We all have that question we are just DYING to answer, but it doesn't
ever seem to come. My new series allows bloggers to submitted their own set of
questions AND answers in effort to get some stuff out there that they
normally aren't asked. If this doesn't define the lifestyle blogger, I
don't know what does. So sit back, relax, and expect some fun over the
next few weeks!
Today I am welcoming Jenn who blogs over at Business, Life, and Design. I really love how Jenn incorporates her design work into her blogging. She has some great posts that really make you think. She touches on subjects that are dying for a response. You can't read her stuff and not comment. I love that! Her questions suck you in!
1. If your blog could have a super power, what would you choose?
Jenn - Self deprecatory humor that never falls flat! I love poking fun at
myself and reading others who aren't afraid to do the same. But it's
harder to get across without the joking tone you would use in person.
2. Now that your blog is a super hero, what would you say is it's greatest weakness?
Jenn- Either the posts I schedule when they're not quuiiite finished, or
sloppy proofreading. Sometimes I check again after things have been
posted, but I'll be honest - most of my posts are frenziedly typed in
the heat of the moment (or thought. Heat of the thought?). But my
family is pretty literary minded, and not shy about pointing out my
errors, so I think we get most of them.
3. How would you describe your blogging style?
Jenn - I like words, and I enjoy a well-turned phrase, or solidly stated
point. The emphasis is very definitely on the writing and not a bunch
of pictures (sorry, guys, gifs are just not for everyone), although I
include them when relevant. I do break all the grammar rules, though,
but I break them because I choose to disregard them, not because I don't
know what they are. (<-- Prime example. I do what I want!)
4. What is your ulterior motive for blogging? (because, let's be honest, everyone's got something)
Jenn - I started the blog with my graphic design business in mind. Then I
forgot all about that and thought about trying to get in on the
sponsorship thing. Now I've decided to just blog for the fun of it, and
when I talk design, it's because I enjoy it and because I'm so proud of
myself and my clients that I just have to share. BUT if we're being
honest, I certainly wouldn't mind if a few more graphic design projects
came my way. It's there if you want it, but don't worry! I'm too lazy
to really market it.
5. Why should we read your blog anyway?
Jenn -
I wouldn't say it's for everyone. You won't find DIY, crafts, or
fashion (well, a couple exceptions here - but it's more like that
self-deprecatory thing I was talking about earlier). A lot of it is
thoughts and reflections on societal structure and cultural expectations, documentation of my search for self actualization (bucket lists, etc), and the occasional family story. If you like reading, and you like to chat about the things you read, come on by! Let's have a conversation.
Thank you Jenn! As always, LOVED your answers! Go stop on by and check Jenn out! Her approach is different and her content is great. And hey if you're looking for some graphic work, she's your gal!
Make sure to come back next Monday for another defining lifestyle with Ash who blogs over at The Grits Blog! Have a great Monday!
Thank you Jenn! As always, LOVED your answers! Go stop on by and check Jenn out! Her approach is different and her content is great. And hey if you're looking for some graphic work, she's your gal!
Make sure to come back next Monday for another defining lifestyle with Ash who blogs over at The Grits Blog! Have a great Monday!