Bare with me..

Happy Breakfast for a Happy Monday!
I had a post scheduled today but with some thought I wanted to work on it a bit more. I am planning to have it up tomorrow.

Thank you for your patience and have a wonderful Monday!

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Coping with Traumatic Events

When a traumatic event strikes, we want to recoil into a safe place. Hide from the world to heal and grieve. While this seems like a good idea, hiding for to long can actually slow the grieving period and the healing can be prolonged.

If the mind is grieving, let it grieve, but also challenge yourself with positive things. Allow yourself take steps to feel better. This is not a selfish act, but a form of self care that is necessary for your mental health.

Allow yourself to smile if you want to smile. Allow yourself to laugh if you find something funny. Surround yourself with friends and family to be comforted.

It may be easier to push people away during this period, but easy never makes things better quickly. Allow the comfort and the support. It's good for the soul and can really help with moving forward.

There will be really, really hard days where you won't want to get out of bed. There will be really easy days where everything seems to go smoothly. This is normal. It's all part of the process.

Traumatic events will never leave your thoughts, but they won't consume your life if you cope with them straight away. I will always be sad about what happened to my nephew, but I also know he would not want me to live a life of sadness.

Remind yourself that you are worth it daily. Fight though the hard times and live a life you and all of your loved ones would be proud of.

You got this.

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It's so hard to say goodbye

As I sit down to write this, there are tears in my eyes. Today is going to be one of the hardest days I have ever experienced. I will come together with family, friends, acquaintances, and strangers to celebrate the life of my nephew who we lost suddenly on Monday. A precious little soul who was taken way to soon. He got 28 days on this earth.

28 days.

That is not enough time. He never got a chance to see the world. His family only got 28 precious days with their baby boy.

He left this earth way to soon. He also left a gaping hole in so many hearts. Mine included. I never got to meet my nephew before he left us.

That leaves me with so many emotions. Some of which could of been avoided if things were different.

I am angry.

I am upset.

I am worried.

I have guilt. 

I feel regret.

I am angry with the spirits for needing this little boy so soon. Why do that to a parent? Why change a life so drastically that it makes it nearly impossible to be the same person again?

I have always been skeptical in finding a faith and believing in God, and today as I sit here dreading what has to be, I am no more closer to finding that peace.

Why must the first time I meet my nephew, be at a time where time has run out and I will never get that chance to hold him in my arms? I will never get the chance to see him smile or let him know how much I love him.

Life is so cruel sometimes. We forget day to day that life is precious and no one is promised a tomorrow. We spend so much time hiding from our problems and insecurities that relationships become strained.

I have so much regret today. If things could of been different, maybe I would have met my nephew. Maybe there wouldn't be an empty feeling in my heart. Maybe I would walk into this differently.

It is never a good feeling to lose a loved one. Absolutely fucking heart wrenching to lost a 28 day old innocent baby.

May he rest peacefully and watch over all of us and remind us to make better choices. He may have only been here for a very short time, but he has taught me so much this past week.

Please keep my family in your prayers as we all try to move forward. It has changed me so much already, I can't even imagine how much it will change his parents.

I need strength today.

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Quick update- Hiatus

Hi fellow readers. I just wanted to take a moment to let you know that I will be taking a short hiatus. Due to a tragic accident in my family, I need to take some time away to be with family and process this event.

I know I just made a commitment to be more present here on the blog, but this unexpected event takes priority right now.

Please keep my family in your pryers and I am hoping to be back soon.

Thank you for all of your support.

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Cat updates

It's Friday and I thought it would be fun to update you guys on Rick and Grace. They have both been bugging me for their interviews and thoughts they'd like put into this post. Silly kitties.

I've been meaning to do this update on the 2 munchkins for awhile now. The last I spoke of them Grace was still making the transition to not being the only cat anymore and Rick was finally fighting back when she harassed him.

The good news is that these two have become good buddies. They spend their mornings and evenings chasing eachother through the house. They have both claimed favorite sleeping spaces for the day and surprisingly they weren't the same spot.

Grace is 10 months old.  Rick is 13 months old. They grow so fast!

Grace has become the influencer (she must take after me) as Rick is more laid back and only seems to get in trouble when caught with one of Grace's bad habits.

Grace being a car model

Grace enjoys spending her days meowing at all of the lights that glare on the walls, curling up in her yoga mat (yes she has her own!) and rearranging the litter box sand every chance she gets. She can be stand offish at times and is known to nip at you when she's done being shown attention.

Rick on Grace's yoga mat

Rick is pretty laid back. He enjoys turning just about anything into a toy. They get bonus points if he can carry them in his mouth. Some favorites include balled up paper, toilet paper rolls, and Lego people. He loves being around people and snuggling. You will often find him curled up on a box or chasing around a toy.

I love these 2 munchkins to death and are so glad to have them in my life. They make everyday an adventure. Thank you for taking the time to stop and read up on my babies.

They thank you too. Happy Friday!

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