Last month I posted a Stitch Fix reveal that ended up turning more into a body image discussion. It's okay though because I feel like fashion and body image go hand in hand more and more these days. I was not really feeling the items I received and it also made me super self conscious about sharing the photos on the internet.
Showing posts with label stitch fix. Show all posts
Stitch Fix July 2018 + Body Image
Monday, July 16, 2018
Another week, another fix. This fix in particular was to pick out a dress for a wedding I am going to in August. I asked for dresses and possibly some cute shoes. I am still so self conscious over my body these days, but I am doing this for motivation.
I want to be honest about how these photos made me feel. These photos inflicted a chain of events that I never thought would happen. They made me address a demon that I have been avoiding since long before I had little Bloob.
I am overweight.
I know this. I have known this. This isn't something that is new to me. I went through a lot of body changes over the years. Between being happy, being depressed, moving to new places, and family drama. You name it, it probably effected my weight.
While I was pregnant with my little man I got asked about 10 times in one visit if I had gestational diabetes. This was based on them looking at me and assuming I had it because I am overweight.
I did not gain much while pregnant. In fact, I was mostly baby. I was so pleased with how well I did through the pregnancy. I was healthy, the baby was healthy, and all went well for the most part.
I am struggling more now then I have ever struggled in my life with my body image. I reached out to my personal Facebook page for help. I have received the most amazing outpour of support it brought tears to my eyes.
I forgot what it was like to ask for help. It made the difference. I posted one of the photos I took during this photo shoot I did for this post. My son was in the photo. I got such beautiful words of encouragement. I was wearing the red Evalynn brushed knit dress.
I looked again and I saw the promise in my eyes., the love I had for my son, and how beautiful the red looked on me.
I want to thank Stitch Fix for pulling me out of my comfort zone. For making me want to try harder. I put on these clothes and post photos of myself on the internet. That is VERY hard for me right now. I did it. I not only posted here for strangers I have never met, but in a space where all my friends, family, acquaintances, and lurkers can see me.
Thank you all for the support and kindness you have shown me. Much love.
Now onto the Fix...
I really liked this dress while not on me. It was too clingy in places I am not ready to show off. I really liked the color and the patterns, but this time I had to say no, and send it back. The heels were also sent. I thought they were really cute, but they did not fit my feet well. I have wide feet and these were just a bit too tight. They went back.
Oh my heart. I really love this dress, but again, don't love it on me. This postpartum body of mine is just not making me love any of these outfits on me. This one is also washing me out more than I realized. I asked for another size in this to see how it goes, but now that I see how much it washes me out I will probably return this one was well. I was also sent the bracelet. I do not really wear bracelets. It was pretty, but not for me.
I have already mentioned this in another post, but I have been struggling with my postpartum body. I know it produced life and that is something really special. I am trying to come to terms with it, but I am having a hard time with the fact that I have put on a lot of weight in the past 3 months since giving birth.
It was hard for me to post these photos. I feel like I am going in reverse with these posts. I was a bit skinnier in the last photos and to see these have really made me sad. I know I should love my body as it is, and I am sincerely trying.
I am grateful for all of the support I receive here, and I know putting myself out there like this will once again bring support, and it's for that reason I do it.
Which dress did you like the most?
Did you hear? Stitch Fix just launched their new service for kids! This excites me beyond words because I love the service for me. The sizes start at 2T and go up to size 14. Baby Bloob is still a few years away from those size points, but he will definitely be getting a fix when he's in those sizes! I mean, just look at that cute dinosaur outfit!
Each fix comes with 8-12 personalized items and has a price range between $10 and $35 an item. At launch brands included are: Kate Spade, Under Armor, Nike, Toms, Hannah Andersson,
Get started today by clicking on the banner below! Just think about how much time you will save not having go to the store with your little

I can't wait to see all the littles in their Stitch Fix outfits!
I want to be honest about how these photos made me feel. These photos inflicted a chain of events that I never thought would happen. They made me address a demon that I have been avoiding since long before I had little Bloob.
I am overweight.
I know this. I have known this. This isn't something that is new to me. I went through a lot of body changes over the years. Between being happy, being depressed, moving to new places, and family drama. You name it, it probably effected my weight.
