
It feels a little foreign to be writing here today. Getting back into the groove of things this week for sure. Let me take you back 2 weeks so I can bring you all up to speed on what's been going on in my life.

The week of November 2nd was my last week at my old job. Not only was it a long week of training, it was also a very emotional week. This place has been my family since I moved to Central New York 4 years ago. Although I knew it was time to move on, it didn't make it any easier. My week was full of lunches and meetings. I had to rack my brain on all of my daily tasks to pass along to my boss. My job was a new position when I took it last year so I am really the only one who knew what I did.

I rounded up my week with send off drinks at a local bar. It was great to be showered with love and support. Something I wasn't expecting.

I took Friday off to get some things squared away. It was nice to have the house to myself. I got so many things done that I've put aside for other things. Saturday the 7th I started a new yoga class series. A nice beginners class to get myself back into the groove. My body was in desperate need of some quiet time to stretch and listen. I look forward to sharing all that I learn with you all here on the blog.

Sunday I went with a friend to a concert. We went to see Scott Bradlee's Postmodern Jukebox. It was AMAZING! I would recommend the show to anyone looking for a fun night of song and dance.

Now I will take you into last week. My first week at the new job. I was super nervous as anyone would be. You never know if you made the right decision until you jump right in right? I arrived at 9am and was greeted with flowers and baked goods. It felt good to be wanted.

I had an exhausting week of learning new things on top of adjusting on some new medicine for my stomach. I came home every day ready for bed. Blogging went on the back burner and sleep became my number one priority. Friday came and I was thrilled to see 5 o'clock. I needed some rest.

I settled into bed early when news starting coming in about the deadly attached in Paris. Just when I thought my stomach would finally settle down, it was full of knots again. This world is such a scary place anymore. We shouldn't have to be frightened to go out into the world. We shouldn't have to look over our shoulders or be suspicious of people around us. I wish we could all get to a place where peace was the number one priority.

Wouldn't that be nice?

With that I am going to leave you. This was quite mismash of a post, but I wanted to give a nutshell version of what I've been up to. I have a few posts written and scheduled for the week. I will see you all back here on Wednesday!

Make it a good one.

Trish List signature

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