All About the Weekend Vol 3.

I know it's not technically Monday, but yesterday was a holiday, so Tuesday is the new Monday? I mean technically it doesn't make a difference to me as I'm on maternity leave and every day is a weekend to me... sort of.

So even though I didn't have plans per say this weekend, it turned into a pretty busy couple of days.

On Saturday I cleaned the house. It desperately needed a vacuum and a mop. I swear having cats makes it seem like you never clean your house. Literally an hour after vacuuming there was litter everywhere again. We also went food shopping which was also pretty needed.

Sunday I got motivated enough to go through a large stack of magazines that has been taking over one of my book shelves. There were magazines dating back to 2016 still in plastic. I sorted them by name and then sorted them by month and year.

I literally have 5 or 6 different magazines that just show up at my house. I don't pay for any of them and they are in my name. This has been happening to my parents house for years. Magazines showing up in my name that I didn't order. I haven't lived there in almost 7 years and they still get magazines in my name. They have finally found me here in my new home as I have started receiving magazines last year.

I spend a good portion of Saturday going through and reading the Real Simple magazines cover to cover. I treated it as a self care item that kept me off my phone all day. I even took notes on things I wanted to remember and wrote down websites I wanted to visit.  It was a very soothing exercise for me.

On Sunday night I went to the gym for the first time since having Baby Bloob. It was a very surreal moment for me. It doesn't help that my gym got all new machines and things were all moved and not familiar to me. I had to look for things and that made going back a little harder. I took it easy as I have not been cleared yet from my doctor. I just did 30 minutes on the treadmill. The trip was mainly for stress relief and that was nice.

 After the gym I experimented with making Turmeric Lemonade. I wanted to try something new. I let it sit overnight and served the 2 glasses to R and I on Monday as we were cleaning up and putting up our deck canopy. It was very hot and the drink was very refreshing. I added some of my fresh mint to garnish. It was delish!

We had friends over for food and conversation on Monday afternoon and then it was clean up and relaxing until bed. Baby Bloob went down easy to bed and we got cleaned up and I read my magazines. Even though it was very busy in a sense, I found it all very relaxing too. We have a clean house. We got to visit with friends. And I have found something to pass my time that keeps me from living on my phone.

It's all a win.

How was your (three day) weekend?


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Friday Feels

I've got those Friday feels! This week has been long and it was only Wednesday when I realized it's Memorial Day weekend which means I go back to work in a week and a half. Booo! 8 weeks go fast when you're not sleeping and snuggling a little baby.

So a couple of things...

1. I feel like I need to start a new series called "Tales from the Midnight Feedings". There is always something happening when I'm up late. This week I was literally attacked by a spider! I was sitting in my rocker pumping when I looked over at the arm just as this black spider charged at me!

I literally jumped up, still attached to the breast pump trying to get away as I was being restrained by the pump. Good times. The spider then ran under the cushion. I kicked at it and it went running under the chair. Guys, I can't even!

This spring has been THE WORST for creepy crawlies in the house. I'm also dealing with ants. Why?! My kitchen is currently spotless amd they are still invading. God give me the strength not to burn my house down!


2. Next up, Baby Bloob turned 6 weeks old this week. He's eating like a 12 year old boy and I can't keep up! He is desperately trying to catch up because of being 5 weeks early, yet he is still in newborn clothes. We have finally graduated to size 1 diapers this week though. I call that a win.

3. I think Spring has finally showed up just in time for Summer. We are having pretty warm weather and lots of sunshine. We got our garden planted this week. It's small, but we are working with a hard situation. We don't have a water source outside, so we must haul buckets of water out to the field. We are praying for rain this Summer as last time we did the garden 2 years ago it was so dry nothing did well. *Rain Dance!*

4. I am working on a new series called 100 Dreams. Basically this is a list of 100 dreams I have broken up into 10 weeks. The reason for this is, it's really hard to actually come up with 100 dreams you have for yourself. I am doing this as a personal growth project. A friend of mine took a seminar on this and it's incredible what you learn about yourself and your strengths. Feel free to do this with me. I think it is going to be a great project!

5. Lastly, I think this is the first Memorial Day weekend that it is supposed to be really nice that I don't have any plans! Normally we are going to a BBQ or something and it rains. I am welcoming a calm holiday weekend being we need to catch up on some sleep and probably some housework.

What are you doing this weekend?

I want to also mention some gratitude before I end this. I am super grateful to have this blogging community to remind me to do me everyday. I am constantly struggling to not compare myself to what others are doing and that really makes blogging not fun. I want to thank everyone who has encouraged me to keep on going with what makes me happy. Love you all <3

In case you missed it:

Have a great weekend!


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The Postpartum Diaries: 6 weeks

This week Baby Bloob is 6 weeks old, which means I am 6 weeks postpartum. The past 6 weeks have been quite a whirlwind and I felt like writing it down. Getting it out there. Letting the world know it is okay to feel completely nuts one day and completely sane the next.

I discussed my labor and delivery and it was not easy to say the least. So now I want to do some updates on how I am feeling 6 weeks out.

