Book Sale

I am so fortunate to live in a community that loves to read. Every spring “The Friends of the Library” non-profit group puts on a massive book sale. They collect books all year and then sell them at cheap prices. It goes on for 3 weekends and each day the pricing goes down. The best day to go is the first day naturally but the pricing is more expensive.

I like to go and browse to see what they have, but tend to wait to the last days to buy when everything is super cheap. Yes this is a gamble, but I’ve still come away with some amazing books and barely any cost.

Last year I took my parents for the first time. My mom is a HUGE reader and she was in her glory. We looked for books in a series she had been reading and found a few books but not all of them. She decided to hold off because they were still pricey. I came back the last weekend and was able to get the rest of the series for her (It was about 7 books) for under $5.00.

This year I will not be around the opening weekend due to being in Denver (currently in transit to get home!), so I will have no choice but to pick through what’s left the 2nd weekend. I have already compiled my list of books I am looking for (I forgot to do this last year), and will take on the sale prepared. It gets so overwhelming that you forget what you originally came for. I tend to leave with 0 books I was looking for and a ton I just picked up.

Books bring me happiness these days. The sale this year will be like heaven and I will be like a kid in a candy store. Stay tuned to see what treasures I find.

Are you a reader? Does your city offer a booksale?

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10 facts you probably didn't know about me

Let me (re) introduce myself. Because some of you are brand spanking new to my blog (Welcome!), and others have been here awhile (Thank you!), I figured it was time to give you a few facts you may not have known about me.

Me and my Grace 

Also it's Friday, and who doesn't love a fun post.. And quick reminder. I will be out of town through Tuesday so maybe follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat which my user name is thetrishlist
to keep up with my adventures..

Well let’s start with the basics. As you all probably already know, my name is Trish

Now on to the more fun items:

I was born on December 31st. I always hated sharing my birthday with the new year. As a child, everyone was on vacation for the holidays so my party always had to be held earlier in the month. When I became an adult, no one wants to party with you unless you are having the “better” party. I have learned to just go with it and be grateful that I always get the next day off because, hello it’s New Years day. 

Both of my parents are twins. I don’t have children yet, but have been warned I may end up with little twins of my own. Not sure how I feel about that yet. 

I have a Bachelor degree in Marketing, but also decided along the way to get a certificate in interior decorating, makeup artistry, and got certified as an optician (I can make you eyeglasses).  

I really enjoy reviewing products. It must be the marketer in me. A few years ago when I was having financial problems, I lived off of freebies. I applied for everything I could because it would be one less thing I had to figure out how to buy. Now my situation has changed, but I still enjoy the frugal life. I love a good freebie, or sale. 

I have Lymes disease. I was lucky enough to get this under control before it really did some damage to my body. I still have aches in joints that slow me down from time to time, but for the most part I’m healthy and I keep moving. 

I got engaged on my mother’s birthday. She was just as thrilled as I was. I will always remember that day as a happy day because my mom was brought into the world that day and I said yes to marrying my best friend. 

I moved to Los Angeles when I was 21 to intern at an entertainment marketing company. I have some of the best memories from that time in my life and still have long time friends. 

I don’t like to drive in a car as a passenger. It sometimes gives me bad anxiety. I have been known to close my eyes while in the car if I am not driving. This stems from a very bad accident I was in as a passenger. I was the only one injured severely, so I now have trust issues. It’s not you, it’s me. 

I am a huge music nut. I am usually the person people come to ask who sang what song and when it came out. I also have worked a few tours in my time. They were some of the best times of my life. Music keeps me moving. 

I have had the same cell phone number for 15 years. I got my first cell phone my first year of college and have held on to that number ever since. No one else has ever had this number, so when I get a wrong number call (which is VERY rare), it truly is that they mis-dialed. It’s a great feeling. 

I hope you learned something new today. Thank you again for sticking with me! I don't think I mentioned this yet, but at the end of each post I will post a random fact about this page. Keep an eye on them. I am probably going to do a giveaway based on those facts..  

*The Trish List fun fact #3: I don't think I am good writer, but The Trish List is sometimes my favorite place to be. Writing for all of you.

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May Goals 2016

Let’s talk about goals. April was dedicated solely to finding balance with this blog and where I wanted to go with it. As I have mentioned already this week, this blog is now 2 years old and I am starting out fresh. 

May’s theme is ‘celebrate’. I want all of my goals to be light and fun. Nothing but laughter and happiness right?

