Monday, I love you!

Normally you would never hear (or see) me say, "Thank God it's Monday!", but seriously guys.. I was so over last week and Monday was looking mighty fine with her moody cranky self. Yes I am embracing the new week with open arms. The weekend wasn't to shabby which is probably another reason I am feeling good on a Monday.

I had myself a good cry on Thursday, which also seems to make you feel better no matter what the reason was for the cry. You almost always feel a little lighter and less tense. I trucked right through to Saturday feeling just a little bit taller then I was Thursday. I had faced a few of my fears and that brought some peace to my mind. Such an empowering feeling.

So about my weekend (Sorry this is a bit rambly today, but I needed to let some stuff out.).. Saturday was spent with my other half. Nothing out of the ordinary. I was able to get myself some new yoga gear for super cheap thanks to T.J.Maxx. A new mat and a yoga block make me so happy. I was fully prepared for my first ever yoga event on Sunday.

Back on Tuesday me and the other half went to a Fat Tuesday event. It was hosted by the United Way and they had some pretty great silent auctions. I put down a bid on 2 tickets to a yogathon happening Sunday. Did not think I would win, but for almost 70% off the cost I had myself a pair of tickets. (We also ended up with a one night stay to a hotel that just happens to be right by a wedding we are going to this summer for super cheap and some theater tickets. My man love me. lol).

I was really excited and nervous to attend since I only just got into going yoga. I was not able to find myself someone so short notice to attend with me, but I ended up having a great time (and really sore legs!). I learned a lot and really found myself enjoying it. It is starting to feel like it needs to be apart of my life. Now that my 6 week course has ended I think it's time to find a yoga home. Somewhere that I can go during the week when I need to let go of the negative and stresses of the day.

 Such a great ending to my weekend. Now one last thing before I go. I am hosting my first ever e-reader challenge starting on March 1st (This Sunday). I am also offering up a $25 giftcard as a grand prize drawing for everyone who completes the challenge. All you have to do is link up to be entered! Check out all the deets here ---->  E-Reader Spring Challenge  Hope to see you there!

How was you week? It seems like a lot of people had "that week". How was your weekend?

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2015 E-Reader Reading Challenge

Hello there my reading loving friends. Today is the day. I am announcing my e-book reading challenge categories! Now notice I keep saying e-book. There is a real good reason for this. A few weeks ago I opened up my kindle and noticed I had a TON of books. I'm a digital book hoarder folks. The struggle is real. I think I enjoy downloading books more then reading them. Odd. I know. So it got me thinking that there's got to be others out there like me.

Now the original thought was to set up categories and have you pick books out of all the books that are already downloaded to your e-reader. It sounded fun and all, but I can also understand that there are people out there who DO NOT hoard books like me. So in order to make this a fun affair, I want to invite all e-readers into the challenge.

Now here are the rules:

*The challenge will run from March 1st to May 31st. Books you are currently reading are not eligible to be used in this challenge. You must start these books on March 1st.

*All books MUST be available on e-readers. I will check to make sure it is as I am offering a prize at the end of this.

*You must finish all books by the deadline. A no brainer, I know.

* Additional points will be added to those who do pick all books from books already downloaded onto their e-reader. Now we are going with the honor system here folks, so lets be honest.

Now here's the categories:

#1 A book with a one word title - 5 points
#2 A book already downloaded that you have not read - 4 Points
#3 A book you would be embarrassed to admit you read (And tell us why) - 3 points
#4 A book with a color in the title- 4 Points
#5 A non-fiction book that will better your life (Example: The Happiness Project) - 4 points
#6 Pi Day is March 14th- Pick a book with 314 pages (Pi = 3.141592653) - 4 Points
#7 Daylight savings is ending and Spring is coming- Pick a book with the word Spring, Daylight, or Savings in the title. - 4 Points
#8 April Fool's day is coming, read a humorous book - 4 Points
#9 April 22nd is Earth Day. Read a book about Nature, the Earth, or living "Green"- 4 Points
#10 May is the kickoff of Summer and a time where we remember our veterns: Read a book with Summer or Remember in the title.  4 Points

You can accumulate 40 points if you follow this list exactly. If you are able to pick a book from each category that you already had downloaded on your e-reader I will give you an additional 5 points for each book. If you pick all of your books from current downloads your points will double so a total of 80 points. Again please be honest with this. I can not physically see each one of your e-readers to check so please be honest when logging your books.

