A busy weekend; Or was it? How much time are we wasting?

Happy Monday. I am coming to you from my desk at work (Baby bloobs nursery if I'm being honest) while I am pumping and trying to get stuff done before I start work. Oh the life of a mom. Also a good sign I didn't get any posts done ahead of time.. oops!

Today I'm tired. I am reminded that I love sleep. I am cranky when I don't get enough. Maybe it's the extra-extra pounds I'm carrying. Maybe it's a little bit of my depression rearing it's head. I'm not sure to be honest, but I do know I am not as easily motivated or cheerful when I am tired these days.

The weekend was hot and a little more busy than I anticipated. We did some cleaning projects on Saturday, one in which we completely emptied the freezer and refrigerator. Everything got scrubbed down. Lots of stuff got thrown out. It's like a brand new fridge in there. Even rick had to check it out...


On Sunday, Father's Day, we spent a quiet early morning outside on the deck drinking coffee and letting R open his cards. I get him a card every year from our cats. I am that nerd. See exhibit A:

We then ventured out on a mini road trip to my in laws. Baby Bloob does not do so well on longer car rides, so we are slowly going longer distances, and by longer I mean an hour and 15 minutes.

He did okay going, but was a screaming maniac on the drive back. We had to stop 2 times to calm him down. This requires taking him out of he car seat and cuddling him for a few minutes before strapping him back in.

We got home last night at around 7pm and between 730 and 9pm we had our stove catch on fire (everything is okay, just the stove suffered burns) and R fell in the driveway while playing basketball with his son. We had a pretty crappy ending to out weekend. Bloob fell asleep when we got home, so naturally he was up around 10, then 12, then 2. He just would not settle. He is currently wide awake and ready for the day. Mommy not so much. Where's the coffee?

I started reading a book last week that was inspired by the 100 Dream Project. While researching what other people had down as their dreams, I came across this book. It's called 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think. It's by Laura Vanderkam. Laura mentions using the 100 dream project as a way to find out if  you are wasting hours during your week doing things you do not enjoy.

It is interesting to look at your week in hours, rather than days. You have 168 hours in a week, and if you are actually "billing" your time out, you can see how much time you are actually wasting. Laura recommends tracking an entire week, hour by hour to see how you really are spending your time. She explains you are wasting way more time than you think, and people who claim they work too much, aren't really working much at all.

It is quite an interesting concept to me. I feel like I have wasted a lot of my time scrolling on Facebook for the last few years. Time I will never get back. I am thinking about tracking my whole week. I have not finished the book yet, so I want to do that first. I think it will be interesting to see what my week really looks like on paper.

What do you think? Would you track your week out? Are you wasting more time than you think?

Let me know! I hope you have a wonderful week ahead!

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100 Dreams - Week 3

This is going to be short and sweet this week. This mama is exhausted. Between my first full week back to work, power loss inducing thunderstorms, and allergies, I am just beat. I am hoping to get ahead this weekend and write some posts ahead to I can keep on trucking on!

Here are the next dreams on my list! Happy Friday.

21. Win the lottery.
22. Do a professional boudoir session.
23. Own a vacation home by the ocean.
24. Watch my son graduate from high school, and then cheer him on to whatever it is the next stage in his life takes him.
25. Have a mentor.
26. Attend the Kentucky Derby.
27. Wear a fascinator (to the Derby right?).
28. Become an expert at something.
29. Speak another language fluently.
30. Live abroad for at least one year.

Make sure to catch 1-10 and 11-20 if you missed them!

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ABC's of Summer

I don't normally post on Saturday, but after reading Lauren's post, who got this great idea from
Amanda (Whom's blog I have never read before, but it's fab!) I wanted to post an ABC's of Summer because this is going to be a new experience with me having an infant.

Alcohol. I just had a baby in April which means this mamma is gonna make all those fun summer cocktails we see all over Instagram, blogs, and magazines. (And this basically means, I will have one a week, because baby and breastfeeding, duh.)

Blankets. I plan to spend as much time outside with my little dude, which will require lots of blankets. Think things like star gazing and picnics.

