This year is already turning out to be crazy busy and it's making me sad that this blog has suffered a little after I had made plans to revive the blog this year. What can I say? Life happens? So here is another little update and a brief thought on what I am planning on writing about in the near future.
First and foremost I told you all about starting yoga teacher training (YTT) and that officially started on January 14th. I immersed myself into a full weekend of yoga practice and training. I really, really enjoy my classmates and all of the stuff we are learning. I only have 1 classroom weekend a month, so I am gearing up for my 2nd one this weekend.
In between our month classes we are responsible for attending a minimum of 2 yoga classes a week of our choice as well as some homework related to our teachings. Everything was going great until I decided to take a new job.
Back in December I was offered a position to get back into optical, which is something I have missed over the past 5 years. It also came along with the convenience of working from home. I couldn't pass it up. I spent most of January preparing to leave my job and readying myself to travel to train for my new job.
I went out of town for a week at the beginning of February to train, and since then I caught a virus that has kept me pretty tired and with no energy, along with learning my new job. Yoga has been hard to keep up with, through all of that, but things will hopefully slow down in the next few weeks and I should be able to get back on track.
I am planning to write more in depth about my yoga training. I have found some very interesting topics to discuss just within my own practice and readings. I am hoping to get those moving starting next week. I also want to focus on my new journey, working from home. It is an interesting process and deserves to be written about here.
So there you have it, my crazy busy life, all condensed into this short update. I hope you are all having a great start to your year, and I can't wait to get more going here on the blog!