100 Dreams Project Intro

100 Dreams

Do you know what you want out of life? Do you struggle with finding a passion? I sure do. That is why I'm working on a 100 dreams project.

Each week I will write out 10 of my dreams and a little blurb on why it's a dream of mine. Doing this is really going to help me narrow down what it is I should be doing with my life because I'm in sort of a rut right now.

They will help me lay out goals to reach these dreams and find my passion.

Because this isn't an easy task, I am using some different categories to spark some thoughts. I recommend doing that as well if you are planning to follow along. Here are those categories:

  • Physical
  • Emotional
  • Intellectual
  • Spiritual
  • Psychological
  • Material
  • Professional
  • Financial
  • Creative
  • Legacy
  • Character

Starting tomorrow, every Friday I will be looping in my 10 dreams with my Friday post. I am super excited to do this and I hope it will inspire some of you to do it too! I am also thinking about doing one week where I share dreams that have already come true. Maybe also some shared dreams that me and R share. This could really spark a lot of thought.

Happy dreaming!

Make sure you follow along!
Dreams 1-10
Dreams 11-20
Dreams 21-30
Dreams 31-40
Dreams 41-50
Dreams 51-60
Dreams 61-70
Dreams 71-80
Dreams 81-90
Dreams 91-100

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