Good news is, I DID accomplish some things last month and my dad isn't a card guy. I will call him later and he will be okay with that. Now on to what I did do in October:
Finish my writing class
Does it count that the class ends this Friday the 6th? I am on track to finish with a little catch up this week. I'd say this is a win. I am checking this off as done.
Send out 2 pitches to brands
So I failed at this one. I kind of knew I would in a way. After I made the goal I decided to revamp a few things again. That made me hold off on pitching brands. I think I am going to hold off doing that until the new year. So many things to get up to speed before then.
Post more photos of myself
I feel like I did a good job with this. I did post a few photos of myself, including a halloween makeup tutorial. I want to call this one a win as done.
November is going to be a weird one for me. I noticed last month I used the word transition as my theme but I feel like this month is going to be more of a transition for me than October was. I am going to have both personal and blogging goals because of this. I am starting my last week at my current job and will be starting my new one next week. That in itself will be a transition.
Personal Goals
Budgeting: This month I am going to make up a budget for 2016. R and I are getting married and are planning to buy a house in the next 2 years. Last night I paid off two credit cards due to budgeting and frugal spending. This was huge for me. I am so close to having all of my debt paid off. I have been able to do this with my lack of spending. I only spend when necessary. I do a lot of free offers so I do not buy a lot of my personal hygiene and beauty products. I also shot consignment a lot when it comes to clothes. I do not feel like I need to spend triple the cost on some of these items.
Wellness: I am signed up for another 6 week yoga class to relieve stress. This will help me both with my fitness and my stress level. Transition times like changing jobs can be really stressful. Having an outlet like yoga and meditation is super helpful.
Reading: I put this on my list a lot, but I need to get more reading time in. I really enjoy getting lost in a good book, but I often put it on my back burner for other things. I have 2 books right now from the library and I am going to get them both done this month if my life depends on it!
Grateful: I know this is a weird thing to add to a goal, but sometimes like everyone else, I do forget to stop and acknowledge the things I am thankful for. I know even when the times get tough, I do have a support system. I am going to use this month to really reflect on that and get myself on a track to think about this daily, rather than set it as a goal.
Blogging Goals
I have had a hard time with my blogging goals lately. I have let all the craziness around me get in the way of my focus on this space. I am hoping with the new job and changes coming in my personal life I will be able to really set some goals for December and into the new year. For now I am going to work mostly on those personal goals and hope they work into this space here.
What are you planning for November?
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