I have had a very hard time with breastfeeding. Baby Bloob was early so he was also not very good at latching. We have our moments where it works, but 9 out of 10 times it doesn't and I am pumping for him. The topic is finally not making me cry every time it comes up. It is a very emotional topic and I cried at the pediatricians office last week when they told me little man was still underweight.

Between hormones and maybe a touch of the baby blues, that has been hard to handle for me. Lets talk a little about the baby blues.

According to Web MD, 1 in 7 women experience postpartum depression. It is not something to ever be embarrassed about and you should always seek help if you feel like you are experiencing it.

I don't know 100% if I am experiencing it but, I do have my moments of being upset. It has gotten better, but I will not rule out being evaluated if I feel like it's getting worse. I do suffer from anxiety at times so it would not surprise me if this is something I will struggle with.

Moving on. As far as my postpartum body goes, I am still getting used to the changes. I have so pretty crazy stretch marks and about 12 pounds of baby weight to lose, so that seems to be the worst of it. I am also dealing with the soreness from breastfeeding and pumping.

I know it takes time and our bodies go through a lot of change when we grow a child, but I still feel a little sad that it will be that much harder to lose the weight I was already trying to lose before getting pregnant.

I am working on my diet now and have looked at a few different exercise programs that I want to try. I need to get back to doing yoga. I gave it up during pregnancy and now I sort of regret it. All of my hard work from last year feels lost, but I am going to work to get myself back and hopefully get back to teaching.

All in all I am feeling good. Sleep deprived, but good. I'm going to take it day by day and try ti find balance. I love getting to know my little guy and want to make sure I'm taking care of me so I can care for him.

What were your postpartum experiences? Were you able to find balance?


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All About the Weekend Vol. 2

Whew, what a whirlwind of a weekend full of romance and royalty. In case you missed it, there was a royal wedding on Saturday. With my lack of sleep I completely forgot it was happening, but thanks to little man bloob, I was up for a feeding and got to watch the festivities.

I was glad I was able to watch, as I missed the royal wedding back when William and Kate married. This was was worth it though. So many little details that set this one apart from the traditional royal weddings.

Watching it took me back to my wedding day. A day I never thought would happen. I was 33 (Hey so was Harry! Wedding twins! Ha) and before meeting R, I was ready to give up on love.

My princess dress. 

My mom always said I had too high of standards, but who wants to spend there lives with someone who is just okay? I wanted fire and passion damnit!

Thinking back to my childhood, I never wanted to be a princess and I didn't dream of my wedding day. My dream was to move to NYC and work for MTV. I was going to be a rock and roll kind of gal. Have a good time and never settle down.

Well that didn't happen, but I did intern in L.A. and attended some pretty rock and roll events. I also attended the Grammy's a few years ago, but that's a whole nother story. Oh and as you can see in the photo above, I did get married and I did feel like a princess. I never thought I could wear a poofy dress, but this dress found me and the rest was history.

So back to this weekend. Weddings. I'm gonna say it. I didn't like the dress. I preferred Kate's dress, but that's not to say Meghan didn't look beautiful. I like simple, but I felt it was too simple. Does that make sense?

This is supposed to be a weekend wrap of sorts, so let me tell you what else I did when I wasn't glued to my TV and couch watching coverage of the wedding.

I relaxed. That was nice. The annual plant sale happened. We decided this year to put our garden back in. We did one 2 years ago but the weather was so dry, it didn't do so hot. We skipped it last year because we were afraid of having the same problem, but it rained more. We missed it a lot, so we are taking our chances again and are putting one in.

On a side note, I got my mint so I can start garnishing my summer cocktails!

Such a nice weekend really. I got some sleep which is also welcome. So I guess all I can say now is, Bring it on Monday!

How was your weekend? Did you watch the royal wedding?


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It's All About the Weekend Vol. 1

 I have always lived for the weekend in a sense. I can remember when I was in college I worked full-time and went to school at night. I daydreamed all week about that cocktail in my hand as I danced the night away with my friends.

As I journied through my twenties I lived for weekend adventures and trips. I'd drive to NYC or to visit cousins and friends. Mini road trips to concerts or new places to explore were common. I lived for these escapes.

These days there's a different reason why I live for the weekend. Sleep. When I was pregnant with Baby Bloob I was exhausted all of the time. Weekends were for napping.

 Now that my little bundle is here, I look forward to the weekend because R is home and we get to rest and spend time together as a family. We may be tired but it's nice to have a little bit of a schedule where it works.

This past weekend I celebrated my first Mother's Day. It was also baby bloobs due date. He blessed us 5 weeks early and I wouldn't change a second of it. It also came with cleaning and having company.

So even though I live for the weekends and even though I'm pretty tired, I loved celebrating a day for me with my hubs, little man, and my parents. I gave up my sleep to live in the moment.

I won't get these moments back, so moving forward I'm going to live for the weekends where I can live in the moments. Make memories in this new phase of life.

Tired. But so worth it.

Watch for those weekend moments every Monday here on the blog.


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