While I was pregnant with my little man I got asked about 10 times in one visit if I had gestational diabetes. This was based on them looking at me and assuming I had it because I am overweight.
I did not gain much while pregnant. In fact, I was mostly baby. I was so pleased with how well I did through the pregnancy. I was healthy, the baby was healthy, and all went well for the most part.
I am struggling more now then I have ever struggled in my life with my body image. I reached out to my personal Facebook page for help. I have received the most amazing outpour of support it brought tears to my eyes.
I forgot what it was like to ask for help. It made the difference. I posted one of the photos I took during this photo shoot I did for this post. My son was in the photo. I got such beautiful words of encouragement. I was wearing the red Evalynn brushed knit dress.
I looked again and I saw the promise in my eyes., the love I had for my son, and how beautiful the red looked on me.
I want to thank Stitch Fix for pulling me out of my comfort zone. For making me want to try harder. I put on these clothes and post photos of myself on the internet. That is VERY hard for me right now. I did it. I not only posted here for strangers I have never met, but in a space where all my friends, family, acquaintances, and lurkers can see me.
Thank you all for the support and kindness you have shown me. Much love.
Now onto the Fix...
For those of you unfamiliar with Stitch Fix, it is a monthly clothing subscription where you get a personal stylist to send you 5 pieces according to your profile. You have the opportunity to write your stylist a note each month further customizing your fix. You pay a $20 styling fee each month to receive the fix, which is then deducted from the cost of anything you keep from your fix. If you keep all 5 items you also receive a 25% discount. Pretty great right? If you have interest in trying out the fix, I would appreciate it greatly if you used my affiliate link.
French Grey Evalynn Brushed Knit Dress
This dress has grown on me since I first tried it on. I don't think I own anything red, but I also don't think it's fancy enough for the wedding I am going to next month. I unfortunately sent it back. Sort of regret it now!
Kaileigh Lennox Tie Waist Detail Dress and Report Penley Textured Mule
I really liked this dress while not on me. It was too clingy in places I am not ready to show off. I really liked the color and the patterns, but this time I had to say no, and send it back. The heels were also sent. I thought they were really cute, but they did not fit my feet well. I have wide feet and these were just a bit too tight. They went back.
Wisp Calla Knit Maxi Dress and Bancroft Milla Circle Layer Bracelet
Oh my heart. I really love this dress, but again, don't love it on me. This postpartum body of mine is just not making me love any of these outfits on me. This one is also washing me out more than I realized. I asked for another size in this to see how it goes, but now that I see how much it washes me out I will probably return this one was well. I was also sent the bracelet. I do not really wear bracelets. It was pretty, but not for me.
It was hard for me to post these photos. I feel like I am going in reverse with these posts. I was a bit skinnier in the last photos and to see these have really made me sad. I know I should love my body as it is, and I am sincerely trying.
I am grateful for all of the support I receive here, and I know putting myself out there like this will once again bring support, and it's for that reason I do it.
Which dress did you like the most?
Exciting News!
Did you hear? Stitch Fix just launched their new service for kids! This excites me beyond words because I love the service for me. The sizes start at 2T and go up to size 14. Baby Bloob is still a few years away from those size points, but he will definitely be getting a fix when he's in those sizes! I mean, just look at that cute dinosaur outfit!
Each fix comes with 8-12 personalized items and has a price range between $10 and $35 an item. At launch brands included are: Kate Spade, Under Armor, Nike, Toms, Hannah Andersson,
Get started today by clicking on the banner below! Just think about how much time you will save not having go to the store with your little
I can't wait to see all the littles in their Stitch Fix outfits!
Stitch Fix # 18
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
The more I photograph these fixes, the more I realize I love fashion. I was never a "fashionista" growing up. I just wore what was comfortable. I don't think I had a specific style per say. Although I do specifically remember a moment in my early 20's when I got to a friends house and she made a comment that I always looked so put together. Her and her boyfriend had been discussing how nice I always looked.
That make me feel awkward at the time. I never thought about what I wore. I just put clothes on and went out. Thinking back, I think I was more fashionable than I gave myself credit for. I suppose that fits my personality though. I am always so naïve about my talents, or my looks, or anything about myself really.