Corn on the cob. I love fresh sweet corn on the grill. It's a summer staple around here. 

Drive in. Probably the only way I am seeing movies this summer since we can bring bloob.

Exercise. I am going to be getting outside as much as possible to get those workouts in. Most of these will require me to either wear little man in a carrier or a stroller. Bring it on!

Fireworks. You can usually find fireworks somewhere in the summer. Fourth of July will be a first for us with baby bloob, so we will see how that goes. He needs a pair of noise headphones to protect his little ears!

Garden. We will spend a lot of time home this Summer, so our garden will be a priority.

Host get togethers. It is easier for us to have our friends and family over then travelling with the little one. 

Ice cream.. I mean is there any other option?

June and July. We get long days and shorter nights. The weather is warm and the festivities are aplenty. 

Kite flying. I haven't flown a kite since I was a kid. This will be something fun for little man to look at. 

Leisurely evening walks with the baby. 

Meteor showers. Summer is always a great time to look up at the sky. Introducing this to little one will hopefully be soothing for him.

New adventures. New baby means new things. 

Open windows. Warm days means windows are down in the evening to cool off the house. 

Parks. Time to explore some new parks this year. We got a NY State park pass and we plan to utilize it as much as possible. Whether we are just chilling out or hiking. 

Quick meals. Always on the go, plus who wants to cook a full on dinner when its hot outside?

Road trips. These will consist of day trips until bloob does better for longer periods of times in his car seat.

Swimming. Gotta get the baby in the pool! 

Try a new restaurant. So many in this town and we haven't even scratched the surface. Also need to become familiar with the family friendly spots who wouldn't mind a crying baby once in awhile.

Unplug. It's time to live in the moment so I don't miss any sweet moments with my little man. 

Vacation. I'm ready for one! Maternity leave did not count!

Watermelon. We are growing them in our garden! Can't wait to have some to eat!

X marks the spot. Not sure what X is right yet, but I'll let you know when I find it. 

Yoga. It's time. I need to get back to it for my sanity and to get my body feeling good again.

Zoo. We have been meaning to go visit April the Giraffe and her baby Tajiri.

Tell me what your Summer ABC's are!

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Friday Feels: Vol 3

Happy Friday! We made it!  Time to share all the things. Ya know from this week? Let me jump right in. So much to share.

1. Back to work

I had to go back to work this week. Not cool! I was not mentally ready to be back to work on so little sleep with my little screaming baby in the background. In case you didn't know, I work from home. I dont get to go back into the world while little bloob goes off to daycare.

Nope. I get to pray to the man above all morning that he doesn't scream in the middle of a phone call. I get to stress eat that he won't be cranky when I get up every morning.

Yes, I know it sounds like a dream not to have to send little man to daycare while I work, but the reality is, my job is phone heavy. I can't have my 8 week old screaming in the background because he's hungry or needs a diaper change.

I had to hire a sitter for the afternoons to keep him fed, changed, and happy. Im grateful he's in the house with me all day, but man does it make for a stressful day.

Have mercy on this mamma!

2. 100 Dreams Project - 11-20

Today I am sharing dreams 11- 20 from my 100 Dreams Project.  Take a look at my first 10 dreams to keep up with the project! You can also follow along and make your own list! It is very interesting to see what comes up!

11. Attend a fancy gala
12. Take a train trip on all 7 continents
13. Celebrate New Years Eve (my birthday) in every time zone (Think all the big cities)
14. Take a solo trip to a place I have never been for at least a week.
15. Run a 5K
16. See the northern light in Iceland
17. Make an appointment at a famous salon with no plan. Be surprised with new hair
18. Drive the Pacific Coast Highway (I have done this as a small child, want to do it as an adult)
19. Buy my first home with my husband
20. Write a book

3. FabFitFun

I got my first FabFitFun box! I was so excited when this box showed up at my door. It was so bright and cheery. I needed that pick me up after a dreary week or rain and clouds. I plan to do a review of the box for next week. Stay tuned for that.

