Is Writing My "Thing"?

I have to admit, I didn't plan a post for today. I sat here last night staring at the screen, wondering what it was that needed to be said. What was on my mind? What did the interwebs need to hear from me today?

Some days it's like the universe speaks to me clearly. An idea pops up and I run with it. Other days the universe makes me work for it. Today is clearly one of those days.

It's been raining here for 3 days. The sky is gloomy and the air is thick. Needless to say it is pretty miserable outside.

I've been thinking a lot about what I want to be doing with my life in the upcoming months. I feel like I say that often, but if we aren't thinking about it, what else would we be doing? Now maybe your answer to that question is just "Going with the flow"

I'm not gonna lie, I love living life as it comes at me, but I also need to be a little smarter with my adventure attitude as I have a child to think of these days. I can't do something too rash that I leave myself in a bad situation if my plan backfires on me.

I often daydream of becoming a freelancer. Writing while the baby naps. I never considered myself a writer before starting this blog. I do enjoy writing as well as doing research. I also love reviewing products, events, and life in general.

My favorite part is interacting with everyone who comes in contact with my writing. I love to have conversation about the topics I write, even if they are challenging at times. People are my thing. I love meeting and helping people as much as I can.

Each time I have my tarot cards read by my friend, I always get cards that reference writing. Maybe it was meant to be? Maybe it is what my future holds?

I'm not really sure right now, but it sure does sound interesting. Now maybe someone will read this and will think, "Man, that Trish sure knows what she's doing in life" and will offer me a weekly writing opportunity.

I can dream right? I mean I am all about the dreams these days..

Namaste my friends.

Trish List signature

Coffee Chat Vol 1

Most days I'm an introvert to a T. Today I'm coming out of my shell a bit and inviting you to coffee. For me, I'll be having a cold brew, which is my new obsession to beat this summer heat.

You, I'd hope would order something interesting so I would have something to start the conversation with. I find that less awkward then asking about the weather.

Once we get passed the small talk I'd admit how I've been feeling in my everyday life. A bit overwhelmed and still feeling like I'm not enough.

I would tell you my mind rushes a mile a minute, but I think I've found a way to slow it down. Walking along the lake. Early morning walks in the nice breeze before the hot temps sneak up.

It's been on these walks that I've had some new ideas about my blog. Things that will be good for me, and may spark interest with some of you. I know we are all struggling with something at some point.

I'd tell you that it brings me complete joy knowing that some of my stories have helped someone else, even if I never hear about it. Sometimes the universe just lets me know. It's magical like that.

Circling back to being overwhelmed and not feeling like enough, I'd tell you about a self love project in the works for August and September. More details to come.

I'd also tell you how much I love my son more and more everyday. It's a struggle some days learning to be a mom, but I wouldn't change it for anything. This is why self love is so important.

I'd tell you I am sad that my 100 dreams project will be coming to an end in just 2 short weeks. It is because of this that I am going to do a follow up series called "Living the Dream". You can't just make lists and not expect to follow through right?

Lastly, I'd tell you I finally did the one thing I said I'd never do. I dropped my cellphone in a parking lot and shattered the screen in the upper corner. Yep. It happened. Good way to confirm that, yes indeed your phone screen is made of glass.

I'd then remember one more thing before we parted ways. Something that brought me pure joy this weekend. While cleaning out some old boxes I came across my old iPod. Like really old. The original iPod Mini. I got it for Christmas in 2005. At that moment I was glad I never parted with my iHome. Also an original, because I had no cords for the iPod. I hooked it all up and was instantly brought back to my early 20's.

Man what a feeling.

Happy Monday friends. Thanks for that chat!


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100 Dreams Project Vol 8

It's that time again. Time for my next 10 dreams. I can't believe I am posting my 80th dream today! It feels like I just started this  project, and we are at 8 weeks already!

I have really loved doing this series as it reminds me that even on the really low days, I still have dreams. Once I wrap up all 100 dreams I will do some follow ups. They will all be put in one area as well so they are easier found if you had interest to see what I had on my list.

So without further adieu, numbers 71-80!

71. Commit to a healthy lifestyle with food and stick with it.
72. Backpack across southeast Asia (Thailand, Laos, Vietnam)
73. Stay in a hostel
74. Get over my fear of swimming in bodies of water
75. Create a brand that's recognized for empowering women of all body shapes
76. Visit Disney locations all over the world
77. Learn to be patient with not only myself but with others
78. Love myself unconditionally
79. Be comfortable in shorts and tank tops. It's been a LONG time
80. Own an Italian Greyhound

Check out my 100 Dreams Project Into to get started on your own list!