I remember standing in front of my closet two years ago and the wheels started turning. I started seeing pieces of my clothing matched with each other. Pieces I would have never put together normally. I got excited. I was always the girl who did the awesome makeup. Not the girl who had awesome fashion sense.
I had thought about subscribing to Stitch Fix for awhile, but always thought it would be a waste of my time. I told myself I already knew what I liked to wear. I told myself it would be too expensive. I told myself I wouldn't like to wear clothes someone else picked out.
I was so wrong about all of those things. I finally bit the bullet early last year. I was going to try one box and then cancel. I was so sure I wasn't going to like it enough to keep it going. Now here we are at fix number 18.

Stitch Fix has allowed me to try on pieces that I would never have picked out on my own. I have found quality items to add to my closet that again can be mix and matched with my existing wardrobe. It makes it fun to get dressed.
It also makes it fun to photograph. I love modeling the clothes I get sent. Even if I don't keep the items, I still get to freeze them in a frame to post here for you to see. I have been inspired to do more and more fashion posts because of Stitch Fix.
Now on to the photos. It was such a bright and cheerful fix that popped to the backdrop of my backyard.
For those of you unfamiliar with Stitch Fix, it is a monthly clothing subscription where you get a personal stylist to send you 5 pieces according to your profile. You have the opportunity to write your stylist a note each month further customizing your fix. You pay a $20 styling fee each month to receive the fix, which is then deducted from the cost of anything you keep from your fix. If you keep all 5 items you also receive a 25% discount. Pretty great right? If you have interest in trying out the fix, I would appreciate it greatly if you used my affiliate link.
First up is this Fortune + Ivy wrap dress. I have come to realize since I have given birth that wrap dresses just do not work for me. This one is also a bit too short for my liking. It is a pretty color, but not my style. This went back.
Not pictured because I some how forgot to photograph it is this pink Nine West Crossover. I thought it was really cute, but was not in the need for a new bag right now.
All in all I loved this fix. There were pieces I would never had picked out myself (hello shorts!). When it first arrived I thought maybe they sent me someone else's fix because it was so out of my comfort zone. But this is why I keep getting Stitch Fix. It forces me out of my comfort zone.
I also realize I need to do better on my photos for these posts. I am just lucky I got it done while it was still daylight to be honest. I literally ran down from my office after work and did this before I went to the gym. I only have so much "me" time now with the baby. Oh well! I am just glad it got done.
Which piece is your favorite?
That make me feel awkward at the time. I never thought about what I wore. I just put clothes on and went out. Thinking back, I think I was more fashionable than I gave myself credit for. I suppose that fits my personality though. I am always so naïve about my talents, or my looks, or anything about myself really.
I remember standing in front of my closet two years ago and the wheels started turning. I started seeing pieces of my clothing matched with each other. Pieces I would have never put together normally. I got excited. I was always the girl who did the awesome makeup. Not the girl who had awesome fashion sense.
I had thought about subscribing to Stitch Fix for awhile, but always thought it would be a waste of my time. I told myself I already knew what I liked to wear. I told myself it would be too expensive. I told myself I wouldn't like to wear clothes someone else picked out.
I was so wrong about all of those things. I finally bit the bullet early last year. I was going to try one box and then cancel. I was so sure I wasn't going to like it enough to keep it going. Now here we are at fix number 18.
Stitch Fix has allowed me to try on pieces that I would never have picked out on my own. I have found quality items to add to my closet that again can be mix and matched with my existing wardrobe. It makes it fun to get dressed.
It also makes it fun to photograph. I love modeling the clothes I get sent. Even if I don't keep the items, I still get to freeze them in a frame to post here for you to see. I have been inspired to do more and more fashion posts because of Stitch Fix.
Now on to the photos. It was such a bright and cheerful fix that popped to the backdrop of my backyard.
For those of you unfamiliar with Stitch Fix, it is a monthly clothing subscription where you get a personal stylist to send you 5 pieces according to your profile. You have the opportunity to write your stylist a note each month further customizing your fix. You pay a $20 styling fee each month to receive the fix, which is then deducted from the cost of anything you keep from your fix. If you keep all 5 items you also receive a 25% discount. Pretty great right? If you have interest in trying out the fix, I would appreciate it greatly if you used my affiliate link.
