Happy December!

Oh my word.. It's December 1st folks! I am so excited to finally make it to December. Not because it's the holidays, but because this is the month of my birthday! I graced the world with my presence on December 31st as a New Years Eve baby! Now don't go asking my mom why she didn't hold out to bring in the first baby of the new year. It will probably result in bodily harm since A. She gets asked that ALL the time and B. She was already in labor with me 26 HOURS when I decided to come out at 2:39 IN THE AFTERNOON. There was NO WAY she was ever going to hold off another 9 1/2 hours to deliver me.

So now that you have heard the story of why I am not a new years baby, I wanted to announce that this month I will host my first ever giveaway on this site. I will go into more detail of that as we get into the month. I want to host something that ends on the 31st, when it will be considered a party! If you have any interest in helping me host my birthday party, e-mail me! I am still kicking around some ideas, but I want to make it a fun and exciting giveaway/celebration.

Now that I got the exciting part posted, I need to talk about the fact that I completely neglected promoting my blog last week. With Thanksgiving and all the crazy that came with it, I completely let me blog down. I wrote some pretty great posts, and yet not many people saw them. So I want to give them all the love they all deserve and promote the heck out of them this week!

First up: Who doesn't love a good gift card? Not only do they make good gifts, there are so many other useful things you can do with them. Check them out here---> The Magic of Giftcards

Next up: Check your body image at the door this holiday season. Reasons why you can still indulge on the holiday and not completely ruin your hard work: Body Image (A little rant)
Last, but certainly not least: Do you consider yourself an Influenster? Blogging comes with some big shoes to fill, so why not influence in positive ways: Find out why I am an Influesnter and how you can be too!

So there you have it folks. December is going to be an awesome month, and I'm starting you off with some pretty awesome posts. I hope you have a great week!

Are you an Influenster?

Blogging is fun. It not only allows you to connect with amazing new people and things. it allows you to influence others. Before I started blogging I loved to review products. As you heard many times if you read my blog daily, I love freebies. I love to enter contests and giveaways and am pretty fortunate to win every once in awhile. One day while I was online writing a review for one of my favorite products, someone asked me if I was an "Influenster". I had no idea what they were talking about, because I didn't think I influenced anyone and that word up there seemed like it was spelt wrong.

A few minutes later I received an email invite to a website called Influenster. I decided to sign up and see what this "Influenster" was all about. I quickly realized it was everything I was already doing. It was a community where you could write reviews, ask and respond to questions, and earn badges for doing so. Then I noticed they took this a step farther and offered some of their members what they like to call a VoxBox. Now you are probably sitting there thinking, "A what?!"


A VoxBox is a themed box full of goodies. You get to try out all of the products in the box and then do little missions to earn more badges. All of the products are full size and they usually all have something to do with each other. I was lucky enough to participate in the Optic White VoxBox and the Go VoxBox. The Optic White VoxBox was full of all the Optic White dental products which was a lot of fun. I love to try new hygiene products. The Go VoxBox was all about fitness. I think this was my favorite box yet. I had all kinds of healthy goodies in it to try. You can check out my review on it {{ here }} to see all the goodies they sent me!

I have been an official Influenster since January of 2012. They have changed and evolved so much in the past almost 3 years and I love it. They are always working on making this better for all of us who want to help people and companies better understand products. For all you App fanatics they also now offer an Influenster App. You can download that in the App store that corresponds with your phones operating system. 

If you like to influence people in a positive way and have fun while doing it, this is the place to be. Run on over to the Influenster website and get yourself looking around and JOIN! You won't regret it!

Body Image

Unless you are living under a rock, you probably noticed a pretty ridiculous photo showing up all over the internet. You know the one of Kim Kardashian breaking the internet? I will not post the photo here because there is no need. You probably have fallen upon it if you frequent the internet at all. It was really hard not to see a photo of it, even if you really didn't want to.

Anyways, the point of this post is to talk about body image especially during the holidays. We as humans are very visual creatures. We thrive on the things we can see and sometimes that does more harm then good. As a society we believe the images of women that are thrown in our faces daily are the normal way to do look. Take for example; most magazine covers or characters we see on tv are super thin and have perfect makeup all the time. Now women believe they need to be super thin with a ton of makeup on to be desirable. 

Don't get me wrong, I am huge into fitness and being healthy, but I also know it is almost impossible for every women's body to be a size 0. Young girls see these images and think they need to look that way to fit in. I am a short person clocking in at only 4'11''. I will always be so called "small" but I am in no way ever going to be a size 0. I have wide hips and thick thighs. It doesn't matter how much I work out, they aren't going to just disappear and become tiny with a thigh gap.

Fast forward to the holidays. There is a lot of food and a time to indulge. You can still indulge without going overboard. You should never be afraid to eat a Thanksgiving meal because you believe it will make you fat. You constantly hear people complaining they gained 10 pounds over the holidays. This is just so hard to do unless you eat a few thousand extra calories everyday during that time period. Ladies you will be fine to indulge a little.

Now back to the photo of Kim Kardashian. She is known for her larger backside, and you know what? That is great. I'm glad she is not ashamed of it. However, I am not all that thrilled that she did it in a way that was super fake. They have photoshopped the crap out of it. It makes me angry that we can't just be ourselves when it comes to showing the world what we got. It sends the wrong impression when we rely on photoshop for ever single picture we take, to make us look "good". How are people supposed to recognize you when you are just being you?

I hope everyone enjoys the holidays. Have a piece of pie. Get a little more stuffing. You can do all of that in good moderation. Be happy and enjoy every minute of it. Love yourself and others will too. Remember looks and beauty change with age. If you spend to much time focusing on it now, you will miss out on life.

Love you all! Have a great Thanksgiving and have some pie! <3