On this day of love, let’s celebrate the love we have for
ourselves! This is one of the healthiest things you can do for yourself. Do
this by making a list of things that you have accomplished that at one point
you thought were hard.
Thinking about this I have a lot of accomplishments I never
consider on a day to day basis. We are a pretty amazing species when we stop
and look at what we can do.
Here is my list:
I became a mom: This is something I was so scared of. The
whole time I carried Ben I prayed every night I would be a good mom. I prayed I
would be able to handle a little human. I prayed I wouldn’t mess my kid up
because I had no idea what I was doing. Well that kid is 10 months old and he’s
loving and happy and an all-around great kid.
Becoming a certified Yoga teacher: There are days I still
can’t believe I accomplished this. I am that person who is terrified of
speaking in front of a room of people and would never raise my hand to
volunteer as a demonstrator at an event, yet I signed on to not only talk to a
room of people, but teach them how to move their bodies in a way that will enhance
their lives. This is HUGE for me.
Becoming a leader: This one can be taken differently by
different people, but to me, it is an accomplishment. I always felt like the
follower in life with a million ideas. I never seem to know what to do to
implement my own ideas, so I would just do what others do. Now I understand how
to be a leader and to follow my own lead and dreams. I know my own worth. This
makes me feel so very accomplished.
Getting up every day: This may sound silly, but when dealing
with depression and all the things, this can be hard. You want so hard to get
up and be a happy person, but you don’t feel that way and staying in bed sounds
like a better idea. It is an accomplishment to me every day when I choose to
live my life verses sleep it away. When winter is over, those feelings die down
and it’s easier, but when full on winter is here, this is an everyday struggle.
There are so many other things I can list here. Our
accomplishments are all around us. We just need to recognize them. I hope you
take a moment today to check in with yourself. Pat yourself on the back and
keep on keeping on my friend! You are loved when you love yourself.
Namaste <3

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