First up is this Fortune + Ivy wrap dress. I have come to realize since I have given birth that wrap dresses just do not work for me. This one is also a bit too short for my liking. It is a pretty color, but not my style. This went back.
I really loved the color of this Papermoon blouse. I paired it with these really comfy joggers from my last fix that I kept. I already have something similar in my closet so I sent it back. Bonus here is seeing the rear end of Rick. He is such a photo bomber! Ever since he was Mr. May in the local SPCA calendar he demands the spotlight. Such a diva!
I really love this outfit. The Alice Blue top is simple and cool for the summer and pairs nicely with the RD Style shorts. The shorts are the only things I kept from this fix. They are comfy and have pockets!
Not pictured because I some how forgot to photograph it is this pink Nine West Crossover. I thought it was really cute, but was not in the need for a new bag right now.
All in all I loved this fix. There were pieces I would never had picked out myself (hello shorts!). When it first arrived I thought maybe they sent me someone else's fix because it was so out of my comfort zone. But this is why I keep getting Stitch Fix. It forces me out of my comfort zone.
I also realize I need to do better on my photos for these posts. I am just lucky I got it done while it was still daylight to be honest. I literally ran down from my office after work and did this before I went to the gym. I only have so much "me" time now with the baby. Oh well! I am just glad it got done.
Which piece is your favorite?
The Return of Stitch Fix
Wednesday, June 6, 2018
I suppose when you aren't blogging regularly, you also don't keep up with taking photos of your Stitch Fix boxes every month. Woops. Looks like the last post I did was at the end of August for a transition to fall post. This was also the post where I promised to post my first 5/5 box. Dang. Woops. Oops?
Okay I totally thought about photographing everything I kept since then, but in reality, I don't have the time or energy with the baby to do that. I am lucky I have time to go to the bathroom these days. Since my last Stich Fix post I was invited into the Style Pass so I have been getting fixes every 3 weeks or so.

Today I am showing you fix # 16. I just got #17 the other day so I will be posting that one as well shortly. This fix is my first postpartum fix and I am 6 weeks postpartum in these photos. I have a lot of work to do!
So here we go..
For those of you unfamiliar with Stitch Fix, it is a monthly clothing subscription where you get a personal stylist to send you 5 pieces according to your profile. You have the opportunity to write your stylist a note each month further customizing your fix. You pay a $20 styling fee each month to receive the fix, which is then deducted from the cost of anything you keep from your fix. If you keep all 5 items you also receive a 25% discount. Pretty great right? If you have interest in trying out the fix, I would appreciate it greatly if you used my affiliate link.
For this fix I asked for comfy nursing friendly clothes. I feel like my stylist got it partway right.
Gaiam Astana Performance Knit Top
This first top was really cute and I would have kept it had it not been so complicated to wear. It had all kinds of things going on that made it difficult to get it on and off. Right now I don't have time in my life for difficult anything. It had a cool looking back, so this is all I am showing. Returned.
I had this romper pinned. I am still on the fence about this one. I requested a different size and I am not 100% sure I am happy with it. It is very soft and I like the wrap detail, but again, I am just body conscious right now. What do you all think?
Stay tuned for my review on Fix # 17. It will be up next week!
Okay I totally thought about photographing everything I kept since then, but in reality, I don't have the time or energy with the baby to do that. I am lucky I have time to go to the bathroom these days. Since my last Stich Fix post I was invited into the Style Pass so I have been getting fixes every 3 weeks or so.
Today I am showing you fix # 16. I just got #17 the other day so I will be posting that one as well shortly. This fix is my first postpartum fix and I am 6 weeks postpartum in these photos. I have a lot of work to do!
So here we go..
For those of you unfamiliar with Stitch Fix, it is a monthly clothing subscription where you get a personal stylist to send you 5 pieces according to your profile. You have the opportunity to write your stylist a note each month further customizing your fix. You pay a $20 styling fee each month to receive the fix, which is then deducted from the cost of anything you keep from your fix. If you keep all 5 items you also receive a 25% discount. Pretty great right? If you have interest in trying out the fix, I would appreciate it greatly if you used my affiliate link.
