Lets just say it was one of those days where I had to really try hard to find something to be grateful for. We all have those days where we feel defeated and like nothing is going right.
For me, running on maybe 2 hours of sleep, I was able to find 2 things to be grateful for yesterday. The first was the beautiful weather we had. It was near 70 and felt oh so good. A warm pleasant day always puts me in a good mood. Hearing all the birds chirping and the laughter of kids as they play outdoors. Being able to leave the house with only a light coat and flats with no socks. Those are my kind of days.
Then I enjoy the sweet sounds of the night coming alive as all the creatures serenade us with their chirps and songs. Sleeping with my window open is soothing to me. I laid down and felt myself drifting off into a quiet place as the nature lullaby relaxed my tired body. Something I would call Heaven.
As I laid there I could hear Grace come in from outside and come running up the stairs. She greeted me with a loud meow that startled me, even though I knew she was there. She instantly came up to get some attention and when she realized I was not that interested after a few pets, she decided to find somewhere to sleep.
She struggled with getting into R's armoire and knocked over the alarm clock in the process. It fell loudly for some reason, even making a big crash noise onto the carpeted floor. Once again I was startled awake.
It was quiet again for maybe a second or 2 before Cher started belting out at the top of her lungs "If I could turn back time.."
It was clear someone was trying to cheer me up. This was some kind of sign for sure. I am not sure what kind it was, but all I could do was burst into a big laughing fit. What else can you do when you have the Monday-iest day ever?
I was grateful for the laughter and whoever in the universe knew I needed that laugh.
Ever have one of those days?

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