That thought reminds me that I haven't set myself any goals for the year yet. Something I was taking the month if January to figure out. As I lay here in peace it makes me want to learn how to be grateful again, even when I've had a bad day.
I've added a slew of books to my reading list this year, in hope to retrain my thoughts to stop focusing only on the negatives. I've already checked out 5 books from the library to help get me started. I'm planning to read them in between all of my fun reads for the year.
These books put my goals into place for me. I'm going to intertwine all my monthly goals with personal growth and gratitude. On Friday I want to share the books I'm planning to read and how they are shaping out my year.
It's time to take back the positive and make it the best year yet. How are you shaping your year?
Now I'm going back to snuggling with Grace.
Happy Wednesday :)
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