For this fix I asked for comfy nursing friendly clothes. I feel like my stylist got it partway right.
Gaiam Astana Performance Knit Top
This first top was really cute and I would have kept it had it not been so complicated to wear. It had all kinds of things going on that made it difficult to get it on and off. Right now I don't have time in my life for difficult anything. It had a cool looking back, so this is all I am showing. Returned.
Luq - Alloway Cutout Neckline Knit Top
Lucky Brand - Emmie Printed Leather Ballet Flat
I initially was going to keep the Luq top, but upon looking at the photos, it isn't very flattering on me. I really liked the detail and the color, but I need to take off some of this baby weight before feeling comfy in something like this.
I asked for green flats in this fix and I got these Lucky Brand flats. I wasn't a fan of the shade of green of these flats and they were not very comfortable. I know it is hard to know with only trying them on and walking around the house, but I can't commit if they feel uncomfy right off the bat. Returned both.
Thanks to Grace for making an appearance on this photo.
Nine Britton - Rainbird Tie Front Knit Top
I was never a fan of the tie front top years ago when it was popular and I am certainly not a fan at the moment with the baby belly. It was comfy and had a nice fabric, but it wasn't for this momma. Maybe when the baby weight is gone. Returned.
Fortune + Ivy - Kimora Romper
I had this romper pinned. I am still on the fence about this one. I requested a different size and I am not 100% sure I am happy with it. It is very soft and I like the wrap detail, but again, I am just body conscious right now. What do you all think?
So there you have it. Fix # 16. It was sort of a 1/5. I am still on the fence about the romper so this could turn into a 0/5 unfortunately. First time that has happened.
Which piece was your favorite?
Transition to Fall with Stitch Fix
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Welp, it's happening guys. Summer will soon come to an end and Fall will be here. Not that Central NY got the memo. It's been pretty Fall-like here all week.
I was initially going to do a 6 month follow up for Stitch Fix to show you all of the items I've kept since starting with them back in February, but then had more fun turning all of the Spring/Summer items I got into Fall transition pieces.
I figured that would be a much better post. Don't you agree? So here we go.. Fall transition style with all of my Stitch Fix keepers.
For those of you unfamiliar with Stitch Fix, it is a monthly clothing subscription where you get a personal stylist to send you 5 pieces according to your profile. You have the opportunity to write your stylist a note each month further customizing your fix. You pay a $20 styling fee each month to receive the fix, which is then deducted from the cost of anything you keep from your fix. If you keep all 5 items you also receive a 25% discount. Pretty great right? If you have interest in trying out the fix, I would appreciate it greatly if you used my affiliate link.
Fix 1: February 2017
My first fix was pretty great. I did not keep everything, but I did do a full review on my first fix. Make sure to check it out to see how I styled everything then in the winter verses my keeps for Fall transition.
I paired the Gilli Hilda printed aline skirt with my hubby's purple polo top and a pair of purple converse sneakers to bring together this back to school outfit.
Also from this fix I kept the 41Hawthorn Aiton grommet detail blouse. I paired it with a pair of bootcut jeans and boots. Perfect for those mild days that turn into chilly nights!
I was initially going to do a 6 month follow up for Stitch Fix to show you all of the items I've kept since starting with them back in February, but then had more fun turning all of the Spring/Summer items I got into Fall transition pieces.
I figured that would be a much better post. Don't you agree? So here we go.. Fall transition style with all of my Stitch Fix keepers.
For those of you unfamiliar with Stitch Fix, it is a monthly clothing subscription where you get a personal stylist to send you 5 pieces according to your profile. You have the opportunity to write your stylist a note each month further customizing your fix. You pay a $20 styling fee each month to receive the fix, which is then deducted from the cost of anything you keep from your fix. If you keep all 5 items you also receive a 25% discount. Pretty great right? If you have interest in trying out the fix, I would appreciate it greatly if you used my affiliate link.
Fix 1: February 2017
My first fix was pretty great. I did not keep everything, but I did do a full review on my first fix. Make sure to check it out to see how I styled everything then in the winter verses my keeps for Fall transition.
I paired the Gilli Hilda printed aline skirt with my hubby's purple polo top and a pair of purple converse sneakers to bring together this back to school outfit.
