Hey hey, it's May!

So this weeks 5 day goals are being repeated from last week as, this is my last week before I complete my classes for yoga, so I am going to continue to focus on that rather than add in another goal to drive me over the edge. For that reason, I am not spending too much time on talking about those goals this week.

I do however want to touch on the fact that it is MAY folks. How in the world did we make it 4 full months already of this year? It is just flying! I am trying to not focus on month long goals this year, as they tend to stress me out more than they are worth and I am focusing more on my short terms goals at the moment, but because so many things are happening this month, I do want to focus a bit on setting up some longer term goals that I want to start this month.

As you all know (I mean I mention it pretty regularly! Oops!), I am going to be certified in yoga teaching this month. I am going to start working on a plan to use my training to its best capability and help anyone I can feel comfortable in their bodies as well as feeling healthier, one breath at a time.

I am going to start focusing more on my plan and set up some pretty personal goals for myself along the way. I tend to get excited about ideas and then let them drop when it gets hard. I feel like this is pretty common for a lot of people in general. When the going gets touch, we quit. I can't let that happen this time. I need to work through the hard.

I think I am going to spend my weeks listening to TED talks and Podcasts. Do you have any recommendations for me?

I am also going to continue writing every morning. It has been refreshing so far and really helps getting my thoughts out there.

I also forgot to mention that a friend gifted me a juicer last week and I used it for the first time yesterday and it is pretty freaking amazing! I love the fresh juice while I am writing and relaxing.

I think these things will help me stay on track this month. I am NOT going to give up! I am also excited to write about my date night that happened this weekend. That should show up this coming week at some point. I even took photos! *Pats myself on the back*

What are you working on this month? Anything big? Getting ready for summer? Talk to me!

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Gratitude on the little things

I struggled with what I wanted to write today. I had a real struggle day yesterday and it really got me down. We all have those moments, I know. I just haven't had one in a hot minute. I am proud of that immensely as I feel like last year I had a year pass on the struggle bus.

I read an article randomly before I went to bed last night that talked about ways to start your day on a better note. One of the things it listed was writing every morning in a journal. Just let your mind wander for 3 whole pages. Write anything that came to mind just to get it out.

At first I thought that sounded a little obsessive. 3 pages? I can barely write one full page let alone 3. I went to bed kind of late and sort of obsessed over whether I would even get up early enough to write before getting to work. I didn't even have anything prepared for this blog today.

As you can see I am posting this at a pretty reasonable time, so the moral of this story is, I manifested enough energy in myself last night to get up an hour and a half early to enjoy the morning. I sat at my kitchen table with the sliding door open listening to the birds chirp while the sun blared in through the windows. I had a cup of coffee, a journal, and a pretty pink sharpie pen and got to work.

I wrote til my little heart was content. Everything I have been holding in this week that lead me to my struggle bus ride yesterday poured out on the pages until there were three whole pages full of hot pink writing. Man did that feel good.

I then sat and reflected on what I had accomplished before I sat down to write this. It was a really great feeling and a great way to start the end of my work week. I am grateful for the little struggles that remind me that life is what you make of it. You have a new start every day to make it right again.

I am going to end my last Friday in April on a positive note.  Can you believe it? When Monday comes again we will be in May. I hope you all have an amazing weekend and remember not to let the little things get you down.

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Wanderlust Wednesday 4/26

I think I have mentioned this a few times already lately, but I've got the itch! The travel itch that is! I have been DYING to get on a plane and travel the world. Last year I really loved the idea of going on a solo trip. This is something I am still considering. I think it would be so empowering. I would learn a lot about myself. Not that I have not travelled by myself yet, I actually prefer flying alone. It is so peaceful and if I want to ignore my neighbor I can without feeling guilty. Seem wrong? Sue me!

Last year we visited Colorado. It was so beautiful!

So I have quite a few opportunities to travel this year. Unfortunately, (or maybe fortunately? Depends on how you look at it) pretty much all of the opportunities come in September. I would pretty much need to take the whole month off to accomplish all of these opportunities. Now that doesn't sound like a bad thing, however my employer would probably not like me so much.

I do have 2 trips already planned, which makes me heart sing with joy, but I want more. I am attending my very first Wanderlust Festival in June. I will be an official yoga teacher by then and this is an experience I've wanted to experience for a few years. Everything aligned perfectly this year and me and R are heading to Vermont to do it. That will be a fun post to write once it happens!

Landing in the Bahamas back in 2010. Man I miss that beautiful place!

My second trip is even more exciting. Me and my bestie since high school are going on a roadtrip/girls trips to this gorgeous boutique spa in the North Carolina mountains. I am so freaking stoked for this one. We are also planning to stop and visit some friends and family along with way. September can't come soon enough!

Now me and the hubs also want to take a road trip at some point and visit the south and we also have our 2017 park passes to visit all of Canada's national parks. We need to figure out when we are going to go and see at least 2 parks. If you didn't know you can get a free pass as Canada is celebrating 150 years of their national parks.

I also have a friend who will be in Costa Rica working her yoga magic, and she has invited me to come visit and stay with her at no charge. I just need my plane ticket. I REALLY need to find a way to make this one happen. It will be in the fall as well, so I really need to figure out a plan fast!

So tell me, where are you travelling this year? Do you have any special occasions or traditions that require travel this year? Share in the comments!

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