Becoming a Stepmother

I have been wanting to write this post for a long time now. It has been one of those things that I have written over and over again and it never seems right. When I started working on a new concept and direction with this blog, I talked about starting a discussion for people who were stepmoms (or stepdads!). A place for support and advice.

When R and I started dating almost 4 years ago, I knew he had children. I had always told myself I would not date a man with children, because I did not have children of my own and was not sure I was ready for that. But life had a different plan for me. We fell in love and wanted a life together. Even with all of the struggles and heartache I have experienced through the process, I truly believe R is the man I am supposed to be with.

We moved in together last May and I was on my journey to becoming a stepmom. With a wedding coming up in September, there have been many trials and tribulations that have put lots of stress on our little family. I have had my ups and downs, but I am learning how to work through the hard times day by day. I used to allow the blame to be put on me, now I know it's not all my fault. I am apart of something that may still hurt some of the parties involved, but I am not the cause of the initial hurt if that makes sense.

Any person who has stepped into a role as a parent to a child who is not biologically theirs, knows how tough the situation can be at times. You do not only have to worry about the child(ren), but all of the other persons who are apart of the child's life. Because each situation is different, there are no real guidelines to follow, but you should know that you should never feel like it is always your fault when things go wrong. It took me a long time to realize this.

Everyone is getting used to the changes and for some, the separation of their family members is still very fresh in their minds. I would like to believe these emotions come out of their own grief and mourning of what was, and what is no longer. I want to stress that everyone involved is experiencing some form of emotion.

The road can be very challenging, yet so rewarding when you start to form a bond with your stepchildren. There are going to be times when you feel the love and times when you feel like a complete outsider. The most important thing to remember is to allow the child to move at their own pace, but remind them to be respectful in the process. It is also important that the adults around them are also respectful and positive  in this stage.

We are all human, and emotions will get in  the way sometimes, but as I have learned, staying positive and stepping away when things get heated are the best actions. It will be much easier to navigate when both parties have cooled down. This is where I have started paying attention to self care. 

Self care is so important in these situations. Life can be very stressful on a normal day, and blending  a family will have moments where the stresses can double. You could come home from a stressful work day to find children who are also stressed out, and that can be hard if you can't offer them any relief because you are "not their mom". It happens. It sometimes hurts to be pushed out.

This is when I remember it's going to be okay. I remember that I can take some time for me. It's allowed and it's essential. Self care is so important for everyone. Even taking 15 minutes a day for yourself is effective. It will make you happier. It will remind you, that even in the hard moments, you are still you. You are reminded that you still have hobbies and interests to escape to during those hard times.

Today I feel like I am in a much better place than  I was even 6 months ago. I am taking time for myself and building better relationships. I am doing my part to make sure I am being positive, yet  not allowing myself to get lost in the shuffle. I speak up when  it's necessary and step away when needed. I take responsibility for my own actions, and that is really all I can do. I can't force anyone else to act a specific way. I can't make these things happen alone.

I am looking forward to what the future holds for me. Looking forward to seeing where this journey is taking me. My journey to becoming a stepmom.

Are you a step parent? What are your experiences?

Trish List signature

Beyond Blessed

I want to thank everyone who have offered me support and kind words over the past few weeks. I am beyond grateful. I have been working endlessly to improve this space bit by bit and when life gets in the way, I want you all to know, even if my presence isn't seen here on the web, I am always striving to make this work. Make things better. 

Over the past few months I have had a vision of what I really want for this space and what I want for my life. Dreams, ideas, goals, all in once place. All finally aligning. I have never been one to believe that good things come easy. They all take time, dedication, focus, and support. 

There are days I run myself ragged trying to get it all done. I work a 9-5. I run home to work on this blog or on my side project which seems to be taking up a BIG chunk of my time. Through all this I have also dealt with life events and stress. I have looked in the mirror and not recognized myself because I feel like I have aged. Aged more than I should have in just a short year.

It is time for me to allow myself time. I need time for me. A part of my vision is making a space that is user friendly, for both me and you. I may never have a viral post or 10,000 views a day, but I am okay with that. I know blogging isn't my calling in life. It's a hobby. It's a place I can come to learn and to educate when I can. 

Moving forward I am going to implement an easier workload for me, while still working to bring great content for you. I am going to take 1 or 2 nights a week to read and comment on all of your blogs. I know I can't commit to everyday, so I don't want to put out false hope. I will continue to keep a Monday-Wednesday-Friday blog schedule. I will work on responding to blogs and emails within 48 hours. 

I also want to spend some more time on my newsletter. I really enjoyed putting together my first one that went out on Friday. I loved hearing responses from the ladies who received it. Makes me excited for the next one. If you are not signed up, you can do so here.

I will try this all for a few months and re-evaluate. See how it goes. I can't wait to see how this goes and again, I want to thank you all for sticking with me and encouraging me all along the way!

Trish List signature

The world is evil sometimes

I don’t normally write about politics, religion, or major news, but this weekend I had a moment where I wanted to break down. I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs “WHY?” With so many heartbreaking events happening over the past week plus dealing with my own heartbreaking event, I'm exhausted over my emotions.

I used to think the statement “I don’t feel like adulting today” was cute. I am even guilty of using the phrase myself. But now more and more I feel like the less we want to “Adult” the less we want to “Humanity”. The sad truth is we live in a very selfish, entitled, and unsympathetic world. People are more inclined to turn a cheek the other way than to reach out to help their fellow man. I am not saying EVERYONE is like this, but it happens more than it should.

On Friday I had a spiritual reading. One of the things that stood out to the reader is I have a very bright light in me. I still have faith in humanity, but am slowly breaking. This really opened my eyes wider to all of the ugly in the world today. My heart and soul hurts at every report of man hurting man. At the end of the day, we are ALL human. Why must the world harbor so much hate?

What do we have if we scratch out religion, race, sexual orientation, and entitlement? We have what everyone else has.

Feet. Legs. Arms. Hands. Fingers. A brain. A heart. A body.

We are a vessel that carries organs to keep us alive. We breathe the same air to keep us alive. We eat food to keep us alive.

I don't think I have ever looked at a person and judged them because they were different then me. I may have been curious. I may have not agreed with something they were doing, but over never judged a person strictly for their race, religion, or sexual orientation.


For starters they weren't doing anything to hurt me. And if they were, I had a problem with them, NOT their whole race/religion/orientation.

I don't want to continue to rant on about  this, but the point is, when will we learn that loving one another looks so much better than all of this hate and ugliness?

Can we teach our children to think differently? To look at each person as an individual who can make their own thoughts and decisions?

I sure hope so. Humanity needs it.

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