Lets talk about me!

Christine over at The So-Called Homemaker said I should fill this out so I’m going to!  I encourage all of you to do this, too…such a fun way to get to know each other!

Favorite pet I ever had:
Oh my what a hard question. I have a a few cute little handsome kitties steal my heart in my life. I still have 2 of them around. Bean and Rocky. Both living with my parents and as happy as can be!

Favorite food I’ve cooked:
I really love to experiment with food. Lately I am experimenting with lots of healthier options and I have really enjoyed cooking sweet potatoes. They are so versatile and good for you!

Teacher who changed my life, and why:
My photography teacher in high school really touched me. She always drummed to her own beat and taught me it was okay to do the same. Don't be like everyone else just because its easier. I still love photography and she really helped me fine tune the eye I already had. 

The best paid entertainment I’ve ever seen:
I am a huge music fan. I would have to say some of the concerts I have attended have really blown my mind. Both on the local bands and professional levels. I don't think I could choose just one but that is always my escape when I choose entertainment. 

Favorite hobby activity that makes me get lost for hours:
Freebies and blogging. I get so sucked into all the things that the internet has to offer. I love to sit and read great blogs and search for my next freebie. Sometimes it sounds silly, but I have it down to a science and its worth it.

My greatest skill (past or current)
I have excellent listening skills but I still think I am pretty great at photography. I enjoy it and I know a lot about it. I could talk to someone for hours about it if given the chance.

The best advice I’ve ever been given:
No one has the right to discount your own life or choices. They may disagree with your choices but that doesn't mean they get to make you feel bad about it. 

My favorite flower or plant – personally grown:
I love lillies. They are beautiful and always come back every year just as beautiful as ever. 

The most favorite gift I’ve ever gotten – what and from whom?
My boyfriend took me away to Maine within the first few months of dating. It was an absolutely beautiful weekend with beautiful memories. I will always keep that in my heart and as a gift I will never forget!

My most suspenseful moment:
Waking up from a bad car accident not knowing where I was or if anyone else was alive. It was the most suspenseful and frightening moment of my life. Something I will never forget but wish I could.

My most unexpected achievement:
Moving to Los Angeles and being able to survive by myself alone in a big crazy city!

My favorite paid employment, ever:
Hmm.. Probably working in the prep-room of a world class spa. It was only part-time but it was so fascinating to learn about that world and how quick those ladies and gents have to move in between massages and facials. So much chaos goes on behind the scenes of such a relaxing place!

The favorite dessert I’ve ever eaten
I love cheesecake of any nature! All flavors and varieties!

The most scared I’ve been by a bug or critter:
Hmm.. I don't know when the last time was I was really scared of anything like that. Not many memories of crazy critters or bugs. 

My favorite household chore:
I really do enjoy vacuuming. I could vacuum all day if you let me. 

Favorite item no one knows I own:
What an odd question. I don't think I own anything that I love but no one knows about it. 

The prettiest shiny object I’ve ever owned:
Well.. at the moment I haven't owned much that was shiny except these shoes! lol

Favorite outdoor smell:
Burning of leaves in the fall. Such a great time of year.

Favorite song I ever danced to and with whom?
I'll get back to you on this one.

The favorite place I have ever traveled to where I’d spend my whole life if I could?
The Bahamas. I went for a whole week and lived like a local just enjoying the culture. It was so great and beautiful.

The most significant change I’ve had to go through and how it made me better:
Moving myself out of state away from everything familiar. I had to learn to live and I have really made my own life that I am proud of. It has been hard and there's been plenty of bumps, but it's been very rewarding as well.

Favorite environmental sound (rain, thunder, etc.)
Rain for sure.

Best time I’ve had playing with a pet
I love getting my parents dog all wound up. He gets all jumpy and dances. He is an English Bulldog so that can get very fun to watch.

The favorite picture I’ve ever taken?
That's a hard one! I have so many, but let's go with this one: It's like the sign is saying "Stop and look up! It's so beautiful up there!

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Happy Monday! I hope you all had a fantastic weekend. I know up here in the tundra of NY we had some pretty awesome weather. Yeah it was only 40 but man was that nice! So today I wanted to make a special announcement. If you have been following me for awhile, you are already probably familiar with that I'm about to tell you. Drum roll please...

I am teaming up once again with Julie from Girl on the Move, and Jen from Jenerally Informed to bring you the second installment of The Blog Staycation! If you remember, we did the first ever
Blog Staycation back in August of 2014 and it was a huge hit. Unfamiliar with it? Let me explain.

The blog staycation is a span of 4 days where you dedicate yourself to working on your blog. This means taking care of some of those to do lists, bring more productivity, and meeting some other fantastic bloggers! You can choose whatever it is that you want to work on. You can participate in all 4 days or only what works for your schedule. We will be hosting Twitter and Facebook chats to get everyone pumped up!

Here are the important details that you need to know!

Who Can Join? ANY bloggers…doesn’t matter where you live or what kind of blog you have!

When Is It? The Blog Staycation will launch with a Twitter party on March 25th at 9pm EST.  Then the fun continues all weekend long and here’s the great thing…you can do as much or as little as you want!

What Will Happen? We’ll kick the party off with a Twitter chat and then from there you can decide how you want to participate.  You can stay in your house all weekend and just work to your hearts content on your blog.  You can join in a few Facebook chats over the week to get support and ideas for some of the things on your to do list.  You can choose to just set aside one hour a day during the weekend and work on  your blog.  Do what works best for YOU!

Anything Else?  We can’t tell you everything, because there needs to be a few surprises!

I Have a Few Questions…We’d love to answer those for you!  Comment below or email me!
Got it? Get signed up below!
 I want to participate in the Blog Staycation!

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Unboxing of Influenster XO VoxBox

Happy Friday internet! Since it is Friday and all we can think about is the weekend, I figured I wouldn't make you think to much. I'm unboxing my Influenster XO VoxBox today. All you have to do is watch!

I will be doing a review on all of the products next week so stay tune! Thanks for watching and Happy Friday!

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