It has been awhile since I have blogged some of my goals. February seems like a good month to start it up again. I also picked a word for my year. I haven't really blogged so I hadn't mentioned that.
2019's word is evolve. I picked this word because it represents my current self becoming my best self. I am evolving everyday and it is a great word to focus on.
Goals I have for this month are pretty simple:
Self - Love: February is a month for love so why not love on yourself? You need to love yourself before you can properly love another. I am getting better at this, but it will always be an ongoing goal for me.
Journal: I bought a new journal this year and I really love it. I have written pretty regularly so I need to keep it up.
Blog: I love to write. The journal helps with this, but I need to come here and scratch that itch as well. I love community and writing here helps me build that.
Find a hobby: I need something new to do to help me get out of my current rut. Not sure what that will be yet, but I wold love to hear your ideas!
Nothing too deep here, but I have decided to keep my goals light and fun this year. We already live in a hard and stressful world, why make our lives like that too with difficult goals?
Some mantras that have been a part of my everyday life are all about becoming and staying true to myself. I am loving these:
What are your goals for February?

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