Over the past few months I have had a vision of what I really want for this space and what I want for my life. Dreams, ideas, goals, all in once place. All finally aligning. I have never been one to believe that good things come easy. They all take time, dedication, focus, and support.
There are days I run myself ragged trying to get it all done. I work a 9-5. I run home to work on this blog or on my side project which seems to be taking up a BIG chunk of my time. Through all this I have also dealt with life events and stress. I have looked in the mirror and not recognized myself because I feel like I have aged. Aged more than I should have in just a short year.
It is time for me to allow myself time. I need time for me. A part of my vision is making a space that is user friendly, for both me and you. I may never have a viral post or 10,000 views a day, but I am okay with that. I know blogging isn't my calling in life. It's a hobby. It's a place I can come to learn and to educate when I can.
Moving forward I am going to implement an easier workload for me, while still working to bring great content for you. I am going to take 1 or 2 nights a week to read and comment on all of your blogs. I know I can't commit to everyday, so I don't want to put out false hope. I will continue to keep a Monday-Wednesday-Friday blog schedule. I will work on responding to blogs and emails within 48 hours.
I also want to spend some more time on my newsletter. I really enjoyed putting together my first one that went out on Friday. I loved hearing responses from the ladies who received it. Makes me excited for the next one. If you are not signed up, you can do so here.
I will try this all for a few months and re-evaluate. See how it goes. I can't wait to see how this goes and again, I want to thank you all for sticking with me and encouraging me all along the way!