Why taking some time off the "social media grid" is not selfish

By midmorning on Saturday I had come to conclusion that I needed a vacation from my social media platforms. I was running late to my yoga class that I was teaching and the only option I had to get in touch with my students was via Facebook. I sent them each a message letting them know I was running behind and left it at that.

I arrived at my class exactly 30 minutes late to a room full of no one.

I quickly checked my phone and realized people had only just saw the message and probably came to the class thinking I just didn't show up. I felt crushed. I felt like an irresponsible person.

 I sat in silence for about 10 minutes when the thought came to me. I needed to get my priorities straight and a big part of that was disconnecting from social media and taking more to phone calls and face to face time with people.

I sent message off to my students asking for their phone numbers (the place I teach only asks for email on the registration sheet). In the future I would call everyone to let them know if there was a problem before they made the trip to the class.

Once I had the messages sent, I uninstalled Facebook from my phone. I had previously uninstalled Twitter as my phone was getting full and I don't use Twitter half as much as Facebook.

I made the decision that social media was too distracting and wasn't always reliable. From the moment I removed the app, I began to think about all of the other things I needed to achieve for the day. I did find myself  checking my phone for the first hour, but after that the habit seemed to pass.

I had a massage and then went a bought myself lunch. After buying lunch I went into a few stores. I bought myself a nice plush blanket for the fall and winter months and I headed home. I had the day to myself as R was out of town for the day.

I made myself a hot cup of coffee and downloaded a new book on my Kindle and cuddled up on the couch with my new blanket (yes it was chilly enough at one point to do this!). It was nice knowing I was controlling my own feelings of the world at that moment.

There was no social media to sway my thoughts. I didn't have to scroll across the latest Trump drama or see a friend ranting about something that was probably important for them at the time but would also probably realize later that it was silly to post.

My feelings and thoughts were in the then and now and the only one who could change them at that point was me.

I enjoyed the New York State Fair yesterday without distractions from my phone. I was with my friends and her kids and I had so much fun interacting with all of them then messing with my phone. My husband was impressed that I was able to control not being on my phone all day. I was proud too, but a part of me knew already that it wouldn't be hard.

I continued to live off the "social  media grid" through last night around 7pm. I did sign in to check my Yoga page messages to make sure I didn't have any issues I needed to respond to and I signed back out.

I think I am going to continue to keep myself off of social media, other than to do work stuff. I will post for my blog and keep up with my yoga page, but other than that I am going to focus on other things. I am going to get other things done first.

After 31 hours of being off the grid I realized, I didn't miss much. If someone needed to get in touch with me, they did. When I scrolled through my feed quickly I didn't see anything so important that I felt I missed something. It was pretty magical.

Now to continue this week as this coming weekend I am literally going off the grid to the mountains of North Carolina where they may or may not be any form of cell service.

Bring it on!


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Currently: August 2017

It's been a little heavy around here lately, so I thought since it's the last Friday of August, thus in my mind the last Friday of Summer, I would do a lighter post. I haven't done a "currently" post in a while so what better time then today?

Currently, I am...

Watching: Younger. I have to say, I am obsessed with this show! I watched it the first season but for some reason stopped after that. I just binge watched the whole series up to current, and I love it!

Reading: Ehh. I'm not going to lie, I have 2 book checked out from the library and another 2 I bought on my Kindle that I am at a standstill with. I really wanted to read You Are a Bad Ass at Making Money by Jen Sincero. I have it checked out and it is just sitting there. I need to get my butt in motion!

Excited for: I am going away next weekend with my best friend. We are taking a girls weekend in the mountains of North Carolina at a boutique hotel with spa. I am beyond the moon excited because there is scarce cellphone service and no televisions in the rooms. I am so ready to disconnect and just relax, read, and take in nature. Of course the blogger in me will take photos and share later for you all.

Wearing: It has been a little chilly here in central NY the last week. I have enjoyed wearing leggings and comfy hoodies. Fall has been in the air and I couldn't be more excited about that!

Loving: I am really loving my blogging tribe. They are so supportive and even when I'm down they are here giving me virtual hugs and sending all the love. You know who you guys are! Muah!

Eating: So I have been on this Cheerios kick. Like I just can't get enough of them every morning. I don't know what's happening to me. I am reverting back to being a kid.. but when I think about it, I didn't love Cheerios when I was a kid. LOL

Relaxing with: Hot baths full of essential oils. My body has been under some cray cray stress lately and I when I sit in a hot bath with lavender, peppermint, wild orange, and clove, I feel like all my worries, stresses, and aches go away. It is probably the closest thing to heaven you can get on earth!

Putting off: I am not 100% sure why I have been putting this off, but I have all these photos done to write a Transition into Fall post. I was so excited when I took the photos and I even edited them. The post was supposed to go up last week and here we are at Friday and still no motivation. Next week for the win?

Disappointed in: I have been loving my Stitch Fix box each month, so I decided to give Trunk Club (This is my referral code btw) a try, mostly for the fun of trying on more clothes. I worked with my stylist and even approved my trunk, and nothing fit me correctly. I am not saying this was their fault, I think I just overlooked some stuff on my end. I did love a pair of shoes though that I am going to keep and I will give it one more shot.
Looking forward to: My massage tomorrow! I can't wait! I need this kind of relaxation. I am hoping by Monday I am feeling better and am back to myself.
So that's a wrap! I am so glad it is Friday and I thank you all for coming along on this ride with me! Happy weekend friends! See you back here on Monday (hopefully with that Fall Transition post I keep putting off...).

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Rituals for change

Do you ever get the feeling that you're trying to hard, and nothing gets done?

Welcome to my life.

I have been on this spiritual journey this year to help me feel more grounded and centered in my everyday life. There is just one tiny little problem.

I feel even more lost today than I did 8 months ago.

Why is that I wonder?

Me, being the person I am of course had to do some research and thinking on my own about all of this and have come to the conclusion that once you start a journey like this you open up new channels of thinking.

I have had so many great ideas and new inspiration come to me through this journey, but now I am lost on how to implement them all.

I have gotten many signs alerting me that I am on the right path and that I need to continue to move forward. Sometimes you get the response you need to let you know you are on the right path, but it is up to you to figure out how to continue the path.

This is the part that I find most frustrating. I am forever grateful for my life and the things I have, but I get so stuck on moving forward on my ideas. I have a new website sitting there with 1 post and I have yet to move forward with it.

Why is that I wonder?

I'm afraid of change? Maybe I am afraid of success more than I am of failure? That question has not been completely answered for me. As I mentioned on Monday about the solar eclipse, I am onto a new 18 month life cycle where I have set intentions of moving forward in these changes. Since the eclipse I have felt physically and mentally drained.

I can only hope this is a sign that things are moving within me and change is finally on it's way.

In the meantime I am going to make an effort to meditate everyday and practice more self care. A massage is scheduled for this weekend and I've sat for 10 minutes in mediation this morning. Here's to opening that thought process and moving forward.

How do you feel when you get lost? What are your rituals to get you back to center?

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