Wellness Wednesday: Water

Everything around us is built up with science. There are millions of molecules buzzing around us at all times. Our body is made up of molecules, and the biggest element is H2O. Water, for all you folks who don't use the scientific part of your brain. Because of this, it is super important to keep our bodies hydrated. Today I wanted to talk about the benefits of water and why you should be drinking more.

As a society, water is often passed over for sugary and caffeinated drinks. What we don't think about is the drinks we are choosing in place of water can often make us dehydrated and sluggish. Water is needed to help flush the body of toxins, and when it's not present we aren't getting everything moving. During the day we should all be consuming half of our body weight in ounces of water. For example, if you weigh 140 pounds, you should be drinking 70 ounces of water a day or roughly 8.5 cups of water.

This sounds harder then it is. What I have done to maintain my water intake daily, is purchased a fun water bottle that has the ounces marked on it. I drink four 20oz bottles of water a day. It goes a lot quicker then I thought. I drink one 20 ounce bottle before I go to work. I refill 2 more times at work and then drink the last 20 ounces after work once I get home.

I have been doing this now for a few weeks. The changes I have noticed are amazing! I have been having a lot of trouble with acne on my face and back. My face and back are FINALLY clearing up. I notice my skin looking brighter and I look more awake. I am not as hungry so I am not snacking as often in between meals. The bloat I have been feeling is going away. So many benefits come out of drinking water.

Do you drink enough?

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  1. Water is SO important for health! I can never believe when I see people drinking multiple sodas in one day...so bad!

  2. I've never understood how people can drink a soda when they're "thirsty." That only makes me feel even more thirsty! I've always drunk a fair amount of water, but I learned about the bodyweight rule last year and it was definitely hard to get up to that amount (100 ounces is a LOT of water) at first. But it's gotten easy enough that I don't have to think about it anymore, and I feel thirsty if I don't get it.

    I'm glad it's doing good things for you! I never really noticed much of a change, but I know it's good for me so I'm happy to continue staying hydrated.

  3. I've never been great about drinking enough water but I'm getting better! I know I definitely feel better when I do!

  4. I 100% do not drink enough water - it's always on my goal list to drink more LOL

  5. Agreed! I just can't understand the soda drinkers. I've never been one so I guess I don't understand? lol

  6. I remember when I was told I needed to be drinking more water and how much, I almost fainted. I thought, that is NOT possible! But low and behold here I am drinking about 80 ounces a day.

  7. Its so hard at the beginning I now kind of crave it so thats good right?

  8. Haha anytime! But its really easy to forget so I won't rub it in to much ;)

  9. LOL! You got this! Eventually it gets easier!