I will give away a $25 Amazon gift card at the end of the challenge. All participants must be signed up (by linking up to this you are signed up!) to be eligible for the drawing.

Thank you all and good luck! Can't wait to see what everyone will be reading!

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Wellness Wednesday- Clarity

I have been doing some much needed soul searching this week. If you follow me on Twitter, you probably saw a few posts about sticking up for yourself. While in my counseling session this week I was talking about how I feel left out in a lot of areas in my life. Whether it's not being invited out  with friends or being completely ignored when I have an idea. I was told that no person has a right to discount my feelings or thoughts no matter what the purpose.

I have always had a hard time sticking up for myself or speaking up. I let people talk over me because it has been happening for so long I just assume anything I have to say doesn't matter. Last week in my yoga class we talked about the Chakra that has to do with the throat and our voice. It was said that we need to let it all out and stop making ourselves a prisoner in our own bodies. 

I started with a post on Facebook, speaking my concerns and was overwhelmed with all of the responses I got. All encouraging and all true. I need to start taking action in my own life. I need to feel empowered in all of the achievements I have reached. I do not deserves to be lied to or made to feel like I do not matter.

And just like that I received a letter in the mail from a dear friend, like she knew I needed cheering up. Sometimes life works in mysterious ways. I think opening up the idea of feeling empowered helps to move into that state of mind. I am hoping from now on I can do that and stop discounting myself. 

I wonder how often this happens. Do you feel this way sometimes? I'm curious to know! Please feel free to share your stories.

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Irish Cream Brownies

Yesterday I posted an Instagram photo of one of my favorite Valentine's day treats. It is super easy and super delicious. You can whip this up in under an hour. Be prepared to get asked a lot for the recipe because it's that good. Now prepare to be wowed at how easy this is.

What you need:
1 box of brownie mix (Choose any kind)
2 Eggs
Heavy Cream
Baileys Irish Cream
Powdered Sugar

Follow directions on brownie mix. Cut the water measurement in half and add the Irish cream as your other half. Bake brownies an extra 5 to 6 minutes.

While the brownies are baking get out a mixing bowl. Pour half a pint of heavy cream in and mix on low. Add half a cup of Irish Cream and 1/4 cup of powdered sugar. Whip on high until you have a stiff cream. Chill in refrigerator.

Allow brownies to cool. Once brownies are completely cooled (this is important), cut into squares and set on a baking sheet. Spread a big scoop of the Irish Cream whipped cream onto each brownie. Place the brownies in the freezer for 15 minutes.

Now wasn't that easy? Serve chilled and enjoy!

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High Five for Friday!

Oh my word has it been a week.  I was so happy to see Friday rolling around, and H54F to save my sorry butt for having NOTHING prepared. I'm not 100% sure why this week was such a disaster. Maybe it was the fact that it snowed EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Or the fact that every one at work was in just as great a mood as me and that didn't mesh well for anyone. No matter what the reason was, I am just so glad we made it to today. I am sure I have 5 positive things somewhere in this week to talk about.

#1. Influenster. That website just makes my whole week. I won a challenge a few months back and it promised me into a VoxBox soon. They put me into the XO box and I couldn't be happier! It's even more exciting because I just wrapped up the Frosty VoxBox, which was a lot of fun! If you are not on Influenster you are missing out folks! Seriously the link is right here----> Join Influenster

#2. I am participating in the online baby shower through Sampler. I participated back in October when they did it and it had such a great response they are doing it again. You are able to participate if you are pregnant, are an aunt/uncle, or grandparent. There are flash giveaways daily as well as sampling events. It's a pretty cool event. Make sure you like "Sampler" online to get involved in the next one as this one ends today.

#3 I am hanging out on Anne from Love the Here and Now's side bar for the next 30 days! I am so excited because I love Anne's blog and her approach to supporting her sponsors. She is a promoting machine! I love that. I can only hope to be as awesome as Anne when and if I decide to offer sponsorships on this blog.

#4.  I keep talking about this reading challenge. Now I suppose I need to get the word out. The challenge is going to start on Sunday, March 1st and run through Sunday, May 31st. This is going to be an e-reader challenge. I will post the categories and sign ups on Friday February 20th. This will give you all enough time to decide on books and all that jazz before the challenge begins. Can't wait!

 #5. Tomorrow is Valentine's Day! Whether you celebrate or not I have some pretty great last minute budget date ideas for tomorrow. Take a peek and see if you can bring out the romantic in you.

I hope you all have a great week! See you back here on Monday! :P