I hope all of your hopes and dreams come true! Have a wonderful weekend!


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Stitch Fix July 2018 + Body Image

Another week, another fix. This fix in particular was to pick out a dress for a wedding I am going to in August. I asked for dresses and possibly some cute shoes. I am still so self conscious over my body these days, but I am doing this for motivation.

I want to be honest about how these photos made me feel. These photos inflicted a chain of events that I never thought would happen. They made me address a demon that I have been avoiding since long before I had little Bloob.

I am overweight.

I know this. I have known this. This isn't something that is new to me. I went through a lot of body changes over the years. Between being happy, being depressed, moving to new places, and family drama. You name it, it probably effected my weight.

While I was pregnant with my little man I got asked about 10 times in one visit if I had gestational diabetes. This was based on them looking at me and assuming I had it because I am overweight.

I did not gain much while pregnant. In fact, I was mostly baby. I was so pleased with how well I did through the pregnancy. I was healthy, the baby was healthy, and all went well for the most part.

I am struggling more now then I have ever struggled in my life with my body image. I reached out to my personal Facebook page for help. I have received the most amazing outpour of support it brought tears to my eyes.

I forgot what it was like to ask for help. It made the difference. I posted one of the photos I took during this photo shoot I did for this post. My son was in the photo. I got such beautiful words of encouragement. I was wearing the red Evalynn brushed knit dress.

I looked again and I saw the promise in my eyes.,  the love I had for my son, and how beautiful the red looked on me.

I want to thank Stitch Fix for pulling me out of my comfort zone. For making me want to try harder. I put on these clothes and post photos of myself on the internet. That is VERY hard for me right now. I did it. I not only posted here for strangers I have never met, but in a space where all my friends, family, acquaintances, and lurkers can see me.

Thank you all for the support and kindness you have shown me. Much love.

Now onto the Fix...

For those of you unfamiliar with Stitch Fix, it is a monthly clothing subscription where you get a personal stylist to send you 5 pieces according to your profile. You have the opportunity to write your stylist a note each month further customizing your fix. You pay a $20 styling fee each month to receive the fix, which is then deducted from the cost of anything you keep from your fix. If you keep all 5 items you also receive a 25% discount. Pretty great right? If you have interest in trying out the fix, I would appreciate it greatly if you used my affiliate link. 

French Grey Evalynn Brushed Knit Dress

This dress has grown on me since I first tried it on. I don't think I own anything red, but I also don't think it's fancy enough for the wedding I am going to next month. I unfortunately sent it back. Sort of regret it now!

Kaileigh Lennox Tie Waist Detail Dress and Report Penley Textured Mule

 I really liked this dress while not on me. It was too clingy in places I am not ready to show off. I really liked the color and the patterns, but this time I had to say no, and send it back. The heels were also sent. I thought they were really cute, but they did not fit my feet well. I have wide feet and these were just a bit too tight. They went back.

Wisp Calla Knit Maxi Dress and Bancroft Milla Circle Layer Bracelet

Oh my heart. I really love this dress, but again, don't love it on me. This postpartum body of mine is just not making me love any of these outfits on me. This one is also washing me out more than I realized. I asked for another size in this to see how it goes, but now that I see how much it washes me out I will probably return this one was well. I was also sent the bracelet. I do not really wear bracelets. It was pretty, but not for me.

I have already mentioned this in another post, but I have been struggling with my postpartum body. I know it produced life and that is something really special. I am trying to come to terms with it, but I am having a hard time with the fact that I have put on a lot of weight in the past 3 months since giving birth.

It was hard for me to post these photos. I feel like I am going in reverse with these posts. I was a bit skinnier in the last photos and to see these have really made me sad. I know I should love my body as it is, and I am sincerely trying.

I am grateful for all of the support I receive here, and I know putting myself out there like this will once again bring support, and it's for that reason I do it.

Which dress did you like the most?

Exciting News!

Did you hear? Stitch Fix just launched their new service for kids! This excites me beyond words because I love the service for me. The sizes start at 2T and go up to size 14. Baby Bloob is still a few years away from those size points, but he will definitely be getting a fix when he's in those sizes! I mean, just look at that cute dinosaur outfit!

