All the feels

You know those nights where you're so tired yet you can't sleep? Well I'm having on of those, except with writing. I have so much on my mind and don't know where to begin.  A fully loaded mind can be a dangerous mind as they say.

We all have our motivations or things that spark a good post. For me, I tend to get my best writing done when I'm angry. My real emotions seep up and I put passion into anything I am doing. My house also looks amazing after I've been angry. I clean like a mad woman to calm myself down.

Today I woke up in a fairly decent mood and quickly went south with a short conversation. I got angry; but a different kind of angry. It was the anger that has been held for a long time. Something I have been wanting to say. The passion in me flared.

Letting go of some of the prolonged anger really can turn a mood around. It can make the weight on your shoulders release. It can remind you that that fully loaded gun, we call our over thinking mind won't go off unexpectedly.

It may not always make everyone else around you feel the same, but at the end of the day, we must remember, we matter first.

Chew on that.

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Happy Friday! I just dragged my butt up out of bed early and headed to the gym. I call that a win already for a Friday? Now can I go home?

Fat chance. Anywho this is just a quick "hello, how ya doing" kind of post. I don't have much to report today other than I am still sticking to my new workout plan and eating better. That alone is a huge accomplishment for me. The pants are starting to feel loose. High five to myself!

Also I just started a new book; A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness. I am OBSESSED! It was a little slow moving at the beginning for my tastes but now that I kept at it, I'm very pleased. This is book 1 in a trilogy so I am really excited to read the other two books. Have you read it?

Lastly I am headed to NYC this weekend with R and meeting up with my cousin and her fiance. Should be a nice quick weekend getaway. The weather is going to be a little chillier than I had hoped but as of now Saturday is supposed to be 45 and sunny. I'll take it. It could totally be 0 and snowing.

Well that's about it for me. I hope you all have a great weekend! 

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When you procrastinate in wedding planning + Flash giveaway winner!

So wedding.. yeah.. let's talk about that today (Oh and the winner of my flash giveaway..). It's been awhile and as much as I want to say I have it all done and I just forgot to post, that would be a lie. I have seriously slacked over the past few months, and I wish I didn't. I have seriously kicked some butt in the past week at getting myself into a better place with planning, but I wish I didn't slack as much as I did.. See exhibit A:

On Saturday R and I met with our venue coordinator. We were there to set our menu, pick out the beverages (We are getting married at a winery so this is kind of important), and talk logistics. John, our coordinator and chef started asking us questions like:

"Who is your photographer?" Uhhhhhh

"Do you have a DJ?" Does my iPod count?

"Have you decided on a cake?" Well we have some appointments set up...

"What about flowers? Will you have them on the tables?" Oh shit flowers?! Forgot about those..

Welp John, let me just respond with, we are totally unprepared for this meeting, so uh yeah sorry?

Thankfully John was very understanding and told us we have nothing to worry about. Everything will work out. Right?

So, let's look at the things I have gotten done:

Wedding dress - Check!
Venue - Check!
Bridesmaid dresses - Check!
Photographer - Check! (This one JUST happened)
Save the dates - Check! (They even got mailed!)

So as far as the cake goes, we have 2 appointments set, so I am not very worried about that. Our new photographer has some calls in to a few DJs that he is familiar with so hopefully that works out. I am still very unsure on what I really want with flowers, but none the less I should probably make a few calls.

There is still plenty to do, but I feel a little better having all those bugger items crossed off my list. I have learned my lesson along the way in not procrastinating any further in this process or something may not work out in my favor.

Do you have any advice to keep the ball rolling for this wedding planning stuff? I'd love to know in the comments below!


So yeah I did a quick flash giveaway.. Not as much response as I would have hoped but none the less..  I asked you which of my tax return wish list items I bought with my money.

There were only a couple of entries and MOST of you guessed right. I bought myself a new laptop! It was on like a super sale so I still saved a ton of money, which makes me happy. I am going to put the rest of my money towards my wedding. Yay to all of you for participating!

The winner is: Nicole M! Hopefully this $20 of your choice can go towards your new laptop as well!

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