High Five for Friday!

Oh my word has it been a week.  I was so happy to see Friday rolling around, and H54F to save my sorry butt for having NOTHING prepared. I'm not 100% sure why this week was such a disaster. Maybe it was the fact that it snowed EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Or the fact that every one at work was in just as great a mood as me and that didn't mesh well for anyone. No matter what the reason was, I am just so glad we made it to today. I am sure I have 5 positive things somewhere in this week to talk about.

#1. Influenster. That website just makes my whole week. I won a challenge a few months back and it promised me into a VoxBox soon. They put me into the XO box and I couldn't be happier! It's even more exciting because I just wrapped up the Frosty VoxBox, which was a lot of fun! If you are not on Influenster you are missing out folks! Seriously the link is right here----> Join Influenster

#2. I am participating in the online baby shower through Sampler. I participated back in October when they did it and it had such a great response they are doing it again. You are able to participate if you are pregnant, are an aunt/uncle, or grandparent. There are flash giveaways daily as well as sampling events. It's a pretty cool event. Make sure you like "Sampler" online to get involved in the next one as this one ends today.

#3 I am hanging out on Anne from Love the Here and Now's side bar for the next 30 days! I am so excited because I love Anne's blog and her approach to supporting her sponsors. She is a promoting machine! I love that. I can only hope to be as awesome as Anne when and if I decide to offer sponsorships on this blog.

#4.  I keep talking about this reading challenge. Now I suppose I need to get the word out. The challenge is going to start on Sunday, March 1st and run through Sunday, May 31st. This is going to be an e-reader challenge. I will post the categories and sign ups on Friday February 20th. This will give you all enough time to decide on books and all that jazz before the challenge begins. Can't wait!

 #5. Tomorrow is Valentine's Day! Whether you celebrate or not I have some pretty great last minute budget date ideas for tomorrow. Take a peek and see if you can bring out the romantic in you.

I hope you all have a great week! See you back here on Monday! :P


  1. Thank you! You are too sweet. It helps that my sponsors are also great with amazing content. It makes promoting them simple. Happy Friday!

    1. I love your blog Anne. You do such a great job with it all. It inspires me a lot :)

  2. How did I not realize you were doing a book challenge?! This is fantastic, because I just signed up for Kindle unlimited, so I can read lots of ebooks for (basically) free!

    1. LOL I am so bad even at promoting my own ideas! I hope you will join in. I am super stoked about it :)

  3. I need to be more active on Influenster. I miss getting those boxes!

    1. They are a lot of fun to get. I was on a real dry spell with them but lately they keep coming!

  4. Love Influenster! I got the Frosty one too, it was so much fun! Hope you have a great weekend!

    1. VoxBoxes are the best! The Frosty one was a lot of fun. I ate those red vines so fast.. lol

  5. I got the reese's VoxBox and loved it! It's so much fun :) Curious to see what your reading challenge is. I have been thinking that I need to make more time for reading in my life, especially since my daughter is getting a tiny bit more independent now!

    Thanks for linking up for H54F!

    Caitlin @ Coffee with Caitlin

    1. Ohh the Reese's VoxBox would of been delish! I hope you join the challenge! This challenge for me will be a way to get myself reading. I really am a book hoarder!

  6. I definitely had a similar disaster week a few weeks ago. They happen pretty regularly, actually, these days! I blame winter. Thanks so much for linking up with us at H54F!

    Katie @ Cup of Tea

    1. Winter is super easy to blame! I do it all the time when I have a bad day!
