Fit-Trish: The sick files

Welcome back to another week of Fit-Trish. A series where I show you how to live a healthy life on a budget! You may have noticed a new little tab on my home page that says "series". This is where you will find all of my posts in this series along with new series I plan to do in the future. I am in the process of getting everything organized. Once that is done you will be able to check out everything in one space.

This has not been a very productive fitness week for me. Work was insane and I came down with a bug. I managed to make it to the gym one day this week and it felt so good. I am still on the mend so I decided to share with you what I did to help my fitness and my health while I was feeling under the weather.

I did not want to totally forget about my goals just because I was feeling sick. I really upped my water intake this week. I added a half a lemon to my bottle to give me that extra boost through out the day. This helped keep unwanted snacking at bay. We all know when we don't feel good we reach for comfort foods. I also drank a lot of peppermint tea to help with any bloating. Whatever bug got me sure added to the bloating of the stomach. Not fun! I also ate lots of fruits and veggies to get all the essential vitamins.

I kept exercising to a minimum but still managed to take small walks whenever I got the chance. It helped get the blood circulating and cleared my head. Even a 10 minute walk is enough to get everything moving and it can be a real mood booster. I did some squats and arm exercises. I kept all reps to a minimum making sure not to over do it and stayed away from ab exercises because my stomach was not feeling well.

When I did brave the gym on Wednesday I mainly did cardio on the treadmill. Again I did not over do it and did just enough to get my heart pumping. Once I started to feel tired I stopped. I felt like I accomplished something even though all I felt like doing was laying on my couch with a blanket. I am starting to feel better and I am hoping I can get back to my regular schedule next week. I am sorry this is short, but I hope it helps you on your journey when sickness strikes.

Have a great Friday!

Vacation in my own city: A Bucket List

I have been thinking a lot lately about places and things I would like to do in my city. A local real estate agent is doing a project 365 on all the things you can do here as a way to show potential customers why this place is so great. I think it is brilliant and has given me so many new places I need to explore. I have lived in my city for just over 2 years and seeing this post on all the places made me realize how behind I am with all the wonderful gems there are here!

I want have to see these things, so I have decided over the next 4 months (Til the end of 2014 folks) I want to cross off as many of these things as possible.  Thankfully there are a mix of things that can be done indoors and outdoors so I can achieve the outdoor ones first while the weather is still good and once winter comes I will have to move it indoors! You should join me! Explore your city.

Just to give you a little taste of that's been included on this list so far, (In case you need some ideas!) here are a few of the categories she has touched on:

  • Visit a plantation/garden/ect
  • Go to a festival
  • Hike at least 3 new locations
  • Visit a zoo
  • Go to at least 3 2 plays (Crossed one off already!)
  • Go to a yard sale
  • Visit a museum
  • Visit 3 new restaurants
  • Wine Tour
  • Visit an antique store
  • Special events unique to your city
  • Research what your city is known for

Now I will probably go back and add to this list as I go because I am sure I am missing some key things. All of these categories can be achieved in my area. I can't wait to share some of my experiences with you all over the next 4 months!

Have you ever "vacationed" in your city? How was it? Share your links or experiences!
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What's my job again?

It's Monday again. What better way to start the day then to talk about work. Yep. I went there. Work on a Monday sounds so awful. But I promise this blog isn't going to be awful (Or so I hope you don't feel that way). Anyways, last week I was cleaning out my desk at work (More on that soon) and I came across the paper I was given when I first started at my company. The requirements of my job. I kid you not, the list goes a little something like this:

Morning Priorities
- Check e-mail and forward as needed.
- Checking fax machine and distributing faxes as needed.
- Checking calendar to see who is out for the day.
- Making sure that if customers are visiting that signs are in the foyer.
- Entering and mailing of invoices.
- Shipping.
-Any other duties that arise.

Afternoon Priorities
- Getting mail after lunch and distributing to mailboxes.
- Sending conformations (Yes that's how its spelled on the sheet) @ 2:00 p.m.
- Shipping
- Shipping Sheets
- Filing (If there is coverage)
- Any other duties that arise.

I sat there for a minute and read this list over and over again. This does not sound anything like my job. I have been in my position for 2.5 years and this is not my job. I have many responsibilities that are far more complex than sending "conformations" or checking the calendar.. My day is full of new challenges and lists of things that need to get accomplished. Most days I leave and my desk looks like a bomb went off because I have so much to do and no time to do it.

All of these things listed are tiny little slivers of what I do on a daily basis. Lets talk about my morning first. I am constantly checking and replying to email. The fax machine rarely distributes anything because who uses a fax machine these days? I do check the calendar, but not to the point where I need it as a requirement. Same thing with customer visits. It's not rocket science people. Invoices are delivered at all times of the days, and sometimes I yell at them in my head because they won't stop coming. Shipping. That could be a job all in it's own, but I am a ninja master and get that shit done pronto. As far as any other duties that arise,the list is endless. Literally.

Now my afternoon seems way more complex than my morning. I am STILL checking and replying to email. I get so busy that other people bring in my mail. And come to thing of it where on the requirements does it tell me to take OUT the mail? I send those conformations which takes me 3 minute tops. We already discussed shipping. Don't get me started on those shipping sheets. If I could have a bonfire with them, they would be toast! (Or ash I suppose.. ). I file freely throughout the day as time permits. I leave my post for this because I don't want my desk to look like a mess forever. They forgot to add reports. I send a ton of those babies. Up to 100 a day sometimes. And then back to those other duties.. please don't remind me.

As you can see, I have quite a bit of work on my plate daily. This job requirement sheet doesn't even begin to scratch the surface. It keep my questioning, what's my job again? Can you guess? Any ideas of that I do everyday? I'll give you a cookie if you can guess!

Have a great Monday everyone!

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