Oh hey March, where'd you come from so quickly? Well since you're here and all I might as well set some goals. But first, let's see how I did with my February goals....
- Plan more: Well I didn't do as well as I had hoped, but February didn't have so many plan-able things. It was busy, but day by day busy, not event by event busy..
- Make time for my relationship: I did work on this. We didn't exactly get out much for date nights but we did get some important stuff sorted out. That counts right?
- Post 12 or more blog posts: I actually accomplished this one without even trying. 12 exactly. Woot!
- Be the best cat mom I can be: This one is easy. Grace is pretty easy to please and although she is getting more and more comfortable and getting into more things, she is still pretty great to have around. Expect an update on Grace soon!
- Read 3 books: Fail. I read 1 book. I don't call this a complete fail though. I am putting this in my goals to encourage myself to read more. Last time this year I didn't read anything so I call that a somewhat win.
- Find things to be grateful for daily: This is something I am doing and winning at. I enjoy writing about all of the things I am grateful for. I am keeping multiple journals now. More on that soon in an upcoming blog post!
- Maybe, just maybe get back into wedding planning: I actually started working my butt off on wedding planning. I am about 6 months away and have slacked off BIG time! I'm hoping to get my act together and get it all done pronto.
So not to bad in February. I don't see it as a big fail. Just learning experiences. Now onto March:
- Keep my fitness routine. I did so good this week. I followed my new routine and I feel so great because of it. Now that I got myself through 1 week I want to challenge myself to keep it up. Wish me luck!
- Keep reading: I am not going to put a number because then it isn't fun anymore. I need to keep my mind exercised and I will do that 1 book at a time.
- Host a party/get together: I love having people over. I always have ideas and then I don't do them. I just had a coloring and wine party last Friday and it was great. Reminded me that I can host successful events and enjoy them all at the same time.
- Revamp the blog: I want to update a few things. Refresh it up a little. I have a few ideas but don't want to promise to much yet. It's in the works and I'm hoping it happens in March.
- Wedding planning: I want to continue to move forward in my planning. It won't plan itself right?
So there you have it. My once again simple and realistic goals. What's your March looking like?
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