Friday Magic

Welcome to the magic. Do you feel the magic in the air? Usually this is something I reserve strictly for the Fall (My favorite time of year!), but this year something feels super magical about the Spring.

I can feel something brewing in the energy around me. Something big is about to happen. 

Maybe it is just me being super happy that it is FINALLY Friday and I need something to carry me through, but somehow I think it is more then that.

Do you ever have those feelings? You can feel the change coming, but can't quite put your finger on what it is?

It could also be that the light is finally here. We are moving out of the darkness of the winter and moving to warmer and brighter times. I don't know about you, but the warmth and the bright sun always makes me feel better.

Over the next few weeks you will probably see a little bit more of me as I prepare for the big move (EEEK!) and my mind wants to just spew all the things about it.

I am also slowly getting back to reading blogs again. I have missed all of your daily knowledge and stories. I literally would come home everyday from work and scroll the internet looking for houses for sale and things I can do to make all kinds of changes around me.

But here I am.. I've moved through all of the darkness of winter and all of the hurdles of getting my family into a bigger space that suits our needs better. The first quarter of this year is already almost over and I feel like I did a lot of work in it. Work that can't exactly be seen by everyone, but work that made important strides in my life.

I truly hope you all have a wonderful and magical start to your weekend. Spring is here and the light is coming. To everyone who has struggled through the darkness of Winter, know things are getting better. Look to the light and even if only for a moment, you can see the glimmer of hope to better days to come.

Namaste my friends.

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