I am grateful to have a job where I can work from home on days it is down pouring and cold out. My body really does not love the cold, so days I can stay snuggled up in my leggings and robe really make going to work that much easier.
I love that my week although draining was pretty quiet. I feel like I got a lot done that has been hanging out on my to do list for a little while. That always makes me feel better.
I finished the third book from my Spring reading challenge I made for myself. I only have 3 more to go and I feel pretty good about it.
As much as it's hard to be grateful for this one, I am to a point. My body has been very bloated this week. But it is reminding me that I have went off track again with my food choices. It is reminding me that I need to get back on track or I go back to this feeling. Thanks for the reminder, body!
Last, but not least, I have the travel bug. I want to get out there and see culture and get some relaxation. I have pretty much decided I need to take the whole month of September off to experience a million things I want to do. I wonder if there is a way to make that happen..
A girl can dream right?
How was your week?
My weekly goal vol. 5
Body Image and Yoga
Linking up with: What's Up, Friday, Friday Favorites, High Five For Friday, Friday Favorites, Oh Hey, Friday
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