I am totally slacking on my Sunday updates ya'll.. Let me just whip myself in shape real quick.. So this past weeks goals were to be better attentive to blogging comments. That meant replying to my own comments, as well as commenting on other blogs. I think I nailed this one. I had a little drawback when Disqus was not letting me moderate my comments and I was panicked. I then realized I could moderate from my emails on my phone. Problem solved!
So for this week, I have to choose something because it needs to get done, not because I want it to get done. I need to practice yoga EVERY. DAMN. DAY. I graduate in 2 weeks and have 3 weeks until my class I need to teach to get my certification. AHH! It came so quick! So you may not see me as much this week as I NEED to make this a priority and get it done.
I am doing a little side goal of food I consume this week. I need to get back to a better diet. My body really hates most foods right now. I know what they are and I continue to eat them. So, it's also a kind of need goal, rather than want goal. It needs to happen. I'm tired of feeling icky.
Okay on to other topics.. I finally got to visit with my parents this weekend. I have not seen them since early February. They got a new puppy in January. We visited to see him. He has gotten so big since then! He was also less scared of us which was nice. It was a beautiful day yesterday. Not a cloud in the sky. I didn't want it to ever end!
Alas, here we are. Monday again. Back to the grind. I am happy the sun is shining. I need to take some photos today for my Stitch Fix that arrived on Saturday. So many pretty things! I am glad it is sunny so I can get that done.
I hope you all have a wonderful week!
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