So here’s what I want to accomplish:

  • Make lots of new pretty pictures for my posts (Isn't that photo I used up there by Helene In Between, beautiful?). I haven’t had a good photo shoot in a while. I will be away in Denver for 4 days starting this weekend so I am hoping for lots of photo ops.
  • Write a post every day to have a back log for those days when I forget to write something.It's always good to be prepared right?
  • Continue my yoga practice to keep my body light and happy. My body loves me for this. Now I just need to remind my brain.
  • Show you all what I'm made of and give you the amazing content I have been planning for over a year now. I want to do this and I can do this. May is my time!
  • It came to my attention yesterday that I am super close to hitting 100,000 page views. How awesome would it be if I hit that number this month? I am not setting this as a goal per say.. cause no pressure, but if you all wanted to ya know, help me out with this by sharing my blog and visiting as often as you can, I wouldn't hate it ;)
So what do you guys have on your plates this month? Any amazing goals to shatter? I think I'm gonna knock mine out of the park!

*The Trish List fun fact # 2: This blog started off as a once a week review blog in February 2014. I started blogging about all of the freebies I got int he mail. It then grew to a lifestyle blog by May when I decided I wanted to write about more than just products.

*Keep track of these facts.. there just might be a quiz.. which means.. giveaway in my world :)

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2 Years Old!

It’s been 2 years.. yes as in 731 days (We had a leap year in there) since The Trish List was officially born as a lifestyle blog. This space has been all over the place ever since. I mean who doesn’t like a train wreck? All jokes aside, when I started this blog I had no idea what I wanted to do with it. I wanted to write. I wanted people to read it. I wanted to be just like everyone else.

This is probably one of my problems. How can I succeed if I am just like the next blog? No one wants to read the same things over and over just on a different page. I have struggled with this for the majority of my time as a blogger. I see people trying things and I think, “oh, I should try that” and fail miserably.

So here I am, 2 years old and ready to start fresh. I think I finally found what works for me and what I can offer my readers. Maybe it’s not exactly what you enjoy reading, but I am okay with that. I know I can’t please everyone, but someone will relate.

I am spending all of May celebrating The Trish List and myself. Without me there would not be a space, and as a blogger I need to remember to celebrate me from time to time. I invite you all to stick with me this month. There will be giveaways, new topics, throw backs, and all kinds of fun things.

I also invite you all to take time out to celebrate yourselves as well. Make yourself a priority and quit making excuses for putting yourself second to everything else in your life.

The first thing I want to do with my fresh start is introduce you to the new focuses you will find me posting about. Let's call them intentions.

  • Self care and happiness 
  • Wellness and healthy living
  • Reviews (going back to my roots!)
  • Everyday life tales
Each of these intentions will have sub- categories. For example under self care and happiness I will be introducing the monthly random acts of kindness giveaway. 

I want to stay within those topics with some life along the way. Things that you will read with life posts will be things like travel and wedding Updates. 

I want to keep this easy for a Monday. Stick with me for some more fun and celebrating all month long!

Make it a great week!

Trish List signature

It's gonna be May..

Happy Sunday and happy May! Whew we made it! I woke up to a very windy, rainy day which I was not thrilled to see, but we are that much closer to summer and that makes me happy.

Today's Sunday Snap is a special one. I have so many great things to talk about. For starters, 2 years ago I transitioned The Trish List over from a once a week review blog to a lifestyle blog. I moved my blog from Weebly to Blogger. I recognize May as my Blogiversary month and today The Trish List is 2!

I am planning to celebrate all month with some fun surprises and new topics. If you have kept up with the blog over the 2 years, first of all bless your heart and secondly you will know this space has changed a lot. You have seen me take time off and times when I was on fire. It's all apart of the gig. Bloggers work their tails off to produce content so you will want to come back to day after day.

For this reason I am also celebrating myself. I need to give myself come credit for coming back week after week to work on making this a better space. May is also Mental Health Awareness month and I am advocating you all take time out of your days as well for self care. Do something for yourself daily to make yourself matter first in your life.

I hope you stick with me this month, as I reminisce my 2 years of blogging and bring some new content. I have been working my tail off for weeks writing and planning to make sure you all get a taste of where The Trish List is headed. This is a great time to re-aquaint yourself with me or get to know me if you are a new reader.

Each week this month I will post some throw backs from the blog. These will include favorite posts and facts about me and the blog. I will throw in some surprises and even some gifts..

Stick with me and I promise you a good time! I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your weekend. Even though it is raining here today, we are expecting my parents and are headed to the wedding venue to wine taste.. I am getting married at a winery in case you didn't know! Make it a good day folks!

The Trish List Fact # 1: Today is my 340th post!

*Keep track of these facts.. there just might be a quiz.. which means.. giveaway in my world :)

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