Solo Travel

As I was stopped at a stop sign on a country road heading to my parents house, I got a vision. It was me taking off on a road trip across the country. I could see myself driving off, hair blowing behind me as I went on my adventure.

It was obvious that the travel bug has bitten me. I'm itching to get up and go. My whole being aches for the refreshing cleanse that is travel. It's probably not helping to read travel blogs...

I want to be able to take an extended period of time off and travel. I want to see the world off the beaten path. I want to experience beautiful places you only dream about in magazines.

And I want to do it alone.

Yes I want to take a solo trip. I want to take myself out of my comfort zone. I want to experience a retreat for myself. Learn about myself. Learn to face my fears.

I want to be able to strap on a back pack of  only ehatbwhat I'll need and hit the road for a few weeks. Maybe just in my own country. But I know that won't be enough. I want to explore the earth we live on.

My travel list is growing and I need to share it with you. Sharing it will motivate me to make things happen.

So tell me, do you have the travel itch? Where have you traveled and where would you recommend I go?

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Making Sunshine on a Monday!

Happy Monday beautiful souls! Today I wanted to do something I have been meaning to start, but due to my intense waves of emotions the last few weeks, it just didn't happen! Today I want to announce my first Random Act of Kindness winner!

Back in May when the blog turned 2, I announced I was changing some of the structure here. I wanted to give back and help as many people as I could through this blog. Whether it be by helpful posts or showing my appreciation with a small gift.

So today I wanted to make someone's Monday by sending them a small gift just because. The very first recipient is.... Christine from Christine Everyday!

Christine is a blogger I "met" back early on in my blogging career. She has been super supportive of my blog and always knows how to cheer me up when I have a bad day. Thank you Christine for being a great person!

Now, are you wondering how to get a Random Act of Kindness from me? It's pretty easy actually. You just need to interact with me on this blog and social media. I can't see how wonderful you are if you don't make yourself known to me! You also don't have to be a blogger to be chosen!

The only thing I ask from you in return if you are chosen is, to pay it forward! Brighten someone's day somehow then tag me so I can see what you did!

As always, I appreciate each and every one of you. No matter how slow I am at getting back to people, know it's not because I don't care. I promise it's not that!

Have a great Monday!

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Someone's celebrating a birthday..

Today is a very special day! My baby kitty Grace turns 1! I am so happy to have her in my life and even more excited to know her birth date so I can celebrate it. It has been 6 wonderful months, so today I thought it would be fun to post some things about her. Celebrate her!

All About Grace:

Nicknames: Gracie, Gracelina, Grayson

Favorite toys: Bird and Squirrel (her stuffed friends) and her yoga mat! Yes she has a yoga mat and she might be getting a new one for her birthday.. (Yep I'm a crazy cat lady)

Personality: Playful, yet bossy. She loves to play, snuggle, and be silly, but once she's had enough she will give you that warning swat. 

When Grace isn't sleeping she is either meowing at every reflection on the walls or literally bouncing off the walls chasing them.

Over the past week, Grace has taken a like to new foods. She must inspect everything we have. She must feel herself getting older, so trying all the foods is on her bucket list. She has always been a picky eater and would only eat her kibble and some forms of chicken. Now she wants all the ice cream!

Grace really loves her new brother Rick. She has accepted him into our family and can be found wrestling with him or snuggling up with him at night. Two peas in a pod.

Grace loves her humans. She enjoys laying in between R and I, making sure she is touching both of us. Melts my heart every time. She loves her individual attention.

Grace has brought so much love into our home. She is the sweetest little soul. I can't imagine my life without her.

Happy Birthday my little Grace!

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Be brave

Life will anger you.

Life will excite you.

Life will chew you up and spit yout out.

Life will pick you up when you are weak.

Life will break you down.

Life will make you smile.

Life will make you hurt.

Life will bring tears of joy.

Life will make you sorry.

Life will make you thankful.

Life will make you question everything you know.

Do you accept the challenge?

All you can do is be brave.

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July Goals 2016

I am not even sure I really had any June goals at this point. If I did, I think they changed a lot. I was mourning. I was grieving. I was finding a new part of myself that needed to come forward. Because I learned a hard lesson in June, it also reminded me once again, that I need to take care of myself. I looked back at my July goals from last year and it was to have fun. I remember it not being very fun due to some, I guess drama? Things have slowly gotten to a better place, but still so much to learn. 

July’s goals are going to be half about fun and half about me. I had lunch with a friend this week who reminded me that fun can also be about us. Something we enjoy alone without others involved. I know that sounds a little off, but I think she is right. She told me she planned one thing a week for self care for herself for the whole summer. It took some time to get put together, but she said it’s worth it now that it’s all done and planned. 

Now that we have made it through the first half of the year, July feels like a turning point to me. Getting back on track for the rest of the year. I have put a lot of thought into what I want to work towards this month. Hopefully it can inspire me more. Get me out of the rut I feel like I fell back into. 

Schedule “Me” time
I really loved the idea of putting one thing a week on the books for me and self care. Because it is Summer, and life gets busy, I decided to skip the next 7 week yoga course that I have been participating in since March. At the time I thought it was a good idea. Now I am thinking it may have been a bad decision. I miss it, and it kept me motivated. I am going to spend the next few days putting stuff into my planner and getting myself back into the groove of fun for me. 

Read, Write, and Color
Back in February I challenged myself to write every day. I didn’t end up writing every day, but I came pretty close. I have fallen off that train again, so it’s time to get back on. I also want to pick up my reading, which I have done fairly well with over the past few weeks, but need to do a little better. Lastly I want to dig into some of my coloring items I got for Christmas. 

I have been working on a lot of projects outside of the blog. I want to bring some of those to life on the blog and also continue the re-vamping I had planned for June. I want to start implementing my Random Acts of Kindness series as well as my stepmom posts. I owe some giveaway prizes as well. I promise I have not forgotten.. 

Find my Tribe
I have a few blogging buddies, but to be honest, with my inconsistency I have really lost the bond I used to have. I want to strengthen that again and get back into the support group. I really enjoyed having blogger friends. I want that back. Making it a goal!

I’m really hoping to reach all of these goals this month, although some may stay ongoing, because I want to feel like this space matters again. I want to know I matter again. The first person I need to persuade is myself. 

Here’s to a month of fun and me time! What are your goals?

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