4. Mental Health

Another life gone too soon. By now you have probably heard that Kate Spade took her own life. After I wrote this up, I was sad to learn that we have also lost Anthony Bourdain. This is such an unfortunate situation. It adds to the ever growing list of precious lives taken due to depression. As someone who suffers from depression, I know how hard it can be to get the help you need when you are at your worst.

It is not an easy thing to navigate in the world we live in today. No one wants to come out and admit they are depressed. I had a hard time this week admitting to my doctor at my postpartum appointment that I have had some low moments since giving birth. We are scared of being judged.

Please know that no matter what tricks your depression plays on you, there is always help available. You are worth it.

Call the suicide hotline if you need someone to talk to. Please. The life you save could be your own.

1 800-273-8255

5. June Goals and Mantras

My mantra for June is:

"Whatever it takes."


  • Read one book. Yes its been rough to sit down and get through a book. 1 would be a win. 
  • Get out of the house at least once a week by myself. 
  • Self care: Get a massage.
That's about it. What's your June looking like?

6. Bonus! I found my first painted rock out and about and I actually know the person who painted it. So cool!

Happy Weekend!

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The Return of Stitch Fix

I suppose when you aren't blogging regularly, you also don't keep up with taking photos of your Stitch Fix boxes every month. Woops. Looks like the last post I did was at the end of August for a transition to fall post. This was also the post where I promised to post my first 5/5 box. Dang. Woops. Oops?

Okay I totally thought about photographing everything I kept since then, but in reality, I don't have the time or energy with the baby to do that. I am lucky I have time to go to the bathroom these days. Since my last Stich Fix post I was invited into the Style Pass so I have been getting fixes every 3 weeks or so.

Today I am showing you fix # 16. I just got #17 the other day so I will be posting that one as well shortly. This fix is my first postpartum fix and I am 6 weeks postpartum in these photos. I have a lot of work to do!

So here we go..

For those of you unfamiliar with Stitch Fix, it is a monthly clothing subscription where you get a personal stylist to send you 5 pieces according to your profile. You have the opportunity to write your stylist a note each month further customizing your fix. You pay a $20 styling fee each month to receive the fix, which is then deducted from the cost of anything you keep from your fix. If you keep all 5 items you also receive a 25% discount. Pretty great right? If you have interest in trying out the fix, I would appreciate it greatly if you used my affiliate link.

For this fix I asked for comfy nursing friendly clothes. I feel like my stylist got it partway right. 

Gaiam Astana Performance Knit Top

This first top was really cute and I would have kept it had it not been so complicated to wear. It had all kinds of things going on that made it difficult to get it on and off. Right now I don't have time in my life for difficult anything. It had a cool looking back, so this is all I am showing. Returned.

Luq - Alloway Cutout Neckline Knit Top
Lucky Brand - Emmie Printed Leather Ballet Flat

I initially was going to keep the Luq top, but upon looking at the photos, it isn't very flattering on me. I really liked the detail and the color, but I need to take off some of this baby weight before feeling comfy in something like this. 

I asked for green flats in this fix and I got these Lucky Brand flats. I wasn't a fan of the shade of green of these flats and they were not very comfortable. I know it is hard to know with only trying them on and walking around the house, but I can't commit if they feel uncomfy right off the bat.  Returned both. 

Thanks to Grace for making an appearance on this photo.

Nine Britton -  Rainbird Tie Front Knit Top

I was never a fan of the tie front top years ago when it was popular and I am certainly not a fan at the moment with the baby belly. It was comfy and had a nice fabric, but it wasn't for this momma. Maybe when the baby weight is gone. Returned. 

Fortune + Ivy - Kimora Romper

I had this romper pinned. I am still on the fence about this one. I requested a different size and I am not 100% sure I am happy with it. It is very soft and I like the wrap detail, but again, I am just body conscious right now. What do you all think?

So there you have it. Fix # 16. It was sort of a 1/5. I am still on the fence about the romper so this could turn into a 0/5 unfortunately. First time that has happened. 

Which piece was your favorite?

Stay tuned for my review on Fix # 17. It will be up next week!

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