Why I hate OS updates

I woke up on Monday morning to that sweet little message on my phone alerting me it wanted to update my operating system. If you are like me, this is to be avoided at all cost. I hate change when it comes to my cellphone. I like my phone exactly the way it is. Meaning: I know where everything is, how everything works, and what to expect at all times. Once that update happens all bets are off!

I avoided updating all day at work on Monday. I was pretty proud of myself. I went to the gym after work and left my phone in my locker. When I got back from my workout, I had a few alerts and as I went to check them, my phone got sneaky! Before I knew what was happening, my phone was updating. Trish-0, Android-1.

My phone now has a new look. Apparently white is the new green? All of my icons and writing are now white. I am not a fan! It reminds me of death. I always feel like my phone is dying on me. Its so colorless. Makes me kind of sad. Why Android, why? Now after a few days of using this new operating system or OS if you want to get technical, I have noticed things keep going down hill. I have compiled 5 reasons to blame my droid update when things go wrong on my phone.

#1. My spelling is horrible you say? You didn't understand what I was saying? It's not my fault! My operating system updated and my phone now has a mind of its own.

#2 Oh I hung up on you? What? I didn't hear you! Sorry, I wish I could explain, but my call got dropped. Must be that darn OS update!

#3. Slow response? No, I am not ignoring you. Yep, you guessed it. My phone froze again after this wonderful update I was forced into installing!

#4 Picture? What picture? I didn't receive a text from you! Oh yeah that's right. I updated. Please don't blame me.

#5. I know, I know, I need to update my profile picture on Blogger. The photo I want is saved on my phone. When I try to update my profile on my phone, I no longer get the option to pull up my gallery on my phone. Ugh!

Friends, this is why you should say no to updates! Things go from great to crazy in 1.3 minutes. I am slowly learning where everything is now. My auto-correct is off the hook. Changing everything I want to use to something mildly inappropriate at times. And #hashtags? Forget about it! It wants nothing to do with using those. I am sure in a few more days I will feel a little more comfortable with these updates, but until then.. Blame it on the update!

Happy Thursday!

Treasure Tromp

Let's Be Social!

Learn to dance in the rain

It's Tuesday night and a big storm just blew through here in central NY. I always love the sky after a storm. It's so clear and free of all things bad. It gets me thinking about life and how the storm is metaphorical to a human life. We are always waiting for a rainbow, but no one ever wants to have to go through the storm to see it. This brings me to one of my favorite quotes by Vivian Green:

“Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain.” 

 We can never be sure of what's coming up around the corner but if we live in fear of our own destiny we may never really live. Today is a gift. Get out there and live it to its fullest. Come to terms with the things you cannot change. Be thankful for the life you have. That storm that came through could have caused a lot of damage, but you are still here. Breathing. Making memories. Someone else may not of had the same chance. 

Even when your world gets turned sideways, look at the beauty. It's all around you. There is always something there to pick you up.  I am going to live that life today. I hope you will join me.

Happy Wednesday my friends :)

Let's Be Social!

Summer Monday's

Monday already? How does that happen? Even with a 3 day weekend thrown in there, Monday always seems to creep up WAY to quick! Not only is it Monday, but it's a summer Monday. What do I mean, you ask? It means you probably ran ragged all weekend long, got no real relaxation in, and now it's Monday and you are right back into the grind. I don't know about you, but that equation is just all out exhausting!

Don't get me wrong. I LOVE summer and all that it brings. I would not trade in the nice weather, summer parties, or drinks on the balcony for anything... However it's the fact that in today's world we try to fit in every event, every vacation, every anything else that needs to be done into 3 months! That's roughly 12 weekends we try to jam pack with anything and everything so we don't miss anything. We then grumble back to work every Monday complaining how tired we are only to put in another 8 to 10 hours in at the office. Does that sound like fun to anyone? Anyone? Didn't think so.

One of the best plans I have come up with in order to help cut down on all of the craziness that is summer weekends is to plan at least 1 weekend a month where you stay home and take some "me" time. If you have a family plan a family "us" time. Follow these simple tips and you are on your way to a little less stressful summer..

  •  Make a list and prioritize it. Include 3 categories. High, Medium, and Low. Add all of the things you want/have to do in the summer. Separate them into the 3 categories.
  • Keep a calender. Look at the list you just compiled and add all of the high priority items first. These normally include things such as vacations, weddings, and family events (birthdays, graduations, ect).
  •  Once you have all of your high priority dates listed out in front of you, it gives a better idea on what the rest of your summer looks like.
  • Take all of the medium priority items and add them into the calendar. These items are normally events like fairs, sports events, and kids events. 
  • Now that you have all of the important dates on the calendar you should look at your weekends and see whats open. Pick 1 weekend from each month to use as your "me" or "us" time.
  •  If all of your weekends are not totally full at this point it leaves room to add items. These are events that may not yet have a firm date, annual things you attend every summer if you get the time, or things you really want to do but isn't a priority. 
  • One of the most important tips I can offer is to learn to say no. You are not obligated to attend every single event that comes your way. You can politely decline if you feel like it is going to be to much. Summer is a time for fun but you also don't want to burn yourself out.
Now even if you cannot commit to taking a full weekend off each month, try for a Sunday. This way you can commit to an event on Saturday and still have one day to relax and recharge. Do what you have to do to give yourself some time away from all of the craziness that is summer time!

What do you think? Do you run ragged every summer only to wish you had slowed down just a bit? How do you balance it all? Leave your answers in the comments! Happy Monday!!

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