 Each fix comes with 8-12 personalized items and has a price range between $10 and $35 an item. At launch brands included are: Kate Spade, Under Armor, Nike, Toms, Hannah Andersson,

Get started today by clicking on the banner below! Just think about how much time you will save not having go to the store with your little

I can't wait to see all the littles in their Stitch Fix outfits!

Trish List signature

Friday Chat featuring 100 Dreams Project vol 7

Happy Friday folks! Man it was a long one. If you read my post from yesterday, you know it was just one of those weeks.

I had a ton of posts sort of prepped for this week, but not 100% ready to go, so that was a big fail on my part. The time just never came. Now I have all kinds of stuff for next week, which is nice.

Anywho.. I am looking forward to my weekend. I have a sort of busy day on Saturday, but all good things. My parents are coming to visit with us and then me, R, and the bloob are headed to a Jack and Jill bridal shower.

So let's get into 5 things that are worth chatting about from this week.

1. 100 Dreams Project

I can't believe I am already up to number 70! This is my seventh week sharing my dreams with all of you. It has been really eye opening and I just cant believe how easy it has become to share my inner desires with the world. Have you ever written yours down? For more info on the project, visit the intro here.

61. Fly in a glider
62. Take a honeymoon (We will be married 2 years in September and haven't done this yet)
63. Renew my vows in 20 years
64. Pose nude for an artist confidently
65. Record a song in a recording studio
66. Meet the royal family (The Winsors)
67. Show my son the world
68. Write a novel that gets adapted into a movie.
69. Visit world renowned spas around the world.
70. Practice yoga in India

2. All the books!

I went to the library this week and walked out with 4 books. That is A LOT for me. I am hoping I can read them all. They are all mostly books on business related topics. I remember a time when non-fiction books bored me to tears. Now I devour them. The more knowledge I can get, the better.
What about you? What are you reading these days?

3. Baby Bloob is 3 months old!

How in the world is that even possible?! I don't want to believe it, but he has grown so much over the past 2 weeks. He smiles more. He stays awake and interacts more. He SLEEPS more. The only thing that I am not as excited for is, he is starting to teeth.

He is not so great yet with his hands and holding things, so I had to buy one of those pacifier teethers for him. He is still a little unsure about it, but I an tell he likes the feeling on his gums. I am sure he will warm up to it soon.

It looks like he will be keeping his blue eyes. That makes this momma super happy. Everyone says he looks like his dad, but it's nice to see a little bit of me in him. He's got those Irish eyes. They make my heart melt!

Also I am still really on the fence on whether or not I want to share photos of my little. I love him to pieces and I love to talk about him, but I am still not sure I want to share his photos on the internet yet. We will see as things go, but this is how I feel right now.

If you have kids, how do you feel about sharing on your blog/social media/etc?

4. Postpartum Body

This week I really started working on losing some of this weight. It was time. Bloob is 3 months old and I need to stop making excuses. He will only be running all over the house soon. I need to be able to keep up. I am cutting down my carb intake by a lot. I realized I eat a TON of carbs daily. Not so good for the weight loss situation.

I need to remind myself I am still breastfeeding so I can't do anything too crazy, but eating better makes me feel better. The above photo is where I am currently. It is hard to tell in this photo, but I still have quite a baby pouch that needs to go bye bye.

I am more concerned about being healthy then looking good, but that would be a nice added bonus right?

5.  Amazon Prime Day

Signing up with my affiliate link will not cost you anything. I may make a small commission on your purchase. Know I appreciate you for using any of my affiliate links. <3

Ya'll, Amazon Prime Day is just 3 days away! On Monday (July 16th) at 3pm EST Prime Day starts and runs through Tuesday (July 17th). That's 36 hours of deals! There are a few great promotions going on already that you can take advantage of now.

You can get 3 months of Kindle Unlimited for just $0.99! If you're a reader, you need this!
Maybe you prefer to listen to your books. Save 66% off a 3 month subscription to Audible!
Are you a student? Try Prime Student for 6 months free! Just in time for back to school!

What promotions are you most excited for? Me? I'm going to take advantage of the 3 month subscription to Audible. Now that I have Baby Bloob, I need to be hands free!

End of week thoughts

It was a very hectic week for me. I didn't accomplish much on the blog, but I crammed it all into one post today. Sorry about that. I had a lot I wanted to get posted and it just didn't happen. I am experimenting with affiliates and well here they all are!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. I will see you all back  here on Monday!


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