Also from this fix I kept the 41Hawthorn Aiton grommet detail blouse. I paired it with a pair of bootcut jeans and boots. Perfect for those mild days that turn into chilly nights!
Fix 2 - March 2017
Fix two came at the best and worst time. I did not write a post on this one as I was dealing with Cal. If you don't remember Cal, that was the kidney stone I was passing. Lovely right? Anywho...
I kept two pieces from that fix. The two have become one of my favorite outfits. This beautiful Pixley blouse with elephants and a pair of Just Black skinny jeans in this beautiful turquoise color. This outfit just works for all seasons in my opinion. The rich color of the jeans takes this into Fall. You can add a pair of riding boots and a scarf to really get that Fall feeling!
Fix 3: April
For my April fix I specifically asked for pieces as I was going to a wedding in May and needed some options. It was a casual wedding in the PA mountains. In May you can either get 100 degrees or 50 degrees depending on the day. I asked for Maxi dresses, a cardigan, and a spring jacket. This is the fix where I was so impressed with my stylist that I requested to keep her moving forward.
Here is what I kept:
This Wisp Pamala maxi dress was gorgeous. I ended up wearing this to the wedding as it is a bit dressier, but can also be dressed down. It is the perfect Fall dress, with its bright oranges and navy blues. This dress would be perfect with a denim jacket and a pair of boots.
I also kept this comfy Loveappella Carlita maxi dress and Absolutely Acada hooded cardigan. Together they are taking me into Fall. During the day I can wear it to an outside event and cover up with the cardigan as it gets chilly throughout the evening.
Fix 4: May 2017
May's box was a miss for me, but I did ask for a romper and this RD Style Bryanna romper showed up. I did not blog about this box as it was underwhelmed and a lot of the pieces did not fit properly.
I paired the romper with a scarlet red cardigan and black wedge booties. Such a cute back to school outfit. I think this is one of my favorite outfits for the Fall!
Fix 5: June 2017
I have to admit, this last outfit isn't as Fall, but it does have some rich oranges and yellows and it does make me think of Fall. I have been rocking this Pixley Palacio scoop neck tank and Kut From The Kloth Roxanne drawstring linen shorts. Just for fun I added some red Keen sandals that have some similar colors in the accents. I can see myself wearing this right into September while the weather figures itself out.
Fix 6 - July 2017
I absolutely loved my July fix. It had so many Fall colors and I was not able to keep everything I wanted. I did however blog about the fix with photos of all the items for your viewing pleasure. I kept the lovely Octavia Brooklyn crossbody bag that easily transition into fall. The beautiful teal color is amazing and screams Fall to me! This bag will sure get a lot of action.
So overall I have had a pretty amazing experience with my first 6 months of Stitch Fix. I have already received my August fix and can't wait to share with you this 5/5 fix! That's right, I'm keeping it all baby! Stay tuned for photos next week!
So what do you think of these Fall transition outfits using my fix keeps? I sure had fun photographing them so I hope you loved them as much I do!
stitch fix
What's Up Weekend - 8/11
Friday, August 11, 2017
Happy Friday lovelies! I am over the moon excited that the weekend is here. Speaking of moon, in case you didn't notice, there was a full moon this week. If things were a little cray-cray that's probably why! Anyways, I feel like I accomplished a lot this week. Let me discuss why..
I officially got myself back to the gym. I made a plan and I stuck to it. It feels good to have met that goal. My poor body was in desperate need of a good workout, and I feel like I gave it a good one. I don't feel sore or overworked, but I feel good about it. I already feel like I have more energy. Maybe it's all in my head, but hey, I'll take it!
I was featured for the second time on Stitch Fix Reviews. That is so exciting for me. I am in no way a fashion blogger, but to be featured along side those ladies was amazing. I am so blessed to have had that experience.
I am so close to sharing my new website with everyone! It is looking great and I am so excited for it. I have learned a lot about Wordpress through this journey and have done a majority of the work myself. This is such an accomplishment for me. My patience runs out real quick, so for me to sit down and figure all of this out, is a super win!
