How many goals in life have you made, but felt you would NEVER meet them so you either give them up or stop working on them? We probably all are guilty of this. I know I am definitely guilty of this. Today I want to talk to you a little bit about webinars and why they are super important to achieving goals.
I have a marketing degree and have worked in operations and fundraising and have found webinars and online courses VERY resourceful for my building blocks in these positions. We can always learn more. It is always great to take courses in subjects we already feel we are experts at. That statement is bolded for a reason.
Imagine you thought you knew it all, and then someone came in and gave you a perspective you didn't think to look in. Mind blown right? Every person comes to the table with a different and new to you perspective. Remember, this is because we ALL come from different walks of life. We all have experienced different recipes, if you may.
We are all a custom recipe that is nearly impossible to duplicate. We can teach people a specific topic and duplicate it over and over again, but we can never teach someone to think exactly like us. Trust me when I say, you will learn something from every person who teaches something. That lesson may even be, you don't want to be anything like them. That's actually a very important lesson.
Always be you. But apply what you learn in your way. This week I am starting another webinar course to help me achieve some of my goals. It excites me when I find one that I know will help me. I don't mind spending the money to get the resources I need to build my brand and achieve my goals. I have always love that "back to school" feeling and am glad I can do that on my terms on my time right here on the internet.
There are literally hundreds of thousands of places to find and take webinars. A lot of times you can find free ones that will give you the basics to the in depth paid course. Sometimes the freebies are enough, but sometimes they spark something in you that makes you want to take the full course. The free webinars are also a great way to see if you will like the teacher and how they present their content.
Last night I did exactly this. I watched a free webinar and ended up loving it. I decided to take the plunge and sign up for the full course. Often in these free webinars, there is an offer at the end to save on the course. You will get a discount for taking a chance on the free webinar. It's pretty amazing.
So I'm interested in knowing.. do you use webinars and online courses? Have you found success in them? Share your experiences with me!
Gratefull for sharing this