Where have I been?

Hey strangers! I know I have kind of fallen off the face of the Earth over the past couple of weeks, but I wanted to just pop on and tell you all I am alive and will have an update this week!

January was a huge month of change and new stuff and I can't wait to share it with you all!

I hope the start of everyone's new year has been smooth and can't wait to re-connect soon!

Have a fabulous Monday!
Trish List signature

Inauguration Day 2016

The day has come. A day many people are fearing. Today a new president takes the White House. It will be a day full of tears, struggles, joys, frustration, and unfortunately there will be some violence.

We will see people out of character who either cannot accept the change or will go against anyone who does not want the change. There can be bad on both sides of this.

I know many beautiful ladies headed to Washington DC this weekend for the Women's March. I wish I could be there with you, making history. I will be home locally supporting you. But my fear is, this event will bring the worst out of people. I am praying for a safe peaceful protest where everyone makes it home safe.

I am a realist. I have watched as the world has reacted to what it to come. I have seen peace and I have seen war. I have seen families torn apart by their differences. Sadly this isn't a president thing, this is a people thing.

I am writing this post this morning to urge everyone to find some peace today. Respect your neighbor, even if you do not have the same views. Allow there to be conversation that is listened to rather than responded to. Learning to let people speak before responding is a beautiful thing. We may learn something.

I personally know people who voted both ways. I have friends who are realing about today and others who are celebrating. I see it in my Facebook feeds. I see some kindness and some negativity. So today I want to remind you all one thing...


You may not agree with what is happening, but you need to be apart of the solution, not the problem.

Let's all radiate together and create love and joy and march forward.

Trish List signature

Yoga Teacher Training Vol 1

Guys, let me tell you.. 34 hours of yoga teacher training from Friday to Monday is INTENSE! I am training to be a mindful warrior. I spent many hours in meditation along with learning the history and base poses to a yoga practice.

I am still working on processing everything I experienced on my weekend retreat immersed in all things yoga and mindfulness. I left feeling extremely close to my classmates and pondering all sorts of things in my life and about the world.

I do not have to be back in the class room for 5 weeks, but will be doing home study and practice in between. I will be logging a minimum of 2 yoga classes a week. I will be meditating 10 minutes a day, every day. I will be reading and studying the history and learning the whole body system.

I am beyond excited for this journey, and wish to share more once I processed everything completely over the next few weeks. I debated not posting at all until I had the words, but felt like going radio silent wasn't fun either.

Now I want to ask.. Do you practice mindfulness? Do you practice yoga? Please share with me your stories and journey. I would love to hear them all.

Much love!