This weekend is my mom's birthday and we are going zip lining! I asked my mom back in March what she wanted to do and originally I wanted to take her to a fun hotel in NYC. She said yes and then later said she didn't want to do that because NYC is too hot in August to be walking around. So she said, "I want to go zip lining!" Okay! I am hoping the rain holds off, but if it does, that's where you can find me this weekend!
I went live for the first time on my yoga business page. I am starting a weekly live chat to talk about yoga and essential oils. I am hoping this will ease the anxiety that some people have about trying yoga for the first time. I want to be able to answer questions and let people know that yoga really is for any body type. It was such a rush to go live and talk! Can't wait to see where it leads!
How was your week? Share in the comments!
Have an amazing weekend!
I officially got myself back to the gym. I made a plan and I stuck to it. It feels good to have met that goal. My poor body was in desperate need of a good workout, and I feel like I gave it a good one. I don't feel sore or overworked, but I feel good about it. I already feel like I have more energy. Maybe it's all in my head, but hey, I'll take it!
I was featured for the second time on Stitch Fix Reviews. That is so exciting for me. I am in no way a fashion blogger, but to be featured along side those ladies was amazing. I am so blessed to have had that experience.
I am so close to sharing my new website with everyone! It is looking great and I am so excited for it. I have learned a lot about Wordpress through this journey and have done a majority of the work myself. This is such an accomplishment for me. My patience runs out real quick, so for me to sit down and figure all of this out, is a super win!
This weekend is my mom's birthday and we are going zip lining! I asked my mom back in March what she wanted to do and originally I wanted to take her to a fun hotel in NYC. She said yes and then later said she didn't want to do that because NYC is too hot in August to be walking around. So she said, "I want to go zip lining!" Okay! I am hoping the rain holds off, but if it does, that's where you can find me this weekend!
I went live for the first time on my yoga business page. I am starting a weekly live chat to talk about yoga and essential oils. I am hoping this will ease the anxiety that some people have about trying yoga for the first time. I want to be able to answer questions and let people know that yoga really is for any body type. It was such a rush to go live and talk! Can't wait to see where it leads!
How was your week? Share in the comments!
Have an amazing weekend!
Stitch Fix Number Six
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
Today I am excited to share my 6th fix. I kind of dropped the ball on my last couple of fixes, but I am working on a 6 month review where I will share all of the pieces I've kept. Stay tuned for that.
For those of you unfamiliar with Stitch Fix, it is a monthly clothing subscription where you get a personal stylist to send you 5 pieces according to your profile. You have the opportunity to write you stylist a note each month further customizing your fix. You pay a $20 styling fee each month to receive the fix, which is then deducted from the cost of anything you keep from your fix. If you keep all 5 items you also receive a 25% discount. Pretty great right? If you have interest in trying out the fix, I would appreciate it greatly if you used my affiliate link.
I was super excited for this fix, as when I opened the box, it was pretty amazing! Burrito photo for proof of how great it looked before unwrapped:
In this first picture I am wearing the Renee C Alecto halter top paired with these gorgeous cobalt blue Kut From The Kloth Candace Hem Skinny jeans. The bright colors of the top go great with the cobalt blue skinnies. (Top: $44 | Skinnies: $78)
Next up I paired this gorgeous Brixton Ivy Jarred Lace detail top with my cobalt skinnies. The lace detail is gorgeous and the back is stunning. This is a great top to dress up or dress down. (Top: $58)
I am so obsessed with this Octavia Brooklyn Crossbody bag. The color is amazing for summer and will easily transition into fall. It is the perfect size for all of my treasures and has a lovely pattern inside (which I did not photograph, womp womp) (Bag: $48)
Last up is this Le Lis Deria Woven Back Knit Top. This looks pretty plain from the front, but when you turn around you get a pop of beautiful pink roses. This is a perfect top to wear through the summer. It's light and airy and fresh looking with the colors. (Top: $44)
Overall I loved this fix. Everything was gorgeous! The only one that did not fit well was the le Lis Deria tank. It hugged in all the wrong places. It was very pretty, but very hard to style to hide those rolls.. You know what I mean ladies!
I really love receiving these fixes each month. I am going to write my 6 month review. Catch that here next week!
Share you fix stories with me! If you haven't tried it, why not?
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