffee.. wah! On Sunday my parents visited and met Grace for the first time. They fell in love as I knew they would.
Monday the 29th came around (Figures.. we get another Monday for leap year.. lol) and I still wasn't feeling up to par but I still dragged myself to the gym.
By Wednesday I FINALLY got a post up. Because I am 6 months away from my wedding I felt it was time to get a fitness plan in action. I posted my plan, hoping it would motivate me. And oldy but a goody.
I met my goal to do some form of exercise all week and Friday I even got up my March goals.
I have learned so much about being patient with my body over the past few weeks. I reminded myself that sometimes I need to let it rest and put all of the stuff aside that isn't urgent. I don't like to neglect this blog and I feel like I did for a big, but I also worked on me and that feels good.
I hope you all had a great couple of weeks and a nice weekend. I am hoping to make it out to a local museum today that is hosting a free family day. I have never been so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I will feel good enough to go.
See ya tomorrow!